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Everything posted by AuCivilEng1

  1. Right. They’ll just point and laugh at us all the way to the final 4. God I hate college sports now.
  2. One thing is for damn sure. They aren’t going anywhere as long as Oats is there. And I don’t see us ever making it past the second round under Bruce again.
  3. Makes me sick. They outperform us at everything. They’ll route Clemson and go to the final 4. And then we won’t even have that on them.
  4. Well. This is fun. Glad Bama is succeeding in literally everything these days. Sounds like a really fun time for their fans.
  5. Auburn isn’t great at anything anymore, other than Equestrian and it’s getting old. It’s a very humbling experience to realize that as far as athletics goes, UofA is the far superior school.
  6. This last weeks Rock promo was platinum level. Good lord. Rocky is resurrecting the WWE.
  7. Meh, I mean he going to be a lobbyist which is basically like taking a promotion. But good on him for calling the single worst do nothing congress in American history a spade on his way out.
  8. Yea he hasn’t missed a step other than hammering that clown face emoji comment a little too much. It’s weird, because he’s getting heat, but also, people have begun to appreciate and love him more since he went heel. Same thing happened with Roman.
  9. I generally try to stay away from Republicans crocodile tear speeches these days. They lack any substance, because none of them actually care about anything but massaging Trump’s taint. But I’m glad I went back and watched this. That was fantastic! How embarrassing. Alabama needs to do some soul searching, because these clowns they’re electing aren’t doing much for Bama’s already sketchy history.
  10. Just watched The Rock Bloodline segment from last night. Man o man, Trips struck gold with this storyline. I can almost see where it’s headed, but Rock has put everyone on his back and he’s carrying them to greatness. I can’t wait to watch Wrestlmania, but man, it’s going to be hella risky to put Seth and Cody in night one matches. Those two guys don’t know how to save themselves. They go balls to the wall every match. I just hope we don’t see injuries.
  11. Regan wouldn’t even have made it through 2 primaries.
  12. Mitch was too woke for this new breed of Republican. Let that set in.
  13. This is embarrassing. This team has no fight on the road. Poor discipline.
  14. I think Roman and Seth have looked the weakest in this. That PC last night made Roman look like Rock’s lackey goon. Roman. I really like the PG-13 stuff though. And I think the story is deep and has a good build up.
  15. Well I hadn’t thought about that, but that’s a quick way to start riots lol
  16. I think this all could have been avoided if they would have pushed Rock to win the rumble. Set up a surprise entry for him at number 30 and have him win. Then he would get first dibs at Roman. And Cody could win chamber and start a push at Seth. Problem fixed. Where they went wrong is Cody getting first dibs, because it made all his fans want to see him get that second chance shot. I don’t think this is over yet though. They want you to think it’s settled. This is just good writing.
  17. I agree that The Rock/ Roman match would have been more fun to watch. But probably only for nostalgia reasons. Rock probably can’t go like he used to and Roman is a liability in long matches (smallest move set ever). I’m just glad that creative is taking people on this ride, though. Who knows what’s going to happen before WM40. It’ll be a fun 7 weeks. I can tell you, they are going to build on this and capitalize on Rock’s open schedule, though. But yea Rock should have come back as a face and wrestled Roman, maybe lost and then Cody could have gotten Roman again.
  18. Where the hell is everybody! After 15 years of PG boringness, WWE is cooking with some attitude era fire again! @AUBwins you watch last night?
  19. Anyone watching this press conference!? @GwillMac6 The writing team at WWE is at a level only rivaled by Russo in the attitude era. Just absolute perfection
  20. I’m 100% certain that they would rather have a dictator who wants to own the libs than a Democrat president.
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