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mustache eagle

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Everything posted by mustache eagle

  1. I hope he has all the success in the world and those folks better buckle up cuz they are getting a soon to be fan favorite.
  2. I had to look it up klein - former oc and heisman qb finalist at K state
  3. Gonna go play for a defensive minded head coach?
  4. I heard a recruiting guy critique his game a couple months ago and I don’t recall what was said. But it seemed like a reasonable observation at the time and really made me wonder why we were pursuing him at all, other than an in state kid with star value. I loathe the game playing by recruits and this really felt like that. Maybe I’m wrong The Mississippi kid was the one I was hoping we’d pull through with - as far as highly ranked - dear? That ship may have sailed
  5. Again … brutal … hard to be optimistic this is a anything more than a lame duck rest of the season. Had such optimism early season. Never saw the sweeps and run rule games coming. These situational collapses are puzzling. One of the more frustrating seasons I can recall.
  6. This has been a brutal conference season. The kids have got to be hurting.
  7. I noticed that too some games ago. Im no baseball guy so it just seems weird to me. Didnt even think of the pitch calling. Is Teaford or the catcher - mostly Ike- calling the pitches. This didn’t happen last year with larue?
  8. I don’t know anything. We just need better guard play to advance in the tourneys and get n this state of NIL I just don’t think it’s feasible at n the future to put 10 guys on a team like we did this year. We thought we had the magic formula this year but just fell short
  9. I’ve been wondering if cbp backs off the 10 deep thing. Broome at the 4 and 5 solves numerous issues for him. Doesn’t NEED to get another 4. gives Broome better chance at nba (so people say)Makes kids - cardwell and Chaney - happier with more playing time. Less money to spend. Can focus on the backcourt because the front will all be knowns. … but we are screwed if someone gets hurt. Sooooooo, I’m assuming he’ll still take a reserve 4 that’ll be ok with 5-6 minutes a game as a safety net. all about getting a stud PG in the portal or 2 or get tre to stay with similar minutes to last year.
  10. Saturday and Sunday baseball … very very ouch …
  11. Show of hands … who called Towns McGough as MVP?!
  12. Spring game is never, zero, zip, nadda an indicator of how the team will play in the fall. cam newton looked very very pedestrian in the spring game and the team looked very average. Won a natty. we may be way better - or worse - than today.
  13. Great game. Great start to the weekend. We gotta get some production from the end of our lineup. john Armstrong was wicked in his outing.
  14. Unfortunately I think Bruce will have to overhaul his philosophy. He won’t be able to go 10 deep. You can’t negotiate money/playing time with that many players and keep them all happy.
  15. Binding contracts for the players i hate this crap. but if this the road … then you gotta take it all the way. As I’ve said before, these kids will be the ones screwed at the end of the day at the hands of the “adults” who’ve pushed is crap.
  16. The game playing along with the new mercenary culture is an insufferable combo. Is Alvin really that good? Although I can’t recall the specific comment, a recruiting person a while back mentioned a possible reservation about AH and it made me question if we should pursue him at all.
  17. I commented that we’d be a full lineup hitting in the 300’s and we’ve had a few guys fall off. I think we have that capability- just wish they’d come on. our pitching is exhausting. The number of 2 strike hits we’ve given up is frustrating. also, how many times have we let the lead off batter on and a second batter home run? the sec is brutal
  18. Cbm should have been guarding him but alas was in the locker room (possibly tweeting?)
  19. I wish KD all the success in the world. Saw he wants to transfer then come back and get his degree from Auburn. I think that’ll be a great story and shows that he cares for Auburn.
  20. I like cbp ALOT. Sp has grown on me. No one should ever go after a player … ever. If you wanna banter about disappointment on a message board like this, so be it. But the fans absolutely have a voice and should not be told to shut up. It’s also reasonable to expect fans not to be asshats, but it’s also reasonable to critique the awful loss to Yale while also praising the championship while also applauding the season and the success of the players while also questioning the continued technical fouls while also praising the fearlessness and tenacity of the players. All of this can live in the same space while also expecting not to be belittled by the coach (now go back and see my first sentence)
  21. I’ve warmed to SP and starting to sorta see his coaching style … like someone else said, more of a bro-like relationship with the players … but that was a dumb thing to say.
  22. We sure battled this weekend. Arky is really good. Hope the guys keep their head in the game. Will need to get a sweep or 2 to catch back up in the standings. The sec is absolutely brutal.
  23. Smells of click bait … things like this make me hate the ease at which people can be a “journalist”. The worst “bad” journalist are in the sports media.
  24. Turnovers have been 1-8 in the second half
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