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Everything posted by autan

  1. I realize Arky doesn't have the best defense in SEC, but that was the most dominating OL performance by an Auburn team Tackle to Tackle (+FB) that I've seen in a while. Kudos to CHH and his Grad Assistants. Gaping holes throughout the game. WDE
  2. I reckon No. 3 rated Passer is not too bad for someone who is not SEC quality.
  3. Does Auburn still have interest in Narcisse if he should decommit from LSU, or has he now become a backup plan with Stidham the No. 1 target?
  4. Do you think it could be that his heart might be with A & M and he wouldn't want to show that emotion on a visit? If we were playing anyone else he would be all AU for sure.
  5. So I guess that would mean two years in a row that we recruited a QB who didn't start at his JUCO school.
  6. Enjoyed JMR's comments. Good constructive criticism, unlike what we get from a few agenda posters on this forum.
  7. I think I saw where Joey really struggled in last weeks game something like 5-17 with 2 interceptions.
  8. Wasn't Hansen one of the QBs recruited by Auburn before we decided on Franklin?
  9. You guys have to know and Jarrett does too that if he comes to Auburn there would be no more QB by committee.
  10. As good as Bo looks as a freshman he should have all the tools to make someone a great QB at the college level. However I would be surprised if he was willing to wait 3 years behind Gatewood. BN will have dozens of offers for sure maybe after this season.
  11. Hard to believe this kid was just a freshman in this video.
  12. Offer list would be a good indicator but so many are not committable and may never be so. And some may be withdrawn without public knowledge. We have to trust our coaches to do what is best for Auburn. But I guess there will always be second guessing in the Recruiting game. Not an exact science as they say.
  13. I don't see making a possible career saving decision based on trying to keep a 16 year old 2018 recruit happy no matter how good we think he will be. If you have an opportunity to sign a 5* ready to roll stud QB who perfectly fits your system you take it without thinking twice. I hope Gatewood sticks but there are many things that could happen to change his mind. It's really too early for other programs to start putting flip pressure on him. I would think that might start in about a year. The way things change in College Football (ref. JR) I'm not concerned about 2019. I want to win now (2016 and 2017). Hopefully that will help take care of future.
  14. You are correct ell. But if he goes to a non football JUCO for one semester wouldn't he still have 4 to play 3? Not that a kid with his talent stay 4 years.
  15. I hope Joey is half as good as we think he will be. I think someone said he is not starting QB on his HS team, yet some of us wish he could skip his last two years of HS and start for AU this fall. I know we're all kidding but it is a little crazy how excited we can get over a 15 year old kid's potential. All this talk is entertaining but I'm ready for on the field football. WDE
  16. This is a shock at least for me. A rare victory for the Good guys for someone Saban really wanted. Congrats to Coaches Hand and Malzahn and others who helped recruit Austin. Hope we can hold on to AT and I think we will barring some disaster. This kid doesn't seem to be into playing games.
  17. I think one of the reasons we are not competing very well with the biggies is we have some kids on the team that don't want to be at AU. We got em because their immaturity caused others to back off and they were stuck with us. These kids don't love Auburn and don't leave it all on the field. We need kids giving 110% like most did in the Bowl game. I hope CGM and staff will let character play a bigger role in recruiting.
  18. If looks have anything to do with talent this guy has super star written all over him. Some of the guards our staff are so high on appear to have some baby fat. I'm sure our training guys can fix that. But what do I know anyway? Nothing of course. Tough luck with OL signees this year. I understand one has cancer and the other is a DL who is a project at OL. Need to sign some big uglies this year.
  19. AU isn't getting McBride. I would agree it's a long shot at best. You obviously know a lot more than most, if not all of us. But why are you 100% sure of this. Care to share? And why would CTW expend so much time and effort for a lost cause?
  20. Probably because most of us think (or maybe thought) he was a lock for the Tide. But if he bonds with CHH and decides to commit to AU this summer I don't see a high character kid like Austin flipping or playing games. However if UAT makes a push for Troxell this summer I would expect him to follow his heart. We just don't win many head-to-head battles with the wee man.
  21. We are recruiting TD the hardest because UAT is spending most of their time and effort working on the two higher rated LBs.
  22. We actually helped him more than just putting in good words to other programs. With his AU committment he was bumped up to 3* pretty quickly. 3*'s usually get some D1 offers. However if you get processed on NSD that would be a problem. Just hope it works out for the best fo this kid. Life is a learning curve.
  23. Stidham would be a great fit for Oregon. But probably too far away. Baylor or Texas A&M would also work. Nobody would turn him away.
  24. You couldn't turn down an athlete like Stidham who is probably one of the top five QBs in the class. But I doubt if AU would be in the mix. He can go anywhere.
  25. I guess THarris must not be considered a QB but an athlete like JSmith. Or else why would we already have half a dozen offers out to 2015 DT QBs. Makes me wonder about that 3QB for 2yr plan. My guess is CGM will always sign at least one Dual Threat guy(at least 4*) every year. Most of them can play another position, but of course they may prefer to transfer if they don't pan out at QB. That just the way it works in this era.
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