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Everything posted by icanthearyou

  1. No. That is not what I believe. I believe the wealthy have taken control of the government and,,, therefore now enjoy unfair advantages in taxation, influence, subsidizing. This is fundamentally unfair and corrupt. It can only be changed by the removal of money from the political and governing processes. I believe power cannot be allowed to concentrate. That dynamic threatens democracy and capitalism. Relative equality is vital to both, as well as, basic peace, civility, ultimate prosperity. My real premise is,,, we must balance power, we must balance the two real political interests,,, society and capital/ humanity and business. That is good politics, good government. There is no ideology.
  2. Yes, Christian Zionist are part of the "support". However, I believe that is about internal politics. Foreign policy comes down from a higher authority,,, Wall St. Internal politics has never seemed to affect the most basic foreign policy decisions. Republicans and Democrats are usually lock step in "defending American interests". Yes, interesting that "christians" will value the words of ancient prophets rather than the very words of Jesus. Interesting that "christians" will deny the commandment of Jesus Himself to promote peace and humanity while forsaking the worldly goals of money and power. Christians can no longer separate religion from God. As Jesus told the religious leaders of the day,,, "you do not need Me". The love of Jesus is no longer the basis of Christianity for far too many. Combining religion and politics kills god. Combining religion and politics is nothing more than an exercise in power, division, control, economic exploitation. The real message of Jesus is being destroyed from within the Church by virtue of economics, prejudice and politics.
  3. Sure but,,, we are the ones who claim to be only motivated by spreading democracy and human rights. We would be a more righteous, more humanitarian force if we actually practiced what we profess. We are serving the interests of a few at the expense of many, our integrity, our future. Our only true motives are money and power. We are by far the wealthiest country in human history yet,,, poverty is expanding, civility is fractured, the government is heavily in debt, we have a massive trade deficit, we cannot spend enough on our military. It is insane.
  4. I would argue that the real reason is support of oil trading in dollars. No matter (virtually the same). The point is,,, we further our economic interests, not democracy, not humanity. Our real religion is capitalism. Our real god is money/power. Our history of foreign policy really should be all of the evidence you need.
  5. Do you ever question why,,, your religion aligns with a certain way of interpreting the Bible and, your politics but,,, not with the words of Jesus?
  6. Nailed it. I hope Hunter Biden is fairly, but severely, punished. His tax evasion was egregious. Simply paying fines is not enough. The rich and privileged need to subjected to prison just like the commoners.
  7. That is not what was said. Why be disingenuous?
  8. And Jesus said unto them,,, do not worry about the poor, the immigrants, the widows, the orphans, those suffering around you. Be callous to their plight. Forget not that the Lord has commanded you to end abortion and persecute the homosexuals. The Lord does not love the humble sinner. The Lord does not want us leaning upon Him. The Lord loves the boastful, ideologically driven, self reliant, self absorbed, self righteous. Produce a meritocracy and ignore those who God has made to be the least among you. Exploit and discard them as you please. Perhaps the "demonic" element is not those who ignore God but rather, those who would bastardize his message with their own politics and prejudice?
  9. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-vote-delayed-demand-gaza-humanitarian-ceasefire-2023-12-08/ How can a "Christian nation" block an effort to restore peace and humanity? We are not who we say we are, what we believe we are.
  10. We should all be ashamed. If in fact,,, we are the government. We all need to take a step away from ideology and,,, reaffirm a commitment to truth, humanity, democracy.
  11. Both work directly for the capital class. Both are vital.
  12. It is highly progressive. You can buy the diploma and keep the money from the school choice vouchers. All you have to do is work,,, the system.
  13. Can you not read? God wanted him to be speaker. He backed Scalise and Jordan before accepting his fate. He did not want to be speaker. God wanted him to be speaker so,,, He could keep out the immigrants, promote inequality, protect our gun rights, force people to have children they do not want and cannot afford, destroy Social Security and,,, give charity and tax breaks to the ultra rich. You ignorant liberal. You probably don't realize that God blessed this country and capitalism (absolutely unfettered). God sanctioned manifest destiny, the extermination of native Americans, slavery. God is guiding us to promote greed and inhumanity. We are blessed and exceptional because of God and His minions,,, our right wing political leadership.
  14. The worst of this is,,, you believe your own lies.
  15. Of course not. The message of Jesus is obviously all about right wing politics.
  16. Some of you simply do not understand who is running this country, what their issues are, what they care about. You need to rise above the distractions. Partisan politics is idiotic. Nothing changes until money is diminished in politics and government. We need to restore the "government of the people". We need to restore the balance of power between capital and society. We need to return to being a production based economy rather than a financialized economy.
  17. The real problem with our government is,,, it is for sale. Campaign finance, lobbying, privatization have corrupted the government. The capital class understands what politics really is,,, semi civilized class warfare.
  18. https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/is-it-cheaper-to-refuel-your-ev-battery-or-gas-tank-we-did-the-math-in-all-50-states/ar-AA1eX28s?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=14a73de657054e748ec92b52bb3284ce&ei=38
  19. Simply not true. The problem is defined. It is simple. There is no rant or ramble. Grotesque inequality is anti capitalistic, anti democratic, unproductive, unsustainable, breeds civil unrest, drives up the need for and, cost of government. I have offered many elements for a solution. Primarily,,, stop selling government (restore democracy),,, end all paid lobbying, extreme campaign finance reform, end the corrupt idea that money is speech.
  20. While it might be expedient, I do not believe we should simply "remove" them. That does not sound like democracy.
  21. Power doesn't care about humanity.
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