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Everything posted by FASTCOMPANY

  1. Always enjoyed 23's takes on the program BUT with the direction this thread has turned... He might be "run off" again 😒
  2. An injured Bo is equivalent to a healthy Finley...or vice versa
  3. If Rattler can't be successful at Oklahoma......
  4. DEFINITELY a pattern I don't want to see repeated.
  5. Tank and Worm played hard. I liked what I saw out of Deal & Shenker(when given the opportunity.) Totally agree that no one on O was great!
  6. It was more than enough blame to go around. I hate to name players BUT Bo, Shed, and Hudson had horrible games! Robertson was non existent most of the game. Just a BAD overall performance on O. Need to hit the portal hard for WRs and OL
  7. All the while, not giving up a TD🤬
  8. McCreary and Simpson definitely played stout today
  9. It just seems that his one mistake leads to one or three more! He doesn't seem to be able to move on to the next play.
  10. No matter how much Bo and the Oline has improved, we still aren't good enough to hold our own against a quality Defense!
  11. 23-19 Aubie! Backyard Bo scores late and the D seals the deal with an INT!
  12. DEFINITELY going to need the light to come on for Steiner, Riley, Willis, Brown. OR hit the TP aggressively...
  13. I honestly don't know if it's the system or the players not being in the right position but I'm fed up with it! I know it's year 1 but DAMN!!
  14. Plus the fact that Kiff is trying to get Corral the Heisman.
  15. Leave (R)andy alone, he's doing the best he can😅
  16. Hope it'd be more of an attacking style. For continuity purposes, it MIGHT be better if it was more similar to Mason's.?
  17. I don't think I'll ever "love" this type of D, BUT if it brings the desired results...it would be greatly accepted.! Furthermore, I don't believe Mason will be at AU more than 2 seasons anyway. I think we'll be getting use to a Schmedding defense before long.
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