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Everything posted by Barnacle

  1. @ellitor I know this question has been answered, but how many years will he have to play?
  2. Apologies if this has been mentioned earlier in this thread, as I'm sure it has been, but what's the timeline on his commitment? Has to be by December 14?
  3. Everyone should read this. Great overview going into the game.
  4. I've really enjoyed reading these this season. Thanks for continuing to post them.
  5. This is what stuck out to me as well. Those numbers are abysmal. Also, a glaring lack of improvement year to year.
  6. Hopefully Gus can keep the team from quitting. If that starts to happen it is going to be horrific.
  7. Couldn't agree more about building around White, and bringing in JFIII situationaly. As for passing to open up the run, this was a concern last season as well. I remember you posting about throwing more on first down then. I don't remember if Gus actually started to or not. I don't recall that he did, although I'm sure you will know. If not, do you expect him to make that change this season? As stubborn as he is, it wouldn't surprise me to see him stick to his run first mentality.
  8. Fine, but when it's fourth down, you tell your quarterback to at least throw it back there. I'm choosing not to be critical of that one play. Aside from the missed throw to Cox, I haven't seen him struggle in the red zone.
  9. Watch the replay. Not much else there unless you throw back across the field. He threw late, but you've got to throw it.
  10. You have to throw it into the end zone. Even if there are three guys there. What's your alternative? There was a small window. He went for it.
  11. Not a bad int. Gotta throw it there no matter what.
  12. We should have run on third down. Low percentage play in that pass. If you know you are going to run it on fourth and run, run it on third.
  13. Gus. What are you doing. Run the ball on third down. We were having success. My mind is hurting so much right now.
  14. Not just a feeling Bird. It's reality. We have 38 total yards.
  15. Gotta say. Gus sure appears to be throwing darts. Ita bothersome to me that he clearly had no idea what we could count on for success. He's trying everything, and sticking with nothing.
  16. Bird, would you elaborate on "in phase"? Pretty sure I know what you mean but not familiar with the lingo. Do you mean while running with/covering a man?
  17. Our defense is awesome. Holy cow. Adams whooped that double team. Just lacking secondary depth.
  18. First sack was Johnson's fault. He rolled straight into the outside rush. He should have stepped up inside the pocket.
  19. Came here to say this. Figure it's gonna be this way all night, so this will be my only comment until after the game.
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