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Posts posted by selias

  1. 10 minutes ago, bigbird said:

    Man, I will walk that road right with you!

    Truth be told, he reminds me of my old Scoutmaster and Coach. That man would wear us out (physically, mentally, and emotionally) on the clock.

    I've been forever grateful to him for always expecting our absolute best and one of my greatest honors was being asked to serve as a pallbearer when he passed. Outside of my father, the single most important man in my life.

    I just get that vibe from Harsin and that's not something I say easily.

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  2. 15 minutes ago, Tiger Refuge said:

    I see bald eagles pretty frequently at work, and I still stop every time and glass them. I’ve never seen a golden in the wild. I soooo want to. I’ve tried really hard to make a few juvenile balds into goldens, but just couldn’t convince myself. But I digress.


    Crootin finger. 

    @Zeek Thanks for the work on the recruiting side. I’m a frequent visitor over there, but I’m not up to speed on everything crootin. So I much appreciate all the work you have done over there. 

    In all honesty, War Eagle VI was a bitch. I loved her and had some amazing times traveling around the SEC on AU's dime with her but, she was a bitch. I still have a scar on my left arm where she tagged me with her talons.

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  3. 1 minute ago, japantiger said:

    What's the scoop on Caddy as far as future aspirations?  Is he showing aptitude for bigger things? OC type positions? Or is he pigeonholed as an RB coach and recruiter?

    I have absolutely zero insider information but I wouldn't be shocked to see CBH begin to elevate Caddy's roles and responsibilities.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Zeek said:

    Hi all, most of you know me but I think a decent portion doesn't venture to our recruiting section. We work pretty hard updating that and getting y'all the best information without encroaching on paid information. 

    Tomorrow I will be keeping everyone updated throughout the entire day (from 5 AM until late at night). Would love to see more of y'all over there. The staff is doing big things as we close out this recruiting class.

    War Eagle. 

    Thankfully, my first meeting tomorrow isn't until 1030. So...yeah, I'll have 2 computers and 4 screens in front of me tomorrow (2 work screens and 2 personal screens). It's been a hot minute since I've paid attention to any signing day.


    Edit: I'm still partial to this video but only because I worked with her prior to her doing actual pregame flights.


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  5. 1 minute ago, ThereGoesDavis said:

    Yeah, not sorry. This thread has gotten way off topic

    Nix is gone. He did in one of the most punk/entitled ways he could. What more did you expect to find in this thread?


    Anyway, a fantastic summertime drink is the Hemingway Daiquiri

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