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Everything posted by pensacolatiger

  1. No - your opinion just doesn’t carry much weight. Instead of owning up to the transmission topic, you pivoted to viral load. Face it, you got duped into getting a meaningless, dangerous shot. But hey, after the 8th booster maybe you’ll see something cool
  2. Sorry you don’t understand the intent of public forum doctrine?
  3. Lol - NY ruled it unconstitutional to require a shot that doesn’t prevent transmission. How many of your communist overlords touted “it’s selfish to not get the shot, think of others” and when that was disproved, quickly pivoted to “but muh viral loads”? I’m sorry some of you weren’t smart enough to even see that progression
  4. If you understand public forum doctrine you understand that recent judgments in favor of social media suppression are due only to our legal system lagging too far behind technology.
  5. Half the officials elected in DC are retarded, why stop now?🤣
  6. I think you took my comment wrong. I’m not making fun of pelosi, I just doubt it’s legit. In the last election a lot of idiots fell for the “muh racists” marching in Charlottesville. All it took was some FBI agents dressed up as racists, this smells like the same kind of scenario
  7. I forgot to mention Powell, he was arrogant enough to publicly acknowledge that things won’t get better until retail traders “give in”
  8. It’s a war against American citizens, banks wage it, the media (owned by hedgefunds) nods off to it, while our politicians golf clap to it
  9. Does this mean we’ll see FBI agents dressed as white supremacists soon?
  10. It’s clear on every lib post you make, we can almost smell the soy on your breath
  11. This where “muh democracy” slips on the whole constitution thing
  12. Lol - that’s your interpretation of what this is about? No, it’s about getting more transparency on topics like “most secure election ever”, “the shot will keep you from transmitting covid”, “our border is secure”, “gasoline was $5 a gallon when I took office”, and “the economy is damn strong”
  13. Can’t help it, you, TT, Coffee……..everything you say just makes it crystal clear. All 3 of you definitely sit when you pee🤣🤣🤣
  14. We could be that happy too. If only we’d embrace half-baked, no math, communist ideas
  15. Oh no, your picture is definitely based on things you say and do 🤣🤣🤣
  16. As of last night, a lot of people are watching very closely
  17. I’m just here for the election tampering charges
  18. No gme, but I do think it will pop. 100M shares shorted appeared out of thin air last night as CS was getting gutted
  19. The difference was, nobody listens to her. Just some busted looking women in pant suits
  20. Sounds like the same party that allied it’s self with communist terrorists and burned down any city they could
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