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Everything posted by pensacolatiger

  1. Potato in chief lost all credibility in the fight against covid when he criticized trump for travel bans w/ China. He was either incredibly stupid or in on the Chinese plan to mass spread.
  2. Wait - are you saying there’s still people that doubt the committee’s findings? https://gop-foreignaffairs.house.gov/finalcovid-19pandemicoriginsreport/ Cliff notes version - China created it, purposely distributed it, bribed US officials to say it was evil to initiate a travel ban, bribed the WHO to give them time to spread it, and now they are anal swabbing Americans entering the country for the Olympics while potato in chief watches.
  3. I don’t think they can separate anymore. People saw what was happening when state governments were suing churches for not locking down. Hell, in Canada they are still trying to keep people out of church. There’s a war against Christians, if more people don’t make their religion political it will be over quickly
  4. Wow - I gathered that CoffeeTiger was a nut, but posting a meme that mocks a Bible verse, Yeesh. I’d be angrier if I didn’t feel the need to pray for his twisted little heart.
  5. Interesting to see the table turn on this:-) I have no problem with people seeking the jab to feel better, it’s just the ones that criticize those who don't as irresponsible and naive. https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2022/jan/18/health-department-warning-over-vaccine-mandate-for-nhs-england-staff
  6. I understand your point. The fact check thing makes it sound like it’s dead in the water. But as you stated, it was a resolution and there’s a strong collection of state lawmakers that desire to see it through. See Wisconsin’s recent decision to sign on to the convention of the states proposal for a reference of their current state of mind.
  7. By all means, don’t listen to me. https://www.audacy.com/kmox/news/national/cdc-director-says-vaccines-are-not-preventing-transmission I get that the shot makes you feel safer.
  8. If “there’s no evidence of widespread fraud” is easier for you to believe than all of the loose ends that have been surfacing, I don’t know what else could be said to you. You’re embarrassed of someone you don’t know? Kind of weird, maybe think of me less? I think the three of you should stay away from political discussions for awhile, seems to make you upset and have weird feelings for people you don’t know
  9. Ok - go ahead w/ the numbers. I’m waiting to hear about reduced transmission by vaccinated because……..well, it’s false. Want to see into the future? Take a look at British Health Services recent decisions regarding vaccines, mandates, etc. I have no problem with anyone getting vaccinated, I’m glad it makes you feel safer. But to criticize people that aren’t vaccinated who responsibly laid low while vaccinated attended what super spreader events they deemed entertaining, well that’s just stupid. But drum on w/ the irresponsible narrative, you do you i don’t think I’ve ever had a flu shot. I’m not against people getting them. I didn’t get a covid shot, not because I think they are evil, but because I have a genetic risk that’s more risky than covid it’s self.
  10. “Poorly written” and “coffeetiger”, I had a feeling you might be wearing a little beret w/ tight rolled pants whilst angrily chastising evil capitalists that prevent you from making a decent living w/ your English degree. This board is so effin awesome, I had no idea I could find people so entertaining.
  11. I don’t have to reply now, homer is so geared up he’s answering his own questions.🤣 one thing I do find interesting, I claimed there is evidence of fraud. I also pointed to the painfully obvious assertion that in no universe does this effin potato get 81M votes. This country has a good supply of morons, but it’s not that far gone. Did trump win? Who knows? But there’s more evidence of fraud than not. If “muh cnn/npr” doesn’t allow you to have an open mind about that, that’s ok. My day is equally pleasant.
  12. You’re amazing, never change. It’s like you’ve mainlined cnn/npr for 12 months and been shielded from all data or reality. I’d ask if you voted for the worst president in US history, but it’s clear, you’d flaunt it. Because cnn/npr told you things are better now. Dont watch the new D’Souza documentary, there’s too much in it that your mind would have to develop alternate realities for, it could be dangerous for you.
  13. Lol - I asked for data to support your assertion of being irresponsible. If a car dealer runs a credit check before giving you a loan, is that deflecting? or maybe it’s just a preliminary check to see if you’re qualified to even be in the discussion
  14. Point to the recent stats on transmission involving vaxxed and get back to us on the irresponsible comment🤣
  15. Forgot to add this….. https://rumble.com/vtt0is-confirmed-25000-counterfeit-ballots-included-in-az-audit-count.html
  16. Just wait til they get that 11th booster, that will be the sweet spot. I promise….
  17. See the UK’s recent Health Services discovery on the vaccine and suspension of all mandates/etc. to know which way the wind is blowing on this topic
  18. Sorry your Marxist beliefs won’t get to take root in the state of Florida?
  19. Actually, the statistical analysis is a stronger piece of evidence than anything the state of PA has submitted as rebuttal. Until an actual audit is performed…….lol, your mind is set anyway. If you believe Biden received 81M legitimate votes, there’s nothing else to discuss with you
  20. I’ll take that as a compliment. Maybe I outworked my limited IQ potential to achieve two engineering degrees😁 Or maybe you’re making the mistake of assuming inferior intelligence is the only possible reason someone could disagree with your opinion?
  21. I don’t mean this in a mean way, but anyone that’s taken a statistics class knows that 3am vote drop election night was mathematically impossible. If we take out all of the math, opposing political opinions, there is no way 81M people voted for this senile potato. More votes than Obama…….come on🤣
  22. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/mathematics-prof-says-sworn-statement-many-56000-gop-ballots-pa-may-be
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