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Everything posted by Win4AU

  1. Jay Tate mentioned he was grading out about the same as Derrick Hall through most the season. Dropped off toward the end of the year but he may have already been looking elsewhere at that point.
  2. Any guesses where this class will finish if Auburn is able to sign the 5 holds in February?
  3. Growing up in the late 80s early 90s I was Hogan 1a. Sting 1b. I’m still partial to colorful sting but tonight was pretty awesome. His WWE stint was pretty disappointing a couple years ago so I hope AEW does him right. I am confused though because last I heard he broke his neck against Rollins and is one bad bump from bad things happening.
  4. You beat me to the punch. JBoy posting a couple of the defensive guys trending Auburn's way. Gus must feel pretty good about getting those guys. Any OT's probably gonna come from the transfer/GT market. Losing Armoni stinks but it may end up keeping someone like MAR from leaving. Hopefully Bicknell has already been working the 2022 guys.
  5. But can he play OT? Tennessee is one loss from losing a lot of folks. People think Auburn’s in bad shape but they haven’t lost 5 by double digits.
  6. Smoke played bad. 2/3 best RBs hurt. 2 tackles hurt. Defense played as well as they could with no help. Seth with a crucial drop. Bo made multiple mistakes. Auburn could have easily stayed in the ball game if execution was better. Play calling wasn’t terrible. Got out manned. On to TaMu.
  7. I almost wish Seth couldn’t play so Bo would have to learn to throw to someone else
  8. Did you know Bo was at the BCSNC and got in a photo with Cam?!
  9. I’m no Cole Cubelic but I think they are playing pretty well. It appeared Jones played pretty well in place of Council. Manning had a couple good blocks on pulls against LSU if I recall. I’ll have to defer to the experts on opinions though.
  10. I think he’s projected as a Center too which Auburn needs just as bad as OTs. There are plenty of guards on this team.
  11. I still believe Bicknell can get some talent in here especially if Auburn can go on a decent run to end the year. My real hope, not just for this kid but because it would be cool, would be to somehow get ND in a bowl game and beat their brakes off. “But Gus sucks at bowls” etc
  12. Tweets. Looked at 247 and they are projecting ND too.
  13. Don’t worry. Auburn gonna play 2 TE at the OT spot. Gonna change the game.
  14. JBoy talking about possibly losing Caleb Johnson to ND. Mentioned Austin Barber as someone Auburn may pursue instead.
  15. That’s a lot of TEs on the roster. May have to start running a 5 TE set.
  16. JBoy mentioned things could get interesting with Dylan Brooks and Roc Taylor with a big win against UT.
  17. Are any of these transfers out of Miss State worth pursuing? 2 of them are D linemen which is an area that Auburn could use some help.
  18. How is the defense so bad?! I expect the offense to stink from time to time but how does the defense look so lost?
  19. Gus would have run it up the gut 3 plays in a row
  20. Go ahead and Mark that Tennessee game that we wanted instead of Mizzou as a L.
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