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Everything posted by AuburnTiger4Life

  1. This poll reflects what I’m seeing everywhere. The fan base is pretty 50/50 on this. I say start Finley and then let Bo come back in if things go south. It wouldn’t hurt Bo at all to be able to watch the defense for a while.
  2. Too bad we don’t have insiders on the board anymore. I’d love to know how Finley looks with the 1s in practice this week
  3. Isn’t Cole the one that said our center was the best in the league?
  4. I woke up feeling dangerous Auburn 41 LSU 24
  5. I was listening to some of the game on the radio and they mentioned Bo was dealing with a lingering shoulder problem and was sailing some of his throws in pre game as well.
  6. I don’t think the crowd will be as big of a factor as it was in past years down there. Not saying it won’t be loud, but I doubt it reaches earthquake levels. Most LSU fans are fed up with Coach O
  7. No, DD doesn’t pass him because he’s a true freshman and would get eaten alive.
  8. I encourage everyone to listen to this guys show if they haven’t yet. Let’s just say the analytics and film are not in Bo’s favor when you compare the film.
  9. No he doesn’t. Part of Bo’s problem is that he was thrown to he wolves too soon and didn’t have time to properly develop/study the game at the collegiate level. I think DD will be a strong contender to start next season though.
  10. I’m struggling making a prediction for this game because I don’t know how good LSU is. They got bullied by UCLA and even Mcneese State to an extent. They beat a Mississippi State team that lost to Memphis and almost lost to LA Tech, but beat NC State who just beat Clemson (is Clemson that bad this year?). LSU doesn’t have a running game at all and that won’t change with Zakoby being out there, so I think that’ll be the difference. I think Auburn wins but I haven’t decided by how much.
  11. I wish I had a video of the 49 yard TD pass Finley made against Bama State. Not sure I’ve ever seen Bo make that throw
  12. People are forgetting that Finley hasn’t had any practice with the 1s in practice so of course timing is gonna be an issue. I don’t know if he’ll be better than Bo but I know he has a better deep ball and a stronger arm.
  13. Coincidentally his mobility is what won the game. He has lost weight since he played at LSU
  14. Love Bo as a person. He loves Auburn and is a hard worker. But I’m not sure he is more talented than TJ.
  15. Call me crazy but I actually feel really confident about this game.
  16. I’ve avoided this board all the weekend so I wouldn’t have to see the meltdowns. Surprisingly, most are taking it better than I thought. im not happy with some of play calls either. However, we took a top 10 team down to the wire on the road so I can’t complain too much. I still think 10-2 or 9-3 is doable.
  17. Good game. Penn state just got a few more plays! We’re headed in the right direction
  18. WAR DAMN EAGLE! We’re headed in the right direction
  19. Bo didn’t make Shed drop those balls. Let’s be fair
  20. Yeah don’t know why people are overreacting. Only down 4 at the half on the road vs a top ten team and the offense has shown promise. Just gotta fix the little mistakes
  21. Said I liked our chances if it was a 3-7 point game at the half and I stand by that
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