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Everything posted by icanthearyou

  1. You see it and,,, you still don't believe. Cognitive dissonance, maximum overdrive.
  2. Sure. Trump did not call them to be there. Look at those nice officers inviting them inside. You are a true believer. Why do you hate America?
  3. The Fed and,,, Wall St. It's the nature of financialization.
  4. The real point is,,, we are responsible for our own sin. We all have enough of our own to worry about. We don't need to constantly look at the sin of others in order to feel self righteous. Jesus is a wonderful God. Christians should stop trying to rule the world and, go back to following Him.
  5. This is a very important consideration. However, you have to combine that information with the fact that we are now a financialized rather than production based economy. The fed is somewhat limited because,,, they do not determine where the flow is going. Since we are financialized, more money goes into speculation rather than increasing production. Consequently, we get asset inflation. Asset inflation without increased production leads to inflation in all goods.
  6. I do not understand what point you are attempting to make. Why would you believe I am "taking tax dollars"?
  7. I do not believe any religion should enjoy a tax free status. Religions are inherently fraudulent. They use god. They rarely serve god. You seem to be having difficulty understanding,,, I am not a "Christian",,, I am merely a follower of Jesus. Christianity has lost Jesus' message of love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, charity. Christianity is no longer about Jesus. Christianity seeks worldly power. Christianity is perhaps the biggest fraud of all.
  8. I agree. A crisis is almost always necessary in order for structural change to occur. However, the only type of crisis we seem to respond to is,,, an economic one.
  9. Apparently, Thomas was looking to sell his seat in order to get out of debt. https://www.yahoo.com/news/real-reason-why-clarence-thomas-164539330.html Can you afford a Supreme Court "Justice"?
  10. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/10/11/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-hamas-attack-timeline.html
  11. Now the question becomes,,, did the government of Israel know?
  12. I would be more concerned with the failure in detecting Hamas' plans prior to the attack and,,, the extremely slow response to the attacks.
  13. First,,, equating the KKK with BLM. Second,,, the idea that the crazy on the right is equivalent to the crazy on the left. Third,,, the relentless focus on inane social rather than economic issues.
  14. Always beware of those who profess the need for religion while,,, absolutely refusing to practice Jesus' simple message of love. Jesus, His message, are real. Religion is a fraud. When religions seek worldly power,,, hypocrisy is revealed. The power of Jesus that we need to cultivate is love. Control should not be a goal. Whether you view the issue as theological or, political,,, the answer should be obvious.
  15. Not true. You should read the Powell memo. The decline is directly related to neo liberal, neo conservative economics.
  16. What you are observing is the power of capital. Both parties are right wing (one moderate, one extreme). Both serve capital. Good government balances the interests of capital and society. Capital has dominated politics for 5 decades. We need to restore balance. It will not happen until the people of this country unite in the effort to remove money from the political and governing processes. Until then,,, enjoy the growing debt and, the stagnate wages.
  17. I have always believed in the value of true conservatives. I see little value in today's manifestation, the idiotic, ideological lineage from Goldwater. When I was younger, progressives were too eager to change the world and worse, they wanted to do it by noon tomorrow. Conservatives slowed change so that it was measured, effective, thoughtful. Now, conservatives will not support any progressive ideas. It is ideological idiocy.
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