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Everything posted by FASTCOMPANY

  1. Not hard to do because we were dull as a doorknob in the 1st
  2. Did you know #11 is Bo Jackson's nephew... Now you do
  3. Just looking ahead to Penn St, so we can unleash the Beast!
  4. Time for Fromm or Deal or Frazier or somebody besides JSS
  5. I just can't believe I wasted all those fist pumps, all the while KNOWING what the outcome was gonna be.
  6. Touchdown scored in all 3 phases
  7. 51-7 We click on all cylinders but give up a garbage time TD at the very end
  8. Mike G is the ultimate Sunshine pumper but he's spot with this take
  9. One more "tune up game" before the real season starts. I imagine San Jose is a step or two above Mercer. Hopefully TJ cleans up his act before Penn St. If not, THEN you have to look at making a change.
  10. Unimpressive output overall. Leota and Riley balled out on Defense. Tank and Hunter did their thing. Ashford was a pleasant surprise. Solid B performance with room for improvement
  11. We speaking in tongues now? Save that for Sunday service
  12. LOL/SMH Not a thing. Someone took one of my comments WAYYY out in left field. Then the masses decided to pile on without even knowing what's going on. Typical AUFamily banter...
  13. Shut up? I never said a single, solitary word in the first place. Keep it moving Bad News Brown
  14. NOPE! Sitting in the cut, reading lame comments like this one
  15. You must have looked in the mirror. Because YOU actually started it all. This is too comical🤣
  16. Just trying to enjoy the game with my AUFamily😉 BTW why are you so defensive? When did I try to correct you? Put the Jagermeister down my guy
  17. The contradiction by some of our fanbase is tooo real... Gotta love em though
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