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Everything posted by JBiGGiE

  1. Homerun? You think negative recruiting for players is bad, imagine being a coach looking at the Auburn hire and thinking to yourself "If I don't win immediately or play by a certain set of rules, someone is going to try and torpedo my career and personal reputation". You end up hiring a Dan Hawkins, a Ron Zook, or Steve the linecook from Waffle House... You don't get homerun hires when your program looks like a dumpster fire managed by arsonists. If you're lucky you get someone who can get on base.
  2. Keldrick by all accounts is just simply undecided. On the On3 recruiting podcast Cole Pinkston had visited Faulk and outside sources. No one knows how he's leaning but Auburn is always mentioned no matter who you ask. Honestly, if I were in his camp I'd tell him to hold back on a commitment until end of the season.
  3. Lane Kiffin is Steve Spurrier without the resume to back up his running mouth. Again, if being a national embarrassment is "exciting" then I want no part of it.
  4. "Lane Kiffin has reportedly been linked to the potential opening already, while Gus Malzahn’s affinity for Auburn could always keep the door open for a return should things with UCF ever go sour." Last bit told me everything I need to know. If Mike Farrell indeed has the inside scoop that Lane Kiffin is being talked to already that tells me that Harsin is being sabotaged or at the very least is not getting the full support that he should be getting for Auburn to be successful and NOT set back another 5 years. Also Lane is a clown whose best season as a head coach was this season. Sure he schemed his team to 10 wins, but let him beat Bama first before we bring him in to make Auburn a nationally televised embarrassment week in/week out... And if Gus' and UCF's relationship sours for any reason what makes you think we'd welcome him back? If you can't maintain the success of a top 3 AAC school when you're given the reigns of a G5 powerhouse what are you gonna do coming back to the SEC in its even more competitive environment?
  5. Yeah... I'm of the opinion that maybe it's time to let McGlynn go. Appreciate all he's done, but do we even really need an NCAA compliance officer when the NCAA is so toothless and one-foot in the grave as it is?
  6. I understand most folks think JLee is a homer (and I can see why) but Niebuhr has always been reliable.
  7. You assume he even likes football much less thinks an unaccomplished child still in highschool is worth $9.5 million to come to his alma mater.
  8. Bruh. What do you want them to do? Hold the kids hostage at gun point and make them commit? It's only June... Right now all the coaches can do is pitch the vision. These recruits are going on other official and unofficial visits being told that Harsin ain't got it and won't be around for next year. Until these recruits can see that plan in action on the field we're not going to see very much movement during the off-season. It doesn't matter if the coaches set up satellite offices in any of the highschools they visit, we need results on the field. THEN we can have a productive conversation about whether or not this staff is a dumpster fire.
  9. It should be noted that because O-Line is such a developmental position, the number of highly rated players is much fewer than that of other positions. And honestly, we're close to being in a position where we just need warm bodies at OL.
  10. So does Oregon St. still host the Super if Vandy wins the series?
  11. I'm curious why he only has 3 years of eligibility. If 2020 was free and assuming he had not exhausted his redshirt then surely he should have four?
  12. Has three years of eligibility, SEC experience, and immediate eligibility. Home run portal pickup if you ask me. (Pun intended)
  13. Sounds like batting practice to me...
  14. FTFY. Only brother I'm familiar with is Jerrell. He was killed several years ago and had no children. I would say it's unlikely there's any relation.
  15. Solid pickup and has three years of eligibility. Etheridge has truly been a bright spot on this staff.
  16. Honestly, I'm not terribly concerned about OL. Hear me out... We're going to stink for a while and the only way out of that stink would be if we somehow recruited five portal O-Linemen better than our current line. Unfortunately there have not been that many O-Linemen of that caliber in the portal. Plus, I'm not so convinced that starting five highly ranked true frosh on the line in 2023 wouldn't produce similar results. And of course they have to have a higher ceiling than anyone currently on roster.
  17. You do know there are different accrediting boards, right? Certain boards don't recognize certain curriculum approved by others. That's why you can't just transfer wherever you want to if graduating on time or not having to retake classes is important to you. And according to NCAA grad transfer rules, it kinda matters, hence the Path To Degree rule that our compliance office invoked. You can say you're calling a spade, a spade but I think you miss the big picture: Nearly the entire OL is returning. How many transformative O-Linemen we're available in the portal this year? One, maybe two? And now you're gonna tell this guy he has to compete for his spot when he could be guaranteed a starting job at a dozen P5 schools. Not to mention he's being recruited by half the country if he's worth his salt. Now let's consider the few who were as good as what we're returning. Are you going to waste your last year of eligibility riding the bench if you don't win the starting job for which you're being told to compete for? That's a pretty hard sell. Now as far as underclassmen go, for building depth, there's still time before we judge. Most transfers now will have to sit a year, so we'd be looking for developmental linemen or homesick players. And that's okay.
  18. Tell me you know nothing about the accreditation system without telling me you know nothing about the accreditation system. Look, I get it. You're black-pilled on Harsin... But trying to paint the multiple reports as just AU Athletic Dept. propaganda is tin-foil hat territory.
  19. I think the only way to truly get back to the era of scholar-athlete is to jack up the SAT/ACT and GPA requirements across the NCAA. I don't know if that completely levels the talent pool but if money is going to be the determining factor of where a recruit goes then there needs to be a space where that is all that matters like an NFL "G-League" or USFL/XFL spring league. Now that won't stop Bammers from continuing their player-buying ways but recruits would have to decide whether to take money as a professional or make more money in college but have to maintain a rigorous schedule.
  20. According to the On3 guys, seems like academics was the issue. Credit transfers and degree paths are the fickle mistress behind the Transfer Portal...
  21. Almost like the scholarship limit was created because of that problem 🙄
  22. Unless I'm mistaken, the only immediate contributors we could bring in would be JUCO's and Grad Transfers. Or is the February deadline only limited to intra-conference transfers?
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