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Everything posted by JBiGGiE

  1. At this point I think we should pivot and look to sign 10 O-Linemen, maybe see if some of them can catch and convert them to Tight-ends if need be. The last three years of watching Jarrett Stidham and Bo Nix running for their lives because of garbage pass protect has become unbearable.
  2. Eric Wilson is considered by many a future NFL lineman. I don't think it's a waste of time. Sure it's an indictment on past OL recruiting cycles, but when talent is out there looking to transfer you have to try and grab em.
  3. Having watched some more of his stuff over the last few months, I don't agree with his takes. Interesting perspectives... But I'm not onboard
  4. Interesting take on the Caylin Newton pick-up. I don't agree with it but he is quite high on Caylin.
  5. I for one am excited about this. Right now there are players in the NFL who came from G5 and FCS schools, so I think it pretty safe to say that it's not outside the realm of possibility for a guy like Council to be a great O-Li neman in spite of where he got his collegiate start. Assuming we get to have football this season, his experience should help overall. The real silver lining is that everyone else in the country is having to deal with the same limitations in terms of S&C, system installs, and practice. So the playing field is somewhat even. Again, assuming we play ball this year, I think we'll teams with the most returning experience perform the best. Maybe not the best news for Auburn, but hey, what do I know? 😅
  6. Call it spiteful, but I hope this kid gets a bout of Montezuma's Revenge every last Saturday of November. His whole attitude since the decommitment reeks of Bammer. Had it set that he was going to dramaticize his flip and when Auburn took that away from him, he wants to act like Auburn did HIM wrong. Now he can hate Auburn with vindication. Yeah, he may be a kid. But he's plenty old enough to be accountable for his POS attitude and antics.
  7. Never thought about that... But yeah, the man has poaching Auburn for years!
  8. Not gonna lie. All this winning in the off-season has me feeling like it's going to transfer into the season. I was cautiously optimistic before, but I'm starting to feel IT!
  9. Great pick up! I would've thought his eligibility was up but glad to take him. WDE Chris Thompson!
  10. I'm hoping the line play improves simply by virtue of the system. Rather than having the rather convoluted zone-blocking scheme of Chip Lindsay's RPO spread offense, I think you'll see a more clear, well polished attack and protection scheme under Malzahn's Power spread. I think having a line that knows for certain what the play will be rather than having to react to what the defense throws at you will result in a better on-field product.
  11. Change our name to The University of Alabama or Clemson or University of Georgia. I'm convinced most ranking boosts come purely off the backs of who a kid is committed to. The other solution is rehire the BagMan and let him do his thing 🤷🏻‍♂️
  12. I'd love to see him in the Wildcat role down the road. Could see like Jabril Peppers kinda role. Or even a Taysom Hill role 💪🏽
  13. I like this kid! The kinda guy who's position assignment just says "Football". He should definitely be given the nickname "Pappa Pump" if he signs with us.
  14. Dang it Stat! Stop giving me hope! 😅
  15. Can't believe I'm just now finding this thread. Just so happens I'm a musician/songwriter and trying to make a career of it, though the project I'm working on is pretty niche... Sort of a hardcore meets electronic. But I'd be interested to hear y'alls opinion. If I know AUFAMILY like I think I know AUFAMILY... There won't be any punches pulled 😅
  16. I almost choke laughing! Thanks for that! LOL
  17. Oh I agree. I like him. Maybe not my top choice at RB amd it definitely helps he'll be an early enrollee. I'm just sitting here waiting on the "Gus can recruit SEC-caliber running backs" gang because he is a 3-star
  18. Nah he'll stay a 3⭐ now that he's committed to Auburn 🙄
  19. Hmm, wasn't Horton also being considered for the App State job opening 🤔
  20. Doesn't that fit ever so neatly into the narrative? Seriously what is Gus supposed to do? Hand the kid a stack of 100s?
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