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Everything posted by aubaseball

  1. Bear didn’t even go to see Bo. Dye did. That had more of an influence than anything else
  2. Bama wanted to play Bo on defense and added that he probably wouldn’t see playing time at running back until junior year. Dye told him he would give him every opportunity to play running back and the rest is history. He was also offered 1/4 million to play baseball after high school (which at that time was unheard of).
  3. Why didn’t you say , Luke! You would have been closer to getting it right.
  4. Sorry to break it to you LP, but he’s “pissing down your leg”. If it were up to him, there would not be a border at all.
  5. Bert Jones johnny Bench john McEnroe/Bjorn Borg Pistol Pete Maravich
  6. Looking for 3 tickets to USC game Sunday 12/17/23
  7. If he signs and performs at his star rating, we already have the receiver. There is no reason to believe that he won’t be better than anyone on the current roster. Auburn doesn’t have a 5 star receiver and to the best of my knowledge has never signed one.
  8. It’s sad that people can’t see that this was a miss by Pearl. Sears or Kd? I’ll take Sears everyday
  9. I’m not doubting that it wasn’t being said and negatively impacting Auburn. And being used against Auburn. All I’m saying is that if there was clear evidence and documented proof, does anyone really believe that Auburn wouldn’t have fired him for cause? I believe you that talk was going around but I just don’t know if a disgruntled player started that and then it spread out into the ranks of the public.
  10. I believe it was several factors. Auburn hasn’t been really good since 2017. 2018 was just average. 2019 was an OK year but 2020 was bad, 2021 and 2022. The firing of Malzahn didn’t help in recruiting. The complete dumpster fire of a hire in Harsin surely didn’t help. His lack of experience and dealing with what it takes to recruit in this part of the country didn’t help. Auburn hasn’t been able to recruit at a high level in a long time
  11. I’m sorry but I find that news article a bit too much. Does anyone really believe that if discrimination was going inside that coaching staff, that Auburn wouldn’t have fired him for cause? In this day and age, I find this highly unlikely. The man was ran out of town. I have to believe that Auburn would have done everything it could to fire the man with cause if it was there.
  12. I get what you are saying but I’m not the one with the money. What if there is only a certain amount? Why is no one thinking of this? Everyone loves too spend other peoples money.
  13. I wasn’t defending the guy. I’m all for going and trying to get a better Quarterback. If it comes down to paying someone so much that other positions can’t be addressed, I would rather get a few guys that will turn the defense into a top SEC defense. Right now without seeing who is leaving for NFL, I believe Alabama, Georgia are losses next year no matter who they get at QB. To follow up with the QB thing this year, I also think that the coaches didn’t want to upset the locker room and went with the the 2 QB rotation. That’s just my opinion
  14. I’m not trying to defend Thorne and his performances. But let me ask this question, how many of us would feel good about our own performance and abilities, if we were being substituted like he was the first 6 games of the year? I think everyone that has ever played would not have been as confident in our own abilities with the way the QB position was handled in the first half of the year.
  15. Not going to listen to any of it….the words being thrown out “deserving”, “best 4”, “who would win in a head to head “, is all BS. Is just a matter of someone’s opinion. Why don’t we go back to voting? It’s the same thing, except now you play an extra game.
  16. Could’ve been the relationship between him and Rodney G. too. Don’t think he liked RG’s style of coaching
  17. I’ve witnessed too many in my lifetime.
  18. He made two of the most boneheaded plays of the season in the AU game. Almost cost them the game. If not for a complete meltdown of defensive back play 101, AU wins and everyone is ready to run Milroe out of Tuscaloosa.
  19. I’m afraid that you didn’t extend that period long enough. Throughout the history of Auburn football, it has been a roller coaster ride. I believe the only back to back 10 win seasons were 87 & 88. Auburn has always seemed to self destruct after a short term run of excellence. Just once in my lifetime, I would love to see a 10 year run of being in the top ten every year
  20. When you can’t start for your High School team, how are you supposed to be the “guy” in college? You tell the kid that he will get a shot at Quarterback but if it doesn’t work out, he is moving to another position. I believe he was a 4 star recruit and the reason Gus always had high recruiting rankings. I remember all the receivers he signed one year and I don’t think any finished their career at AU. Most didn’t even see the field.
  21. Obviously, we don’t agree on Ashford. I’ve seen enough of him at the QB position to know that he isn’t the one that’s going to bring you championships. And what sealed it for me was the play he made several games ago when he started and they ran a sweep play and he was supposed to give the ball and decided he would run instead
  22. #4 and #10 gave up the long pass TD earlier in the game. #10 was positioned in the end zone and chose to go to the center of the end zone instead of covering his third of the right corner. # 4 should have never been “covering” his man with his back to the quarterback. He could have stood in the end zone and watched the receiver run his route in front of him and waited for the Quarterback to throw the ball. I don’t understand why the three guys that were lined up on the line weren’t trying harder to get to the quarterback. They didn’t even try
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