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Everything posted by AUwent

  1. I am so conflicted about all this. Look, I agree that universities are getting vastly too outlandish with the types of frills they build. But the mentality that some of our fans have that we shouldn't be "about winning and chest-thumping" irritates me. If that's the case, let's just board up our entire athletic program right now. That being said, the sport has been noticeably less fun since the playoff era began. And that's not just because of wins and losses--even during 2014 pre-11/8 and November 2017, everything's felt so much more corporate. Nationally I just don't see the same organic passion for the game that there once was.
  2. For as much of a Nancy as I can be, I LOL'd hard when a BR article ranked Miami ahead of us as a coaching job.
  3. Actually, we’ve won every regular season OOC game besides Clemson since Tubs left. I really like that we’re purposefully doing the traveling on odd years—we really need the big home games on even!
  4. Frankly we have no idea when Nicky will retire (JoePa coached until he was 85, Bobby Bowden until he was 80) or if Dabo will want to leave (even if worst comes to worst in that regard, don't underestimate the positive impact Clemson falling back into obscurity would have on our recruiting). Japan is right, depending on his retirement is not a viable plan. Schedule wise, if abolishing divisions can't happen, the next best thing would be to abolish permanent cross division games (Could we please swap Mizzou with WVU to go along with that? Not saying WVU would do any better than Mizzou but they would at least fit in the east, and the Big 12 would actually make geographic sense again). If not that, then we need to take 'er easy OOC wise. Which it seems like we're doing after we're through with PSU. Trying to convince myself the 2020s won't be the new '70s. Can we at least have '70s quality movies and music in that case? https://doyouremember.com/70039/greatest-movie-decade-evidence-1970s-best-decade-film-making
  5. We've played them a bazillion times and it never goes well for us...they took us to the brink when they went 6-7 and we won the NC. If Jay didn't love playing them we probably would've gone to the playoffs instead of UAT in 2017. Cal-Berkeley is the type of home and home we should be doing--they're an opponent we haven't played much if ever, it's a scenic local (when not on fire), and they shouldn't be too difficult a team (weren't we just complaining about how we always have one of the toughest schedules in CFB?) Also, it's interesting to think that the two of us would've been the opponents for USCw and Oklahoma if a playoff existed in '04 (w/ selection committee, of course).
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc
  7. 2013 says hi. #1 pick was an OT from CMU!
  8. 2023 should be a much better class than 2022. The question is, if our recruiting in 2021 and 22 is weak, do we have any chance of at least nine wins in any of Harsin's first four years? And I wonder how good we have to be on the field this year to win recruits over? If we're competitive in our losses like 1981, would recruits be able to look past a 6-6 season, since that seems to be what most are expecting?
  9. We could have four straight years of a first round NBA pick. That is extraordinary.
  10. Part of why I’m skeptical of the current admin.
  11. It might be better to go 6-6 and be competitive in all our losses than 8-4 and get blown out by our rivals (think 2011 or last year, which would’ve effectively been 8-4).
  12. I thought UAT's success this year was likely not sustainable? I see they're ranked #4...
  13. Three, but yeah it's great to have players drafting high enough to sell crootin' if they do go pro early. We've had eight first round NBA picks in our history and two have come in the last two years. When players leave early when they know they'll be free agent (almost always for financial reasons, so COMPLETELY justifiable on their part!), it really is the worst of both worlds for the team. Are our prospects still pretty good for next year, even without him?
  14. Ugh. So our bball program is back in the cellar...this could be a really dark decade for Auburn athletics, especially when you look across the state.
  15. 247 composite still rates him as 3*, and that's what matters. Do we expect his composite to rise?
  16. There’s going to be much less of an excuse to not break the BR streak very soon.
  17. Welcome aboard Dylan! Our class is now all the way up to 20. Still relatively weak but given where we were two months ago, a fine job by Harsin.
  18. We *do* expect to get some 4* guys, correct? Granted, the 2022 cycle may be a bit weird in terms of evaluation. Lots of unranked guys getting offers from "The Big Three."
  19. Good job by CBH salvaging SOMETHING out of this class (from #48 to #30 in a couple weeks on 247). By no means a good class, but a stepping stone nonetheless. (Re: Clay Travis, if the majority of this class stays it's already better than that disastrous 2008 class.) Now, build on it! Should be aiming for the pre-teens next year.
  20. Seriously though, I can’t say I would be all that excited about a 3* OL. If we can get Shor and Quick on the other hand, then the ball will be rolling.
  21. Dayne Shor excites me most. A 4* OT TO AUBURN?! WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?!
  22. So wait is this guy a potential "problem?"
  23. People still on the Gus Bus like Mikey are not looking at the big picture. The problem is how poor recruiting is right now. I don't know WHEN, but at some point Gus's recruiting failures will catch up with him and he won't be able to squeak by. Preferably sooner than later so we won't turn into FSU. Basically I would gladly take a Ron Zook type if it means we get a stocked cupboard.
  24. If--BIG if--true, then yes, Coach O should go bye-bye. Innocent until proven guilty, of course.
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