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DKW 86

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Everything posted by DKW 86

  1. I run an IT Helpdesk. I think this 3-4 times a day.... Got to keep a sense of humor about it all.
  2. For the trumpsters here: Why would you ever go to a trump business? There are dozens of high-level luxury hotels in every major city. Why go to trump? Why would you ever want to spend a dollar at a fly-by-night ripoff like trump university? Why would you order steaks shipped to you? I really want someone to explain why anyone, anywhere would do business with 6X Failure business man?
  3. OKay, so Hur resigns so he cant be influenced by the DOJ on what he can say publicly AND then all the Party Trained Monkeys go into all out attack mode. Nope, nothing to see here, move along...... 😂
  4. fiddy, those pics are too cherished by myself, you know I wouldn't share any of that with any one else... 😉
  5. Brother, I agree with you. What the "likely voters" are hearing is: Fani Willis is probably a bad actor who is X, Y, and maybe Z herself and should not be believed when she prosecutes this case. It is the court of public opinion for the "likely voters" that matters now. THAT is the only court that will hear this case before the election thanks to all this. Even if it goes to trial, the appeals are automatically lined up and to be blunt pretty strong to overturn. Remember, it is the "Appearance of Impropriety" that matters. The appeals alone will likely go 2-3 years or more AFTER the trial. trump could be close to out of office by then. I think now and have thought for all time this was the case that was going to get him. But FW screwed it up. I got to watch some of the commentary on this over the last 2-3 days. FW and NW have kept their text messages away from the court so far. Does anyone want to guess why? The cell phone records go back to AUG-2019!!! show they shared an average of 8-10K text messages a month, plus about 2K calls a month. That don't sound like a professional relationship to me nor many other people. That is going back 5 years!!! 😒 His name for her was GGPP. And no one in the GA Legal Community thinks he is anything but a lightweight attorney or judge. Yes, he was a part-substitute-judge while she was full-time at the magistrate level. As one GA Legal "expert" said: "he might have made the Top 50 List of eligible candidates available."
  6. At least half of Americans are too stupid for democracy: Yes, America is realizing that the DOE is a complete fail.
  7. She has lost the confidence of the public, and she blew right past the "appearance of impropriety." This case is dead till AFTER the election. I WANT trump GONE. I want him replaced as nominee, just as bad as I want President Poops-his-pants replaced as well.
  8. I am correctly pointing out that some could not care less about the truth nor about gun deaths. The vast majority of that advocate group would be going after handguns. They arent because that was never the purpose.
  9. How do screw up a Lead Pipe Cinch Prosecution? You turn it into two-bit Blaxploitation movie out of the 70s.
  10. It is official: Alabama is the laughing stock of the Senate.
  11. Cenk Makes Prediction About MSNBC And It HAPPENS I think this is laughable. I truly do. This is TYT calling out MSNBC for being predictable when they defend Fani Willis. I present this as just proof that even the knee-jerks can see that there are reliable Narrative Monkeys on both sides. Cenk/TYT and MSNBC both state that FW had a bad day on the stand. Next day, MSNBC is out trying to polish that turd as much as possible. Now, in my mind FW was handed a strong case that could have destroyed and may yet destroy Trump. But she screwed it up massively by hiring her way underqualified BF and then lying in court about the affair.
  12. Here it comes Narrative Monkey... And no, I do not expect you to believe PEW Research nor any other facts put forth here on this forum. I expect you to act like the loon you have always been and deny facts. Let me do the math for you. If we allow that all of the "other guns" were SMGs, they arent, but I am feeling very very very generous today, then we have 422/17000+ deaths = .025% of all deaths or 422/14800 = .029% of gun deaths AND hand gun deaths 17000-1149/17000 = 93.2% Facts are indeed glorious things. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/195325/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-weapon-used/#:~:text=Murder victims by weapon used in the U.S 2022&text=Handguns are by far the,5%2C704 cases in that year.
  13. Last I read, handguns accounted for about 95+% of all gun deaths. Gun deaths is about 50% Suicides. So, the amount of gun deaths for SMGs is just about nil.
  14. And you dont see the reality. Whichever of these two clowns gets elected, we are going to have yet another 4 years of aimless policies. If Biden dies, we get several years of Kamala policies. She cant even utter a straight-up sentence. She can deliver a word salad in 30 seconds or less however.
  15. You dont give a crap about anything but which party gets to play the Captain of the Titanic.
  16. Homey: Are stuff is all s***, but we should be happy that we have a demented old fool, President Poops-his-pants, that we should bow down and kiss his ass. We have a crazy old men that are toxic as hell running this country. We should never have allowed the nation to fall into the hands of two such extremely poor choices.
  17. No Labels Party will field a third party run for the Presidency. https://apnews.com/article/no-labels-election-2024-2859270c8a1e52b8cb92d2e6fd166e5b
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