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Everything posted by pensacolatiger

  1. Hey - if you’ve accepted Christ as your lord and Savior, that’s the ticket. I just saw some things in your response that make me question what’s going on in your heart. There seems to be some blurriness in your politics and your religion, but I don’t dislike you for it. It’s your life, you do you
  2. If my intent was to beat the guy up about his view, you are correct, that’s Pharisee behavior. If my intent is to say hey brother, there’s a better way for us, I wouldn’t compare that to Pharisee behavior. Thank God he only knows our hearts.
  3. I struggled with reading the Bible too at first, I still struggle with staying focused at times. Have you tried starting with the New Testament? I’m not dismissing the Old Testament, it’s just the New Testament is faster paced and has more attention grabbing content.
  4. I actually agree with most of what you’re saying here, but don’t agree on who’s allowing it. In the last two years, one of the greatest transfers of wealth have occurred from the middle class to banks and hedge funds. Banks and hedge funds are holding the market hostage right now because they don’t want to relinquish what they gained betting on losses (illegally). This is all unfolding under a Democrat majority watch. Gary Gensler, SEC Chair appointed by Biden has publicly acknowledged the felonies banks and hedgefunds are committing against American investors. Maxine Waters, the chair of the financial services committee acknowledged felonies committed in an open hearing. Are Republicans clean in this, hell no. But to close your eyes and ears and scream Democrats are the solution to the wealth/tax problems is just absurd at this point.
  5. Not judging at all, just offering insight. If your biblical view is, well lots of modern day people fail at this or that commandment so I’m not going to hold myself accountable, God has a better plan for us. Jesus was sent to save us from our sins. But his grace is not a reason to continue in sin.
  6. Yes - and where are his words recorded?
  7. This made me really sad, and to think…….there are people that already voted for him https://www.axios.com/2022/10/26/fetterman-pennsylvania-senate-debate-midterms
  8. You may want to re-examine your faith. If you truly believe you are justified to side with baby killers because your opinion of the right is they are idol worshippers…….I don’t really know what’s going on with you, but it’s not guided by the Bible.
  9. The simple truth is the Democrat party hasn’t started to embrace loving one another, they’ve just shifted from wanting to enslave one race to enslaving an entire nation under communism. “Muh democracy” is just a preview of the destruction they’ll push for when the next election doesn’t go their way.
  10. If the party I supported had such a racist history that I was ashamed of, I might post as much as possible to counter that fact too.
  11. It seems like you are stereotyping a race and speaking for them. That seems kind of racist. Which of those facts in my post doesn’t seem true to you?
  12. Are you part of the team that developed the vaccine? Why do you feel the need to vehemently defend their work? How many court rulings are you going to ignore to justify your hypothesis based on early launch studies?
  13. I’ll try giving the short version. When COVID was kicking off, the FED printed a mess of money and was giving it away for almost nothing. The intent was to keep the market up by providing banks and hedgefunds with it. The problem was, these banks and hf’s figured out they could use the money to place “bets” on the market souring (buying puts). Over the last two years, things have gone downhill (covid, inflation, supply, wars, etc) so when these bad actors saw an excuse, they kept betting on the market getting worse. And when they ran out of shares to short, they created counterfeit shares to further drive the market down and continue their money making spree. The problem is when you create a counterfeit share (which is illegal), you eventually have to buy a real share to “close it” and not get fined by the SEC. If these bad actors continued this behavior with businesses that would eventually go bust, they’d never have to close and profit on the business demise. A group of investors have identified this behavior and stepped in to prop up these struggling businesses and hold the bad actors accountable. Now, the market is showing signs of trying to recover, but the bad actors are so oveeleveraged they can’t cover what they owe. 5 major hf’s and 2 banks have/are collapsing and more are coming. The SEC and DOJ know what’s happening but aren’t stepping in because they don’t want to be seen intervening in the middle of a collapse. I’m part of the investor group propping up these companies. I’ve been up ridiculous amounts, down ridiculous amounts, and have no idea if I’ll win. But if we do win, we get to kill a demonic force in the market and the money will just be a sweet bonus
  14. Because in your post, all I saw were excuses for not being a more focused Christian. I know that sounds harsh, but I mean it in a brotherly love way. Daily I miss opportunities to be a better Christian, but it’s important I see those opportunities and grow from the failures.
  15. A few things about your post catch my eye. How much of your congregation do you think shares your belief that parts of the Ten Commandments don’t apply to Christian believers?
  16. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/01/27/biden-suspends-oil-and-gas-drilling-in-series-of.html
  17. Helping somebody out don’t have to be a left or right thing man. What’s going on?
  18. I don’t like to hate on folks for being wrong, I’ve been wrong about plenty of things in my life. But the wannabe dr’s that have been criticizing and ridiculing me about “don’t be selfish” & “trust muh science”, I feel pretty good about giving them a hard time.
  19. He’s horrible. In general, if you are too lazy to recruit as an ncaa coach, you shouldn’t be considered as a senator. Earlier I mentioned demons on both sides of the aisle. TT is one of the top 3 inside traders. He’s so blatant with it, it’s almost like he’s not even embarrassed about it
  20. Why do you think only a lefty would want to help you?
  21. Why does the left sound so desperate? I mean, in your eyes Biden and co are doing great right?
  22. I’m neck deep in what’s happening on Wall Street right now. I typically lean to the right, but I can tell you for a fact the biggest villains in the economic situation are on both sides of the aisle. I give you guys slot of crap about the left, but there are some nefarious mofos involved right now. right now there is a much bigger risk to us and it’s the continuous counterfeit shorting that’s killing everyone’s investments, 2,200 companies to be precise. Hedge funds and banks got greedy and are on the verge of global collapse from doubling down too often on negative bets. We’ve never seen the kind of collapse that’s going down in the next two months, when the dollar fails it won’t even be news compared to what’s about to happen
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