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Everything posted by pensacolatiger

  1. Depends on the number of Ruby Freeman’s the Dem’s hired
  2. Well - look at the typical vaccine development schedule. 5-10 years is the normal clip
  3. So your answer is you don’t think the Ten Commandments matter or are applicable to today’s society. What kind of church do you attend?
  4. Because it doesn’t prevent spread. I work in a large environment and everyone that’s getting it 3-4x is vaccinated. You could argue viral load, but I don’t think the difference in load is sufficient to prevent or even slow spread
  5. I responded to someone asking if I got vaccinated after I already had covid🤣
  6. I still have 2 questions though: 1) I already had severe covid, why would I even consider a vaccine now? 2) if the govt’s objective was to protect us, why the attempts to mandate a vaccine that doesn’t prevent spread? And not consider previous infection?
  7. It’s like the left live in an alternate reality. I mean, just try to post something that’s at least half true
  8. Why do you guys keep trying to answer a question addressed to someone else?
  9. But the atheist was telling me I shouldn’t talk about religion🤣
  10. Do you speak for a band of soy brethren? this thread is literally a picture of Jesus and a politician. And you’re dumb enough to say, hey let’s not talk about religion. We get it, you’re an atheist clown. But why would you feel entitled to speak on religion? I don’t give medical advice……..because I’m not a Dr.
  11. You volunteered but nobody wanted your feedback. Not even your soy bros. So converse on something that is relevant to you
  12. I asked him a question, he answered. We have dialog on a topic. See yourself out. if I wanted advice on estrogen pills, how to tuck, or what kind of leggings to wear I’d seek you out. But on this topic, you have nothing to offer.
  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hillary-clinton-trump-is-an-illegitimate-president/2019/09/26/29195d5a-e099-11e9-b199-f638bf2c340f_story.html
  14. So you compromise a commandment with what you feel is the modern “need” for everyone to get along. The question stands - what other commandments do you feel are not necessary to follow?
  15. Hell - they don’t have to outperform Biden. in the midst of a global pandemic he argued to keep travel open with surging case countries, refused to defend our border. He locked down oil drilling. Then thought raising taxes during 7.4% 30 year interest rates and record inflation would “help Americans”. He’s either the dumbest ish to sit at the desk or he’s aimed against us. But sure, there’s nothing the republicans could do to improve things🤣🤣🤣
  16. Are there other commandments you compromise on?
  17. Do you support the baby killers over Trump?
  18. Where do you even find this stuff? Read the bullet points again, if you can’t identify three of the 5 bullet points that are blatant lies I don’t think there’s anyone here that can help you
  19. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2118946 this is one of the studies confirming natural immunity is greater. Don’t recall if this is the one 1600% was derived from
  20. But that was wrong, it does nothing to reduce transmission. People were correct to question that data. why in the hell would I even consider getting vaccinated now? 1600x the immunity when you get it vs the shot. Why would someone even ask this question🤣
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