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Everything posted by pensacolatiger

  1. Your reply would have been witty if leftist idiots like Maxine and Nancy weren’t advocating trouble and violence in the streets. The left allied themselves with extremists, the political end is near for them
  2. That’s the great thing about poopy pants, worst president any of us will live to see. So bad, no way the left has a chance in hell. Trump or Ron will win, and over half the population will get to enjoy skyscreaming videos on youtube
  3. Lol - Come on now, you can’t possibly believe that only one side of the aisle has lied about reducing govt size.
  4. I mean, carry on w/ the feaux outrage. Cnn couldn’t even sync up their commentary of violent thugs, criminals w/ something outrageous. Just old people milling around. But go ahead and let the regime that allied themselves with a communist, terrorist organization openly……..go ahead and let them tell you how to feel. You probably get emotional watching professional wrestling too
  5. By storm, do you mean Capitol police allowing them to enter and stay within the velvet ropes while old people tour? Ok
  6. So much projection🤣 no President has abused the American people with more unconstitutional moves than poopy pants, no comparison. Not to mention he’s working hard to get us nuked by Russia. How do you even read this left wing, communist fretting crap🤣🤣🤣
  7. Do we vote for him or the guy that talks to dead people in public?
  8. He probably visited our political board and just couldn’t stomach this place anymore🤣
  9. Just read his quote - it’s really weird, but I’ve never been a fan of him. While I agree that reparations are stupid, his wuite wouldn’t make me cheer
  10. Where are these racists you speak of? Been looking high and low for those muthas
  11. I remember that, the jackass on cnn talking about the thugs and villains breaching the Capitol as a little old lady walks within the velvet ropes touring the Capitol. And it was nice of the Capitol police to let her in
  12. There is a battle in this country, and the left really, really wants you to overlook the fact they allied themselves with a communist, terrorist organization and burned our cities. Well, I remember. I’m willing to bet a few more folks remember too
  13. First - that’s your interpretation Second - who is advocating not to love people despite their preferences? Gluttony is a sun, but I still love my big friends. Third - I’m grateful you have a relationship with Jesus Christ
  14. If you read Romans 1 and come to any other conclusion, I don’t really know there’s anything else to say to you
  15. I posted something like this a few years back. Now I disappear into the woods for the second half of the season and hardly look back
  16. The banks have declared war on American citizens. Things won’t recover until they accept the losses on some of their recent reckless bets
  17. Thanks for posting - villains on both sides of the aisle. There needs to be a purge and some major changes
  18. We have one job as Christians, to witness. If a female friend decides she wants to sew on a fire hose, I don’t have to hate her for it. But I wouldn’t be doing my job to point out God has better plans for her.
  19. We are definitely in an economic war - the banks have declared war on retail traders and the current administration is watching counterfeit shorting attacks on the daily, sad time to be an American
  20. That probably should have been a topic our previous AD touched on w/ our dead coach walking
  21. Thanks for catching me up, I used to come here regularly. The team’s performance the past few years has killed my offseason interest. Now, I barely know what time the games are coming on and spend the 2nd half of the season in a deer stand
  22. I saw a post that insinuated Harsin is against NIL in general. If that’s the case, are we still wondering why he’s failing so bad at retention and recruiting? We’ve complained about the Turds paying players for years, now we can pay them and we decline?
  23. Your whole argument breaks down when the guy you supported said “hey, we should keep travel lanes open w/ that country that’s overwhelming their crematoriums right now” yep - infinite word count post and your argument still crumbles because poopy pants wanted to leave travel open w/ a country that had a raging pandemic firing up. Nothing you can say covers that up, it’s funny to watch you continue to trip over it though. in fact, your selection for president is so bad at his job, half the country wonders if he’s a CCP installed saboteur. Are there other aspects of your life that you should be embarrassed of and are avoiding? We at aufamily can help🤣
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