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Everything posted by austudnt23

  1. AU. I have felt he would end up at AU for a while now. We are more confident in him getting in and all now and have been recruiting him hard.
  2. Joey kind of reminds me of Cam with the way he runs. Now as far as throwing I would agree Dak. Joey has Cam like potential but will have to be developed. JF who reminds me of Deshaun Watson is ready now.
  3. FSU is only a threat if everything goes as planned and we get JF. Still even with JF it will be very tough for FSU to get Bo. Bo I don't think can come in and start as a freshman and his dad is very informed and knows Bo winning a starting jon as a true freshman at AU or FSU is unlikely. That would mean he would start as a RS sophomore after JF left. This legacies dad still loves AU unlike the last 5 star.
  4. He reminds me of Cadillac and Kenny a little of both. Now those are 2 of the better rbs in Auburn history. His running style reminds me of them though.
  5. This was a big time commit. His film has grown on me. I watched it over la st night amd I believe he will have great senior year. We beat bama out for an instate rb they really wanted makes this commit even bigger.
  6. You are right on some of the kids. I lumped Ben Davis in that category just because he was always going to bama. He never gave us a silent or anything like that. I was using him as an example of kids from state. His dad played at bama and holds records. He took an official visit here I believe the last weekend before signing day I may be wrong on that date though. I remember seeing him at the complex and at the stadium tour where they showed video on scoreboard. He handled his recruitment with class as E said but he was a silent to bama the whole time.
  7. BD was a nice kid that was never going anywhere but bama especially not AU. He didn't recruit actively for bama on his official but we wasted time recruiting him. Didn't hurt to give it a shot. I was not trying to lump him into the category of kids that played AU. He was never going anywhere but bama though.
  8. A certain kid played auburn until signing day. He silently committed and then told our coachest again night before signing day he was coming only to sign with bama. I have a hard time believing he changed his mind overnight. Ben Davis tried this game also. MW tried to play us for a while until we caught on with him early that same year. I think Asa is for real and not playing us because we have a few things going in our favor with him. I still worry because I have seen this alot with instate kids and bama. We will see Thursday though.
  9. I agree that I never feel comfortable about a recruit from state that has a bama offer until he signs. This one looks good for us atm though. We shall see what happens. Yes we have beat state kids for UAT with Saban at the helm. Martin it looks like we will win outright though as he has a spot at uat.
  10. I know confidence has grown at AU, but I will not feel comfortable until the bama confidence goes down.
  11. It is Def legit. At least that our coaches feel optimistic and have always believed we had legit shot. The coaches have felt good and that we were right there even with bama for a while now. I have just seen this to many times with in state kids that bama is confident about. Our coaches have always felt we were right there and could get Asa. When bama sources are as confident as they or have been at least it usually isn't good news though. We will get a solid rb this class. I would like to see us sign someone who could run between the tackles but Asa is talented.
  12. Yeah that's right. Took away any chance at getting a qb that would have won us a least on title.
  13. This. He might as well go on and do it now. I dont understand why a reporter would want to scoop a kids announcement. Has he done this before?
  14. Deshaun Waton was outed taking a secret trip to au
  15. Dude at rivals?? That is a freaking ridiculous careless thing to do trying to be the first to report something. Let the kid have his spotlight. Did he say it was an accident?
  16. This was not supposed to come out until tomm. Let He kid have his spotlight. Who released that story?
  17. I believe Bama is only taking two more WR's and they look good for a kid out of Texas and Ross. I agree that I won't feel safe until fax come through. Kid really likes Auburn though as does his family.
  18. This is an honest statement I will take Hill and Williams and give them Ross right now and be fine with it. Even though coaches felt good I posted from the start it watch out for bama. I have seen this story too many times.
  19. If you are good enough you play. Especially at wr. Hill is very good and underrated even though he is a top 100 player on some sites.
  20. We start the season like I expect and that will change real quick imo.
  21. We will continue to recruit DP yes. MT hasn't given us much attention since his commitment to Ohio State, but things could change. He is the best rb in the country and if we have a big year he could certainly reevaluate things.
  22. Yep Kodi showed he can recruit with the class he will sign. I expect Hill very soon. I have heard Williams could pull trigger very soon also. I have thought fron the start even though Ross was giving us love he would end up at bama. Ross has the potential to be very good but will have to be coached up.
  23. This. Fwiw our coaches feel we still have a good shot with Asa. I think he ends up at bama history has me feeling this way. We will sign a good rb I think it will be between Asa DP Cook who is a Longshot atm and Joiner if we decide to take him. I don't believe Joiner is a top flight rb that is my opinion. I also as you know don't think Asa is the type of rb we need to sign this year we need a rb who can run between the tackles. Other names could pop up also.
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