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Everything posted by corchjay

  1. More specialized skill players. Heck even specialized offensive and defensive lineman now. The evolution of football is exciting to watch from afar. When I was a kid everyone ran the wishbone, then the I bone, then pro set, back to I formation with play action, then 1 back, and now spread (either pass spread or zone read spread). Each time offenses get more dynamic and the players get more specialized. You have specialized running backs now... Who wouldn't have loved to see Lionel James take a speed sweep from Cam Newton?
  2. Running style not physical style. However Davis broke more tackles, I was talking more in terms of glide, foot quickness, moves, and posture.
  3. I already said earlier in the thread Stephen Davis...
  4. I'm optimistic as well. If we start the season strong and get to 10 wins I could see us with a top 5 class. Regardless we will be in the top 12 at the end of the day without staff turnover. I think we can win 9 games and if we gel and make plays the sky is the limit. Plenty of talent already on the roster. We will find out everything we need to know about our coaching staff this year and next. Because we will be stacked with talent and need to get those young WR some experience this year along with some of the DL youngsters.
  5. Looks like Devan got the good 'ol Auburn bump on 247 from a 85 rating to an 87. Up to like 480 player ranking, now composite at 222.
  6. Yes I think he can be an every down back already. I just don't see the high ceiling that some do. It's just an opinion and I hope he proves me wrong. The coaches obviously see something so I will trust them plus they are better at it then I am. Dont take my opinions the wrong way I'm definitely glad to have Devan as an Auburn Tiger.
  7. We aren't close for Akers at this time from my understanding but success opens a lot of doors. We will get to around 16-18 commits and will kind of go dry for a while in the middle of the season, we will close out recruiting based on success this year.
  8. I'm with 23. Still a long way to go til signing day. Hopefully Akers will hold off and give us a chance to see what we can do. Like I've been saying he is a difference maker and absolutely would kill it in our offense. But today is Barrett's day. War Eagle Devan and choose the good guys!!
  9. Running style reminds me of a past Auburn Great. Stephen Davis. Kind of straight up runner but bent over a little at the top not a true body lean. Feet is more what I'm talking about. Davis had elite size and speed to go along with the feet. But he reminds me of Davis in overall running style in the hole and coming out of the hole.
  10. E I would go slightly higher then 820 but definitely not in the top 250. He could be a great back in the future. But Auburn should be able to sign a top 10 back every year based on offensive style and history. And with our offensive lineman we appear to be putting in place plus the depth we are building on the defensive side the drum I keep banging is Cam Akers. His sophomore/junior season I think he could lead this group to an SEC title with a shot at a NC. But maybe/hopefully after about 5 games this season and Jovon is sitting at 800 yards rushing he looks deeper at us. But definitely keep Barrett, he can be a player no doubt. If he has the work ethic to compete, the mentality to play strong, and the guts to stick his nose in there he can be very solid.
  11. What a story. Truly blessed to have this kid. If his heart and mind are in the right place and they appear to be he could turn out to be a super star
  12. Awesome E. I'll take him for depth for sure. I'm not trying to talk down on the kid. I'm just around a lot of players and I think I have an eye for talent. Like I mentioned his 85 rating on 247 is about what I'd give him. That would put him inside the top 40 players in Alabama. He could hit the gym harder this summer and through fall and bump himself up to an 88-89 with greater strength and possibly would help his top end speed as well. I still like his feet a lot and that's harder to coach up then strength or speed. Hope he comes to the good guys.
  13. I was just speaking my opinion on what I have seen in his highlights. However, you guys realize in high school if you run a sub 5.0 forty you are more then likely to pull away from most defenders, right? All these 4.4, 4.3, 4.2 guys probably really run about a 4.6 or.7 in actuality. The 4.4 guys are like all-american type sprinters in high school. They are few an far between. His vision is pretty good, you can tell he's been a running back probably his entire life. A low 3 star is an absolute stud in high school Especially a smaller school levels they will look like beasts. Anyone know what classification he plays in? His feet are good. Makes pretty good cuts, I don't see that he likes contact, and I'd bet he doesn't run a 4.6... IMO
  14. I'm not a huge fan of this recruit however I have never seen him in person. Seems to have good feet but isn't big, isn't fast, doesn't break a lot of tackles. Looks more like a lower 3 star like an 85 rating then a lower 4 star. We missed on some good backs this year but I have confidence in our coaches to turn all these "athletes" into running backs. I'm a huge fan of Cam Akers. He's built for our offense. Not that I don't want Devan to be an Auburn Tiger, I do, but I also don't see him as a 4 star player.
  15. Stat, do you think some of the lower rating for Marshall in the first few games was the coaching staff wasn't sure what his stronger throws were and his adjusting to major college football speed as well?
  16. Stat I was just talking about that in your other thread you posted before about offensive identity. I also knew Barber was a good short yardage back but left a lot to be desired for an every down back, however he did will us to wins in a couple games last year so I thank him for that but over all he had the worst feet and vision at running back that we have had in a long time.
  17. Low 3 star but highlights look pretty good. Speed is the concern definitely physically strong for 185lbs and because he's not just supremely athletic he appears to have a high football IQ... That's just from watching the hudl highlights
  18. Yes that's what I was implying that almost 100 percent of the time it's either bubble screen or run up the middle. But was also trying to say that due to our tendencies in play calling a safe down the field route is probably a good idea. Doesn't have to be a bomb just a safe quick hitter for confidence building in the QB and statically for us it's easier to pass on first down then the other downs. But I also know our route tree needs to be more diverse. We need more rub/pick plays, more crossing routes short and intermediate, more out routes on the short side of the field. I think the route tree is simplified so the Qb can read coverage quicker in the HUNH and for timing. But if SW is the QB we definitely need some more complex routes because he sees the field fairly well it appears.
  19. Execution, play calling, and tempo all were factors last year. We were behind the chains in down in distance a lot. We didn't have an incredible amount of negative plays but we did have a lot of 2nd and 8 and 3rd and 6+ plays. If you run into a couple of those on a drive if you convert 50% you're doing great but if not then you're either punting or kicking field goals. As has been preached by many especially Stat we need better execution and play calling on first down. We have got to get away from the almost 100 % of the time run up the middle or bubble screen. How about a roll out pass for a 5 yard gain come back with run up the middle then look at a third and very short possibly. IMO nothing crazy but definitely need to help these inexperienced QBs out with some safe throws on first down.
  20. Nick got a big bump up from 247 after the opening. From player 153 up to number 69. This is the 247 rating not the composite.
  21. Dropped snap by the punter. Snap was good. Monsoon falling early in the game got us in a hole early.
  22. That's why Colbert left he was a Star and not a true safety or nickel. The nickel seems more corner back in Steeles philosophy.
  23. The 2015 signing class had 4 4* LBs. someone has to step up from those 4. Plus a different recruiting philosophy on that side in the past 2 years as well. Buck\star, 2 totally different players but both were considered tweeter types for DE/OLB on the buck and OLB/safety/nickel at the Star.
  24. How was Gus to know of all backs that Peyton Barber would jet to the pros? Or that Roc would transfer considering he was the Day 1 starter last season? Things happen in life. Every team and I include bammer in this has some depth issue somewhere. It's a numbers game. Attrition happens at times when it's not best in a lot of cases. The Qb guru at aTm lost 2 5* qbs last year and had to get a transfer. The better coaches find a way to create depth with positional movement of current players on hand and that's what Gus is trying to do with Pettway/Cox. Let's see how it plays out. But I agree we need 2 legit every down running backs in this class plus an Ath and a speed back.
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