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Everything posted by AUApostle

  1. I like it if used with no substitutions...but the QB has to be able to block or catch.
  2. I was right there with him until "over pronation". My latin training has failed me.
  3. thanks PTB...now I have to grab a dictionary...but thanks.
  4. And sometimes he threw the ball backwards.
  5. Freshman QBs often become better QBs in the subsequent years that follow. I was not crazy about White last year, but I believe he has improved, is healthy, and will be a solid QB this year.
  6. Stephen runs much stiffer and less fluid...maybe a little more speed. Stephen also sheds tackles like he's running through a Pre-K playground.
  7. FSU Nat'l Champ game killed the 30 pt streak, I believe.
  8. Muschamp IS an offense killer. Borges O went downhill the longer he was here.
  9. Why do you think we did that? It was so obvious what we were going to do. Puzzling. Were we trying to shorten the game to protect the D b/c he had no confidence in the offense to complete passes?
  10. I always like looking at video that shows how they handle contact between the tackles...most of those clips are in the last 3rd of the second video. He does a really good job of falling forward and shedding tacklers. Just watched Tre's high school video...very similar vision and speed, but he often liked to take on tacklers in the open field more so than Barrett.
  11. Seriously...elite vision, likes contact, and runs away from every defender in almost all the clips. Not sure about his frame, but he could be the closest thing to Tre that we've seen since.
  12. I'm going to say this right now, if Kirby beats Gus next year AU hired the wrong coach. Don't care if Gus wins 10 games. I've been saying this since 2012... I was wondering when this shtick would reappear. I'm glad Gus is keeping his enemies close! If you insiders are so certain of the demise of Gus, and no longer on the Gus Bus, I invite you to step in front of it! This is getting old guys and now it's appearing in the recruiting forum. Hopefully you get a warning from the mods. Ha! WDE LOL. Quite whining and grow a pair. wde Whining? No, I'm tired of WDEWDE and Altima being anti-Gus with the majority of their posts! It is obvious that WDE's not happy, but seems more personal than losing football games. Maybe access to the program? I'm not one to pump sunshine, but I'm also not going to act like we need to have jetgate round 2. WDE My post was more of a jab at Smart. My point stands. Smart is one goofy person. If you don't like what I have to say them don't read my post. Pretty simple. Goofy like Les Miles? One thing is for sure, his hair cuts look Dumb and Dumber inspired.
  13. If we had five guys on offense that played like KI did from an attitude standpoint we'd be on a 28 game winning streak....or more. Same with David on defense. One of the better smack talkers of all time at Auburn. Their Dad was the best message board smack talker of all time! Those ITAT board predictions for the Iron Bowl were hilarious...70-0 was his prediction every year.
  14. Sometimes it's as simple as saying, we have a new coach who prefers a different kind of athlete and you may not see much playing time the next 4 years. That would be enough to make me start looking at other schools.
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