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Everything posted by SaturdayGT

  1. Gotta hunch, alot of people are looking forward to some peaceful riots of they don't get their way in this trial.....
  2. Its getting obvious in the intent/ quest for power.....
  3. Maybe people got a taste of too much government and didn't like it...maybe? Lol...
  4. ....And I think we all know who has the friendly media backing...
  5. I thought this thread was going to be how you saved a bunch on car insurance....
  6. I wonder how people who support vaccines and mask mandates...how do you feel about alcohol, cigarettes, people who don't wear sunscreen etc....I feel like there's a certain divide between the pissy busy bodies here and the whatever types in regards to it all...
  7. Grilling or not...it doesn't change what the intended optics were.
  8. My bet is that in the next few decades, global cooling and a pending ice age will be the big topic....
  9. Our border is out of control, Afghanistan is a wreck our economy is struggling, employments down, we willfully made ourselves energy dependent, our teachers are teaching f'd up things. Murders are up, our police are defunded...am I forgetting something? Oh yeah..."let's go Brandon!!"
  10. Exactly, I think the issue is that many, including me and so many other conservatives, as well as moderates and maybe even a few other factions of the left....we all could see this coming with the gender fluid bathrooms.....We were horrible people in the eyes if some for merely being concerned.
  11. Politicians know they cant control the weather... they know they can control a large amount of the population enough to convince them out of their hard earned dollars!..same with covid, and all these "crises" that keep popping up...apparently we live in the absolute, most challenging time in human history, and only the proper minded Politicians can save us all!!....now it may cost you a little extra, but how much do you value your livelyhood...or better yet, the livelihood of your fellow man!!! ..lol
  12. I think we know how this started,...I heard that this is actually a world wide thing. The theory is that the media is struggling to get ahead of this, so they are going the route of "racist dog whistle" or "domestic terrorist dog whistle"....how will the media deal with this...I know its driving them crazy....
  13. Nothing wrong with precautions...I think you were right early....theres not much that we do affects the virus. ...I feel like the political aspect is glaring to me. ..its like how politicians have harnessed the weather lol. Theres truths , and there's politicians "who can do something about it" or capitalize on the opportunity, but ask for more money like modern day televangelists.....
  14. Im sure we all have seen the storys, SNL did a paradox of it, now we have a sexual assault by a fluid gender male in a girl's bathroom......where is everyone standing on this?
  15. I feel like there will be a time where you realize the whole hype over Corona is equally ridiculous....but the fact there's so many of you is like...humorous lol
  16. Whats going on in the packed arenas in college football? How is our covid numbers going?
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