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DKW 86

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Everything posted by DKW 86

  1. For the record, I have rarely, if ever, seen an article of political PREDICTIONS ever come true. trump was in power and we survived. Most of his opposition were bumbling morons that pretty much just toughened up his base. Two impeachments later and what did we get? Nothing. The same nothing that we knew was never going to happen. Look, I get it. trump has been bad since he came on the scene in 1987. 37 years of crap from him. But if you want him out of the WH, then give the American People something to VOTE FOR. It is beyond obvious that piling on negative stories and negative articles like this don't work. We have had 10K them so far and trump is still leading in the polls FOR NOW. Instead of another VooDoo, Crystal Ball, smoke and mirrors nothing burger, Show America the Republican SS Planmand explain how the Dems will do it better. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/22/how-social-security-benefits-may-change-under-republican-democrat-proposals.html Give the average American something to vote for! Tell them how it is Morning in America Again. Be positive! Show America a New Vision.
  2. When is Washington, including all the Republican Riff-Raff, going to fix anything. We are now in worse possible shape than ever and Trump was not in Washington for most of the damage. For the record, I want both parties gone. BOTH.
  3. trump Bible would have to come with crayons.
  4. What actual news organization?
  5. And a loss to Yale… It was a great season, that had parts that just sucked. Losing to Yale tarnished a great SEC Title win.
  6. And there is still no conviction and never will be. You see you can have opinions but that doesn’t make it any actual fact. There was never enough evidence for an impeachment conviction. The same folks that called off the dogs yesterday are the same people that found there to be not enough evidence for trumps impeachment 2x.
  7. From what I read today, the Republicans are bowing out of the impeachment hearings. So no impeachment for what there is no real evidence. Wished the other team could say the same thing over two Impeachments that were never going anywhere.
  8. Please see this article on Tpyota's 1:6:90 Policy https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/unlocking-efficiency-toyotas-1690-rule-its-strategic-qyync#:~:text=Understanding The 1%3A6%3A90,A Single Battery Electric Vehicle. Understanding The 1:6:90 Rule This Rule Suggests That The Materials For One Battery Electric Vehicle Could Instead Produce Six Plug-In Hybrids Or An Astounding 90 Hybrids. Toyota Contends That The Cumulative Carbon Reduction From 90 Hybrids Surpasses That Of A Single Battery Electric Vehicle.
  9. I am not just being a contrarian. I do not want one child hurt at all. I am simply pointing out what should be obvious. Go for the category with the most deaths first. That seems obvious to me. Going for the extraneous things on the planet does no one any good. We should be gunning for the biggest impact right now and moving on down the line. The PoWN (Party of the White Nationalists) seem to be so ignorant that they are not even listening to their own voters who do want reasonable background checks, wait periods, and even added psychological help. We do need all that. We wont get it as long as PoWN is running anything. On the other hand we have the SOMTBHFOP (So Open Minded Their Brain Has Fallen Out Party) that want cashless bail, crimeless retail theft, DTP, etc. Gavin Newsom had to push the NG into Oakland recently to clean up a huge crime problem. The mayor would take no action. We can write 10,000 more laws, but if we wont enforce any of them we are really doing nothing. If we enforced the laws we have on the books now, we probably would not have half the problems we have.
  10. Classic Whatabaoutism as there ever and it will of course never be called out by one mod or admin here. Hey <removed>, go start another thread.
  11. Dude, they are like 200X more likely to get killed by a random handgun. Maybe we should be far more worried about that than something they will likely never see on the job. You want to worry about things that really are not a problem, or are least many multiples less a problem.
  12. love you too buddy... But guns that fire automatic are such a small part of the problem that they are negligible.
  13. Many in the LGBTQ movement are running away from this stuff.
  14. Someday down the road we may see that we lost more kids to bad Trans Diagnoses and Treatments than we did to COVID.
  15. I run an IT Helpdesk. I think this 3-4 times a day.... Got to keep a sense of humor about it all.
  16. For the trumpsters here: Why would you ever go to a trump business? There are dozens of high-level luxury hotels in every major city. Why go to trump? Why would you ever want to spend a dollar at a fly-by-night ripoff like trump university? Why would you order steaks shipped to you? I really want someone to explain why anyone, anywhere would do business with 6X Failure business man?
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