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Everything posted by Potatooooooes!!

  1. The only thing is Norvell just got to a point where his fan base doesn't want him fired out of a cannon. Does he really want to go through that again with an even worse fan base?
  2. It's happened to me a few times too. It makes you do a weird test where you plot the endpoint of a car's journey
  3. Without giving a number, how confident are you in McCray signing with us?
  4. Any info on McCray? I know Waller is trying to bring him in too
  5. I'm convinced he watches a different team half the time and confuses them with us
  6. Depth vs starters, right? I'm still thinking in terms of the o-line
  7. I can't believe this happened. Did Gus or Harsin lay an egg like this? Either way, this was so bad I'm moving on. No spin whatsoever.
  8. I like him because we haven't had a chance to hate him yet
  9. He/she wants a vague hint. Not just a clear yes or no
  10. I hope we spend a crap ton of money on o-linemen this year
  11. With the way football is going right now, recruiting is the only thing giving us hope, so I'm eating up all the recruiting news I can. Thanks Zeek!
  12. I love the memes too, but if he's doing this well in year one he's going to be a monster moving forward
  13. I wanna see Thorne in it for most of the game. Let him establish time and rhythm with our receivers. We're gonna need it
  14. If you do better I'm going to be pissed
  15. I hope you liked them then, cause I'mma need you to go back and see them every weekend
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