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Everything posted by SaltyTiger

  1. Why disingenuous, Nat’l said the optics. He is claiming majority party bullying. You are right about the narrative. We were told that it was shoved down our throats and “ death panel” discussion was a soundbite from Hannity. Did hate the way it was handled. March to floor with Pelosi carrying a sledge hammer.
  2. I am trying to grasp why it matters to you. You are convicted that the entire “God” and Biblical thing is a myth. With that said any response to you is BS in your stubborn closed thinking mind. Hope you saw a gorgeous spring afternoon like I did this afternoon. Leaves no doubt in my mind that God is real and with us. Go ahead live out your “blink of an eye” existence hopelessly. You can’t even enjoy what little is left for you from worrying about Trump and those damn Christians screwing up the climate.
  3. Well said, Handled poorly and set the stage.
  4. Florida A&M coming up Tuesday. FYI, thinking that one is a 3:00 start. Will be there if possible. Love Auburn baseball. WDE anyway
  5. Unless they enter the portal and transfer into our program from another. In that case the cognitive ability is years ahead of age.
  6. It has everything to do with understanding. You take the stance that Christian influence on politics equates to fulfilling Biblical prophecy. You need to learn something about what you are yapping about.
  7. Rained out tonight. Double header tomorrow. 7 inning games. Starts at 1:00 CST.
  8. Neither did “voting” for Trump. It is nothing but a BS topic and Cardin can say what he please. BTW, the Roman government did not choose to crucify Jesus. His own people did. They just carried out the crowds demand
  9. My exact thoughts. Spent every 2nd half raking leaves that fall. Love the game and will continue to go when possible but this season is becoming painful.
  10. That or the fish market. Vs catch, clean, cook it by far the most economical way to enjoy fish. Of course I am an expert in handling fish so there will be some drop off in quality at most restaurants.
  11. I never said that. It is the basis of the Old Testament. Read it and try to understand. Again, no need for you to believe it. Don’t do your “duty” ignorantly.
  12. I actually calculated it years ago on a trip. Travel, boat, insurance, fuel, tackle, etc…. Well over $100.00 per pound. Fresh water at home came to $87.00 per pound.
  13. You’re not weird. Not bringing you any fish. They cost me $586.17 a pound when you consider all my time and expense…..be glad to feed you a filet mignon.
  14. Not sure how important that is. God could have created people several ways and methods or combinations. Amazed at your obsession with it and “exposing”. Your obsession seems similar to Carl Spackler regarding the groundhogs.
  15. What are you “clarifying and confirming” exactly? That you are justified in believing that anyone of faith is an idiot?
  16. Good morning from beautiful but foggy Mexico Beach FL this morning Fiddy.
  17. Yep, I’ve about quit the extra morning coffee. Looked on here tonight and see 4.18.24 Football Articles
  18. You are the one claiming “imposition”. Understand that you saying limit the scope but I don’t believe you. You are intent proofing anyone of religious beliefs regarding creation should be considered stupid and ignorant. You are surprisingly very closed minded. No one is asking you to accept the world as it is.
  19. You have to be pretty “gone” to believe everything we have happened by chance and a boom also. You do understand Gods covenant with Israel do you not? We have discussed it a length in other threads. You seem to be stuck or hung up on it. Sorta weird really.
  20. “Impose”? Yet you jump in head first arguing in these discussions. Sorry if beliefs come into the political arena. Welcome to the world.
  21. Pampano beginning to move on the coast.
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