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Everything posted by AUsince72

  1. Me, with my chiclets and Grandmama & Granddaddy (my parents....as if you couldn't tell), standing in front of the greatest vehicle of ALL time!!!! This was actually back in the summer. I've lost 20 lbs since then. Just don't have the appetite I used to. ...not a bad thing, though.
  2. Just a neat car place down the road from us. Beautiful day!
  3. My 3 favorite ladies in front of my dream cars! đŸĨ° Emme in the green & Ruby in the......not sure what to call it. And of course, my angel, Sonya!
  4. Our daughter, Ruby, with her solar system project. She got 100%! 😁
  5. Beautiful....simply beautiful! Y'all are SO SO blessed. Congratulations again, brother! I passed my tablet to wifey and the requisite AWWWWWWs were heard for the next 5 minutes, LOL! God bless!
  6. This is from a couple weeks ago but should point you in the right direction...
  7. If you've never heard his & Doug Dean's weekly podcast, I highly recommend it.
  8. He posted other, more personal, reasons he wasn't doing it anymore and I tried to find it to link to answer some others but it appears to be gone. I'm certainly not speaking for him but essentially the jock-strap who drunk posted was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
  9. Well, this particular one WAS banned, FWIW...
  10. @JMR can always join in the lookalikes thread. Here, I'll get it started...
  11. @JMR FWIW, I hope you do stick around. And I'm not usually a kiss-ass. You & Doug's podcast and your weekly insights here are sometimes the only GOOD thing about Auburn football. You help us enjoy the victories even more and talk us back from the ledge after weekends like this past one. Kolchak's usually a pretty good poster himself.....not sure what's going on in his life to make him post that way. Either way, most of us thoroughly enjoy your expertise and respect that you take the time to contribute what's definitely the best post-game Auburn analysis out there. If you go, I get it, but I thank you for your time and insight....not to mention delivery. War Eagle Coach and God bless you and your family!
  12. This seems out of character for you. Why the hate on JMR? He's good people. ....not to mention much better than most "analysts"...
  13. Hmm... Gus is even polarizing the most even keel of mods.
  14. If you don't mind, I'll use this for the Man Crush thread....ignoring the "despite a poor shotgun snap (which I saw got him officially credited with a fumble)" part. 🙂 Seriously though, I feel really smart today because I believe that I saw the game very similarly to you sir. 😎 War Eagle Coach!
  15. Word is, Auburn's TF QB could probably teach CGM a superior passing offense FWIW....
  16. At least you notice that. You're ahead of the curve compared to some...
  17. Not only that, but after a couple picks, the Offense didn't go into Turtle-shell mode....even to the point that Gus kept Bo slinging it. Refreshing trust IMO.
  18. Yeah, I do wonder how much is selective hearing LOL.
  19. The sad thing is that Dad's virtually deaf now. Too much loud headphones in the day, I guess. I keep trying to get him to pony up for some of those Rush Limbaugh hearing aids (Cochlear implants, I think they're called?) but it's a very expensive procedure. ☚ī¸
  20. It's the music I grew up with. My Dad was huge into Rock'n'Roll and guitar heavy tunes were and are our favorites. Dad has original prints of almost every Beatles album made, except for a couple that were stolen a long time ago.
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