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Everything posted by aubaseball

  1. Richt owned Auburn (10 wins 5 losses ) That’s where this whole thing started. Alabama has only been good under Saban? Did you forget someone that won championships in the 60’s and 70’s? Alabama was a sleeping bear until Saban got there. As much as it pains people to remember, until Dye got here, Auburn was a historically 8-4 program. And still is! Hopefully it changes and hopefully Freeze is the man.
  2. RA has proven he can’t be trusted with running the offense because he does what he wants to do. On the 7 yard loss play, Hunter was blocking his man out wide and all RA had to do was cut up the field. Instead, he try’s to out run everyone on the outside almost every time. He shouldn’t receive another snap at Auburn University as a quarterback. As far as the timeout, no one should have issue with that call. The game was going to be determined on that one play. That’s when you make sure everyone is on the same page. It was lack of situational awareness and football IQ that was the end result
  3. I get what you are saying but it’s the opposite for me. I would take a loss every year if AU would beat Bama every year
  4. I don’t recall exactly how the deep guys were lined up but sort of remember three or four standing in or near the end zone. Then #4 and the other corner about 15 yards off the ball. Then when the play started three or four started running with receivers, #4 included in this. Don’t understand why everyone wasn’t just standing back ready to break on the ball
  5. Not saying we don’t…we need better everywhere. And I mean everywhere. I find it hilarious that people blame coaching for this epic loss. There were too many instances of poor situational awareness on the part of several players throughout the game and the year for that matter. Oh well, there is nothing anyone on this board can do about it and none of us put in the hours, sweat and pain to make this season happen. Next year, Auburn will strap on the helmet and go at it again….lets hope for better results
  6. Not sure what you are disagreeing with, but clearly I stated that boneheaded decisions were made by the coaching staff. If you don’t think that players win games, then you don’t know sports. An Auburn receiver dropped a touchdown last night and no one is saying anything about it. Was that coaching that made that call? And did coaching drop the pass? It all comes down to making a play. Again, there have been plenty of boneheaded mistakes by the coaching staff. I think none more egregious than the QB rotation. Ashford was never the starter and really should have been moved to a different position or regulated to scout team.
  7. Sorry, but disagree with everything about this. Jimmy’s and Joe’s when football games. Have there been questions and frustration with coaching decisions? Absolutely! But that’s going to happen in every loss no matter the outcome. The what if game can be played over and over.
  8. As much as I hate losing to them and hearing their nonsense, this is what a lot of posters sound like on this forum. Except it’s about the AU coaches or administrators.
  9. I’m beginning to think that the majority of people on this forum are trolls or people that have never played sports. I’m thinking mostly trolls because people can’t be this dumb when it comes to how this play should have been covered. The question that no one is asking is why was #4 running behind the receiver? He could have stood in the end zone and waited for the guy to make a move with his eyes on the quarterback. And where was the help? It’s football IQ and situational awareness. Same reason you don’t return the kickoff 5 yards deep in the end zone with 30 seconds on the clock.
  10. You don’t have to hang with anybody. Just stand back there and wait for the QB to throw the ball and knock it down. In all honesty, 8 guys should have been standing in the end zone waiting to knock the ball down. Why was #4 running around trying to stay with him? Just stand in the end zone.
  11. The ole one championship as an assistant coach reward. Oh, I bet there are provably 45 coaches from Saban’s staff that would love to put that on their resume when looking to get a head coaching gig. Also, love the explanation of the luckiest play in Auburn history with a “but for “. Wish all games could work that way. Here are just a couple; What about the fumble by Bo Nix that the refs got wrong that resulted in a loss for Arkansas? What about the ball touching the fingertips of #8 against Ole Miss that went in Auburns favor on review by the refs? Did you object to that call? or because it was in favor of Auburn, you were ok with it. How about recovering an onsides kick to beat Utah State with just a few seconds on the clock?
