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Everything posted by kd4au

  1. Welcome to the family Josh, glad you get to live your dream and play for your life long team the Auburn Tigers. Always good to get these kids that really want to be here.
  2. I forgot about Jimbo being here when P Nix was,he could be a problem if he likes Bo.
  3. That's unless you are cutting hay,then a 20% chance turns into a flood before you get it baled.But I do like our chances of getting Bo and JF.
  4. WOW,I had wrote him off to clempson.What great surprise.
  5. IMO that's because Gus is a better OC than head coach at this point.Hope he figures it out soon or we will have a new head coach.Maybe he has learned he can't do both,I'm fine with him having all the input he wants, but as a head coach he may not have time to game plan like he did as an OC and do it right.
  6. No doubt Langner and Newton had two of the biggest special teams plays ever in the history of Auburn football.They do need a mention.
  7. Did not know he was on staff,thanks for the info.Hope he helps in coaching kickoff coverage.What is his position on the staff?
  8. Agree with everything in your post and I thank you for your input.As you stated the O-line is critical,if they can come together we may have a great year.
  9. One of my fav's was always Craig Sanders,he was great on kickoff coverage.
  10. What took you so long?There was no where else you could go but Auburn.Welcome to the family. Glad we finally got a legacy committed.
  11. Glad we are getting him,he may be a gamer like his uncle Bo.Bo was said to not be a great practice player but when the game started it was on.There is something to having good genes,hope he has some of the same ones as Bo.
  12. For me it was one freak of nature named Bo Jackson, his combo of speed, power and just mental toughness may never be seen again and then and lot of great running backs that are too good to single out just a few.We have really been blessed to have so many great backs at AU.
  13. I have a question,if JG can not start at his school over the other QB at his school why are we not recruiting the other QB?
  14. Been wondering the same thing,when Gus got here in 09 there was a lot of motion and shifting but not as much in the last few years.Was it because of Rhett?
  15. You can count me as one of those fans.I will be sooo pissed if he does not end up at AU.
  16. Really hope we sign this kid.Not to open a can of worms (on the coaching speed issue)but you can't coach speed like that.With a QB that can get the ball down the field like JS he could really open things up for the entire offense.
  17. One thing about Gus is he doesn't have a lot of recruits that don't make it in the classroom.
  18. Stacy Danley also comes to mind as a big lanky back from years ago.
  19. Really wish Bo would have called them Alabama university.We do not need to let this kid get away from us,would be nice to get a legacy and him be really good.
  20. We don't get many from Decatur,it is a bammer strong hold.I would bet if they want him they will get him.
  21. I would agree that 28-30 passes a game would be enough but we would have to get back to running 80 plays a game first for that to only be 35%.I really am not as concerned about the percentage of run/pass as I am the unpredictability of the play calling and being able to execute a passing game when the uga and bama type defenses shut our running game down.Like you I'm looking for a better mix,hope we get it.
  22. We need more balance and I hope CL can bring that to the offense.I don't want a total air raid but we need to pass enough to be as good at passing as we are at running.It doesn't bother me if we are still 70% run if we can pass effectively when needed,but I'm not sure you can only pass 30% of the time and still pass well enough to be effective, you have to have enough reps for your qb and wr to get in rhythm.Any way good luck to CL and Gus hope they can put it all together.
  23. T-Will and Steele doing good work bringing in the big dogs,still wish they would add TJ to go with TD.Would love to see us sign a big class of top lb'ers for a change.
  24. 'Whip his a—. Go straight through him. I love it WDE Mr. Green coach TD up.
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