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DKW 86

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Everything posted by DKW 86

  1. And there you go. The way to beat someone acting like Nazis and dedicated to your destruction is to wipe them out, like we did in WWII.
  2. So, this thread, like all threads in this forum sinks down to: A man that has worked and given his life to NPR comes out with a well thought out and reasonable critique of some policies that could have been better done and walks us through how the process happened at NPR over the years, the metamorphosis of it all. Some on here get indignant that there could even be two sides to any issue and that their party is always right.
  3. Hear the View's Sunny Hostin claim that: 1) earthquakes 2) cicadas 3) eclipses 4) anything that you can name Are all caused by climate change...
  4. Just exactly WHEN and WHERE any crowd of Jews shouted "Death to Anyone." You are so clueless it damages the soul...
  5. And if you couldnt see me trolling him from a mile away, you need better glasses. Rule #1 around here is don't take anything too serious. The ones trying to be serious around here are likely NOTHING but two-bit partisan hacks. If Hitler ran as a Democrat, they would be telling you how he made the trains run on time. Rinse and Repeat ad nauseum. We have had 40 years of fail from the Federal Govt and the the partisans see absolutely nothing wrong with that. Black kids still attending disintegrating, underperforming urban public schools? 40 years and thousands of promises later.....NOTHING CHANGED.
  6. Weak is the only word to use here. Not releasing the bodycam video is always a bad decision. Anyone can therefore conclude that the police are engaged in CYA?
  7. Duh...and this changes the argument how exactly? I could not even find a number of followers nor a % of population for this group.
  8. And again, Ancient Egyptian culture is found in a museum. All the rest are engaged in daily by BNs of people. There is no real comparison.
  9. Sorry, one is dead and the three others are not. End of parallels...
  10. I dont want that, and most of the West don't want that. But there are ME Nations where being tied to their religion and as they are sovereign nations we must respect that. I do not think that will ever end well. The Spartans ruined their nation by trying to manage slavery at too high a level. Soon they were dedicating more time to slave mgt than it was worth and they slowly lagged further and further behind the rest of the city-states.
  11. To compare the foundational texts of three of the largest active world religions to Egyptian Hieroglyphs of a religion and culture that died thousands of years ago shows an amazing anti-intellectualism on your part. I can explain it to you, I cant comprehend it for you.
  12. There are crazies all over the world...
  13. Your debate technique in a very few words: Blindly quote a narrative by the party. Read an avalanche of evidence that disavows said talking points. Rinse and repeat debunked talking points as if nothing happened. Throw out 100 Whataboutisms about why your guy doesn't suck as bad as the other guy. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ I don't know why you even come here. I really don't, other to cement yourself as the most tone-deaf poster on the board. Elections are referendums by the populace on who should lead. What do the US Voters think of the two parties???? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/americans-dismayed-by-biden-trump-2024-rematch-reutersipsos-poll-finds-2024-01-25/ Trump vs. Biden: The rematch many Americans don't want Trump's six-point lead held even when respondents were given the option of voting for third-party candidates, including anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., with Trump drawing 36% support, Biden 30% and Kennedy 8%. Slightly more than half of respondents said they were dissatisfied with the U.S. two-party system, with just one in four satisfied by it. Whitney Tallarico, 33, a consultant interviewed in Washington, is among those considering an alternative. "The independents don't really have a voice. Polarizing characters usually take the front seat, and it's a little sad for our country," Tallarico said this week. Asked whether she would vote for Biden or Trump, she said, "I'll probably go for a third party." AGE ISSUE [1 Overall, the poll gave numerous signs that voters are not happy with their choices. Seventy percent of respondents - including about half of Democrats - agreed with a statement that Biden should not seek re-election. Fifty-six percent of people responding to the poll said Trump should not run, including about a third of Republicans. derail his presidential bid.
  14. Evangelicals can be zealots. But Zealotry is a quantum level or more above mere hard-headed ignorance. Zealotry is taking views and stances that are not even part of your religion anymore. It is thinking, that You can force God to do what you want him to. See Masada and the Fall of Jerusalem. The saddest thing I ever read was Josephus, a good Jew writing about how screwed up the Zealots were in Jerusalem.
  15. I know you cant disengage from the narrative talking points to think that we should hold anyone accountable or anything like that. No, you are okay that people don't get healthcare, and that kids have been stuck in failing schools for three generations now. All you care about is some lame-ass loyalty to a party that cashed out decades ago.
  16. Dont care, expecting God to handle the repopulation, the Jews were always there, of Israel is something only a true Zealot would even think is a good standard to live by.
  17. Zealotry, it seems, is alive and well in the 21st Century. Sad.
  18. homey, this one is one of your best evers.
  19. I have heard rumblings of this for two years now. They are trial ballooning this soon.
  20. Of course SS is nothing more than a part of your retirement. As Dave Ramsey has been teaching for decades: "If you think you are retiring on SS, you better like the taste of dog food." In my life, I have a pension, a 401K, a settlement with the USN that pays me monthly, plus a side hustle. I am not even taking SS until I hit 67 because we are that satisfied.
  21. So what you think we should do is to continue to trust the same people who have failed for four decades and place faith in them that the next time they will get it right while fully knowing they are owned and work with, and for, people whose interest is diametrically opposed to most Americans? That isn't nihilism, it is just using your brain and realizing that we need to try something completely new, keep doing the same failed system that we have now.
  22. They have no plan other than propaganda.
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