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Everything posted by Barnacle

  1. Oh, thank God. I've heard about his escapades. Soccer players aren't to be trusted (communists and such). I think, for purposes of full disclosure, that @McLoofus should share the contents of his black book with the board, so that we can all conduct further "research" into this matter. As to kids at law school, I think it depends on the school. At Cumberland, I would argue that the majority of students are conservative, but certainly far to the left of the general student population.
  2. Was she a law student? I like to sip coffee in the student union between classes, and the juxtaposition between the conversations being held at tables populated by divinity students, and the conversations held by law students is far more entertaining than it should be. I'm a Christian, but I like to humor myself by eavesdropping on the conversations of conservative, affluent and earnest young believers contemplating the application of theology to their lives. "But what does it look like to love a homosexual???" Meanwhile, the female law students at the next table are gossiping loudly about a rumor involving another female student, a professor, and all the things they may or may not have been caught doing in the library one night. I'll digress, because I do appreciate that those people are at least spending their time contemplating how to display the love of Christ in this world, and we were all naive and idealistic at some point. There's no doubt that I am a young, naive and idealistic law student. Edit: sorry for injecting religion and/or completely unrelated material to this thread. So here's this: Kansas is the worst program in the Power 5.
  3. Loof, I'm embarrassed to say this, but until you compared a Jason Isbell song to a Bell's Two Hearted Ale, I hadn't ever taken the time to listen to him. In short, thanks. I've been going through some of his stuff while working since yesterday afternoon, and I've been enjoying it. It just got me thinking. Something that sucks about law school (and driving an 07 Honda Accord without an aux port), is that I rarely have time to listen to music anymore, at least not as one properly should. When I was in high school and college, I spent a lot of time around friends and other people who shared a passion for music. Music, for me, especially during the more chaotic years of my late teens and early 20s was a compelling and curative escape from all the things that made me feel lost, or angry, or sad. I very ardently sought it out. Especially as a teenager, music and the culture surrounding it was like a new frontier that I was getting to explore for the first time. Many of my favorite memories, places, experiences and relationships are watermarked by music. In college, living in North Mississippi made it even more interesting. I took it for granted then, but good gracious, we were spoiled by the access we had to touring acts and phenomenal local talent. The same can't be said for Huntsville, Alabama, unfortunately. But, I'm hoping that will change soon. So, music, as much as it was a deep and meaningful aspect of my life in my late teens and early 20s, hasn't been the same thing for me in my mid-late 20s. I surmise that some of that has to do with getting out of a college town and into a place without much of a music scene; some of it is environmental. Then, once I started pursuing the woman who would become my wife, I was trying to consciously change some of my habits. I'm talking about the kinds of habits that frequent auditorium lots during the twilight hours, before the house lights dim down. Unfortunately for me, and more significantly for the people I was around, the two went hand in hand. At this point, I've made other aspects of life a priorities. And, that's cool. But, I've definitely lost touch with what's been happening in the past 4-5 years, within the circles of music that I enjoy. That bothers me, because that's a conversation that I enjoy having. It also bothers me, because I genuinely love music. So, I don't know why I just typed all that but, thinking through it all, and reading about TT this morning, it kind of made me want to spend more time around here, and that's really what I wanted to say.
  4. I agree about the modern era part. I've always thought of the modern era as beginning with Spurrier at Florida. I was just reading this discussion as Saban-era Alabama NFL successes/busts relative to Auburn NFL successes and busts within the same time frame, but again I could be wrong. edit: I also think its difficult to talk about Alabama as they are today, outside the context of Nick Saban, just because of how distinctly different their program became after he arrived.
  5. I'm not going to speak for McLoofus, but when I was reading through this thread this morning, I was under the impression that the discussion revolved around Nick Saban's tenure at Alabama. I could be wrong, that's just how I was reading it.
  6. I think you might be right. Kerryon continuing to add weight too. His body looked great during the spring game.
  7. hahaha perfect timing, read my post I just edited.
  8. Girlfriend posts are like chum in the water for Golf. Pics or GT*O. Sorry, E.
  9. Hahaha. Let's see. 5 minutes from school both ways, plus time to change should have given you what, 45 minutes? At high school age, you could have populated half of Cobb County.
  10. When I played high school ball in St. Louis, the football team went out to eat at the same neighborhood Italian restaurant every Friday night after walk-throughs (private schools play on Saturdays in St. Louis). And every week during dinner it was the job of a new underclassman to give the team a "prep talk" explaining why no one should be having sex that night - or anything like it. You know, bad for the legs. Inevitably, somebody's girlfriend, sister or mom always ended up being dragged into this motivational speech. Always the highlight of the night. Those are some of my best memories of playing high school football. The little things, traditions, etc.
  11. Offenses play better against poor defenses, you know, as a reminder
  12. Cole, you ought to just make it your signature.
  13. The point remains. You take guys who you think, given their skill set, can help you win games. Gatewood is no exception to that rule.
  14. I still don't understand your point. We shouldn't recruit players to play quarterback because we aren't good at recruiting players to play quarterback? Who does this not apply to? Remember Nick Marshall? Based upon your reasoning, he should never have been offered a scholarship to play at Auburn. No players are sure things, even highly heralded quarterback recruits. Look at Blake Barnett. You look at players, you look at their upside and you recruit the players you think can develop into contributors. Gatewood's upside at the QB position is tremendous. He's not a sure thing. So what? Such is recruiting.
  15. No, I'm not thinking he will be a tight-end. I still like him at quarterback and I presume (from what I've read) that the coaches do too, but he has the skill set to play both positions. It's also interesting that you are framing my argument as if mine is a minority position. I'm basing my opinion off of 1) his tape 2) his scholarship offers 3) what our coaches have said about him, and 3) what posters who have far greater insight into recruiting have reiterated.
  16. FIFY. Don't think of him in terms of a traditional, run-blocking tight end. He would be to us what Evan Engram was to Ole Miss.
  17. Will see about what? You inferred that he may not be "worthy" of a big-time scholarship offer. But, he's already received scholarship offers from most of the biggest programs in college football. Again, I'm confused at what point you are trying to make. All recruits are wait and see prospects until they get on campus. There are no sure things.
  18. Well, there aren't any high school juniors that I know of that could start for an SEC team and compete for championships at any position. You look at a player's skill sets and you project where you think they could be in 2-3 years. Joey is being projected for at least two positions, quarterback and tight end. I am by no means inside to Auburn's recruiting, but there are several posters in this thread who are, and have said as much. He hasn't had trouble starting as a quarterback at the high school level. He's been utilized in other ways at a school loaded with division 1 quarterback talent. It's not a question of talent.
  19. I'm not sure I understand your point or how it's germane to this discussion. If you are suggesting that Joey Gatewood isn't worth risking a scholarship on, I think you may have lost your marbles.
  20. Another thing people need to remember about him not playing quarterback is that his coach's job is to put the best 11 men on the field. As athletic as he is, I don't think they were going to have any problems winning games with him at quarterback. But, when you've got someone else who can play the quarterback position just as well, not necessarily even better than someone like Gatewood, it makes sense to play that person and use Joey anywhere and everywhere else. That's just winning games. Anyway, it shouldn't cause anyone to question his ability to play quarterback. The talent is there, like many of you have said. Either way, what's happened has happened, and from what that article said, he will be playing quarterback this season somewhere. All I know is that he is a PHENOMENAL athlete and I'll take him any way we can get him.
  21. I hope they don't get White. I enjoy watching him too much for him to be in Crimson.
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