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Everything posted by Barnacle

  1. He does look a lot like some former and current Alabama backs.
  2. I'm definitely going to go watch him play this fall. Always fun when a big recruit is playing close to me.
  3. @ShocksMyBrain @McLoofus and other fans of Phish, Something wonderful happened to me today. In college, somewhere in deep dark cavern of sh!t that was hatchback Ford Focus, I had a cd with the March 20, 1992 Phish show at the Broome County Forum in Binghamton, New York burned onto it. Contained in that show is my very favorite version of Harry Hood - and a lot of other good material (killer Weekapaug Groove). I probably lost that cd 6-7 years ago, and I've never been able to find it since. I looked everywhere for it and eventually gave up. Around the same time I had to delete all the music off of my hard drive because my computer was messed up, so I had no record of it - I couldn't even remember what year the show was from. About a year ago, when I had spare time, I started thumbing through Hood's history on Phish.net, downloading shows off of "the spreadsheet" and listening to either confirm or move along. Recently, I discovered phish.in, which allows you to stream just about every show they've played and decided to start going through and listening to every Hood played starting in 1990. I still had Trey's solo cemented perfectly in my mind, so marking versions off of my list didn't take all that long. This morning, I made it to March 20, 1992 and listened to the first 30 seconds of Harry Hood before the synapses in my brain started pumping nostalgia through my veins. I realized, "this might be it", so I skipped ahead to Trey's solo and BOOM - there it was, the song I've been looking for all these years. I've never seen this particular version of Hood listed on any of the "top" lists you'll find around the internet, but it's the one that did it for me over and over again, and today it still holds up. It's everything I like about Phish: the goofy lyrics, the sweet interplay between Mike and Page and the slow build into Trey's mind-numbing, soaring and altogether beautiful solo to bring it home. It's made me really happy to find this again - if for nothing more than the memory. If you want to take a listen: you'll find it here.
  4. Anyone listen to Leon Bridges? I just found out about him, and wow...
  5. Not at all. It's a pretty clean show.
  6. Yes. I've watched several episodes. Law is excellent, but its a strange show. I'll have to reserve my thoughts until I'm finished with it. Lately, the wife and I have been watching Sneaky Pete on Amazon, and it's not bad. Giovanni Ribisi plays the main character, and I think he's really good. Supporting cast is very good too. Bryan Cranston and Margo Martindale are in it. I enjoy anything about con men, cons, etc. so that aspect I like, but it's not going to blow your mind.
  7. I heard on the radio this will be their best in-state class since something like 2002.
  8. Next year? It's already stacked!!! Paying dividends already. This is why I said he will do no worse than Miles. Takes care of business in an already talent rich state.
  9. Stanford is one of those rare schools who offer both an excellent football program and world class education. Im not slacking on Auburn, but Stanford is a name that everyone automatically associates with academics. Obviously, he would get an excellent education at Auburn if he pursues it. Getting into Stanford, on the other hand, is an accomplishment on its own.
  10. I hope the Super Bowl ends up being more entertaining than some of these playoff games.
  11. I swear though, this board will make anyone crazy if you spend enough time here. Non-stop cycle of idiots shouting gibberish, and then people inexplicably engaging with said idiots.
  12. Elle, It always works this way. This is nothing new. Those shouting on both sides, generally trade positions once power shifts from one party to another. I've found its generally a good rule of thumb not to engage any of those doing the shouting, from either side. They are all the same! Your position of "I'll support the President once he does something worthy of my support" is valid. You don't need to defend yourself.
  13. Elle, you don't have to bow down to anyone. This is America, after all. None of us should bow down to the President, whoever he or she is. Our founders set up our government in order that we never have that obligation. You're right. Donald Trump isn't your President. No one will ever be your President. And please don't misinterpret my tone as patronizing. That's not my intention, I promise. Donald Trump may be everything that you say he is, but whatever he is, he's ours, better or worse, and that's the reality of living within a democracy. Trust me, I understand the criticism of Trump. I'm very critical of Trump, but I don't understand it when people say "he's not and never will be my President."
  14. Yeah, I'm not knocking the rating system. I'm knocking the people in this thread who act as if we have no business recruiting a 3-star quarterback. And, I'm trying to point out how difficult the position is to evaluate, in general.
  15. @aujeff11 there's a PDF at the bottom of this article with the breakdown. https://www.google.com/amp/www.al.com/articles/15124606/current_nfl_qbs_werent_all_big.amp
  16. Yes, I made this point earlier. Which is why you can't rely upon stars exclusively. If anything the amount of 2 and 3 stars in the NFL shows the difficulties in evaluating the position, and perhaps flaws in how they are rated.
  17. I'll post a link in a few, and to your second point - yes, you are right, and that was my point to you earlier. More 2 and 3 stars don't pan out because there are more of them. I don't think anyone is wrong to rely on stars, and I'm certainly not accusing you of relying upon them exclusively, but history tells us that success at the QB position is highly unpredictable, and stars are only a starting point.
  18. Why? We are talking about quarterbacks. Breaking down any other position wouldn't be helpful.
  19. Probably, but I would imagine that's because there are so many more 2 and 3 star players than 4 and 5 star players coming out of high school, many of whom may not have been evaluated, or given much exposure. Here's what I do know, the quarterback position is the hardest position to evaluate. Here's what else I know: NFL Quarterbacks in 2014 ***** 8 **** 13 *** 19 ** 13
  20. Thanks. My point is that almost no one here knows anything about evaluating quarterbacks.
  21. Anyone here think this kid couldn't hang with Eli Jenkins?
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