  12. Just going by what you type out, I would venture to say that you weren’t on board with the Freeze hire and probably despise the man. Everything you write is negative or a backhanded compliment. I can’t speak for everyone, but time after time , it’s post like yours and a few others that show the dislike of Freeze and what I perceive to be a desire for him to fail. Your comparison to Gus puts you in the category of the uninformed. Gus was literally the luckiest coach to ever step foot on Jordan Hare. If you step back and look at his seasons with an unbiased eye, you will see that he was the luckiest coach in Auburn history. I’m not going to list everyone because I don’t have enough time.
  13. This will be my last response to this because obviously you don’t understand what it is you’re even talking about. QJ was a big miss regardless of who the running at the time he was being recruited. That’s just a really stupid comment and shows complete lack of understanding how a team is put together. Do you think that Auburn is not trying to recruit the best running back that’s out there because they have a good running back group? And you not being objective when it comes to Auburn’s talent compared to others. QJ was freshman of the year last year and is having another great year. Dart makes Thorne look like a high school qb. There isn’t a lineman that would start for ole Miss and receiver is not even close. you bring up things that aren’t even applicable to what I originally ask. Ask anyone that knows anything about football, they will say that QJ was a miss. Just like Phillip Rivers when Tubby was coaching. It’s ok dude. You and DAG need to relax.
  14. What does any of this have to do with today? I asked who on this team (Auburn) would start on this team (ole Miss). Why are you going back two years ago? Am I talking to a 3 year old?
  15. And what does feature back mean to you? Your definition must be something different than anybody that’s ever watched, coached or played football
  16. Do you even understand what I was asking? It sounds like you don’t. None of the backs on Auburns current roster starts over QJ. Period! I move the goalposts? You put in Tank in your comment. Last time I checked, Tank had a jaguar jersey on. WTF are you talking about with Tank. Good grief, get a clue.
  17. Agree with the wanting to win part and tired of losing. But there are Auburn fans on here who want to see HF lose. One even started a thread about why he was the wrong choice, after the loss. In my book, that’s a troll. Someone that is putting something out just to get feedback on it. As much as no one wants to admit it, there isn’t anything anyone on here could do about the hiring or firing of any coach.
  18. Don’t bring common sense and hope onto this board. There are people on here that want to see failure. The troll vibe is strong at AU FAMILY board.
  19. I am pretty sure the entire running back room could start for Ole Miss. Jay Fair, Moore and Javarrius could be used in the slot. You lost all credibility here. Judkins is one of the biggest misses in the state of Alabama. As far as the receivers go, Auburn doesn’t have one, Maybe JJ could crack the lineup but he hasn’t even started every game for auburn . What tight end?
  20. Cool cool cool. Are you saying that Auburn is a talented team? People are comparing the loss to other historically bad losses with Coaches that inherited new jobs. I don’t think that is spinning a loss. It’s just trying to compare one bad game to the next. Can you name one player on offense that would start for, let’s use, Ole Miss? And I’m using Ole Miss because they have traditionally been a 5th or 6th place team in the West. That is how far Auburn’s talent has fallen. Auburn can’t even field half a starting lineup for Ole Sis.
  21. I’m sorry but I haven’t seen anyone spin the loss. As others have objected to the hiring of Freeze (still) / poor coaching and others have commented on the lack of talent, all of this true. No one is disputing that last Saturday was a terrible loss in every way. Blame lies at everyone’s feet, coaches and players. The constant bringing up whether or not he should have been hired is beyond old. Whether you or anyone likes or dislikes the hire doesn’t matter anymore, he is the Head Coach. That’s not going to change unless he loses enough games or does something that warrants firing. I’m not trying to justify the hire or tooting the horn for Freeze by commenting on this thread or any other thread.
  22. It’s a betting line. It’s made to get people to bet one way or the other. Just follow the line and you will see how people are betting and how they feel about who’s the better team
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