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Everything posted by Leftfield

  1. https://apnews.com/article/2bc10ed20dbf4041935b37bec9542c53 https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/04/donald-trump-has-already-begun-accusing-the-dems-of-stealing-the-2020-election/ https://www.cnn.com/factsfirst/politics/factcheck_9eefa702-5c39-4e16-a46a-c064288b9878 https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/513389-trump-claims-democrats-using-covid-to-steal-an-election/ https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/24/trump-casts-doubt-2020-election-integrity-421280 https://www.axios.com/2020/11/01/trump-campaign-steal-election-jason-miller Just a random sampling from a quick Google search. That first article is from September of 2019. Who were all these people talking about it before then? There have been very few cases of voter fraud, and just as many, if not more, have been Republican as Democrat. This is a talking point. Nowhere near enough fraud is committed to change any outcomes. Wouldn't even have been enough to change something as close as Bush vs Gore in Florida. As for poll watchers, did I miss something? They were all over the place in the 2020 election and the mid-terms. Why do you think they're not allowed?
  2. Is this a figure of speech, or do you believe man has existed as long as the Earth? That would be news to Hindus, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, and pretty much any polytheistic religion you can think of. People question because they see the inherent flaws in logic: They think dinosaurs are cool, but sure doesn't seem like they would have existed at the same time as people. It's a neat idea that we were created to be special in the universe, but if so, geez, what was the purpose of making so many galaxies out there that we have trouble counting them? I like to stay in shape, but what exercise regimen was Noah following to live to 950? You can see accounts of the Bible as being allegorical without rejecting God. In fact, as others have pointed out in this thread, the majority of Christians have. That doesn't mean those people will believe "anything" outside of the Biblical account - that's your prejudice speaking about those you see basically as heretics. This is just a mess. I'd ask for specifics, but I know you won't give them. I'll just say it's all wrong, as were your responses to auburnatl1, and move on. Christians make up about 31-32 percent of the world population. That is not even a simple majority, much less a vast majority.
  3. Not that this has anything to do with what we were discussing, but.... ...since Biden hasn't made any decision yet, I guess it's kind of hard to support it. How about reading an article that actually points out the nuances of the situation? https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/us-says-it-will-not-renew-easing-venezuela-oil-sanctions-unless-progress-made-2024-04-15/ I take it from the article you posted that you think he should clamp down hard with sanctions? If so, will you attack Biden for gas prices jumping and an increase in Venezuelans trying to emigrate to the US?
  4. This is what I was referring to....we're finite beings, contained by time, and our brains are hardwired that way. We can't truly grasp time because we can only vaguely perceive it, and even then only in one direction. Would be the same if you asked a two-dimensional being to look up.
  5. He said the universe came from nothing, and that it took determination to believe that the beginning had no beginning.
  6. Not really. All it takes is an acknowledgement that we are finite beings trying to understand the infinite, which we don't have the capability to do at this point and may never. Part of me is actually cheered by that thought because those questions drive us as a species and as individuals - what caused us and why? Is there a why? Hopefully if humans ever truly find those answers, we'll be evolved enough to accept and live with them. It's interesting that you dismiss the possibility of the universe being infinite, yet have no problem believing that God is.
  7. There's not a damn person in this thread that said anything remotely similar to that, and you know it. NOBODY said you don't discipline a child - in fact we all pointed out the opposite. You came in here talking about your son turning out great because of this incident, and bragged about being famous for it. If you're going to show your ass, well, be prepared for it to be beat in a circle.
  8. Oh, good Lord. We advise Israel, too. Just like Ukraine, they can take or leave that advice. I guess if advising Ukraine is controlling then numerous European nations are, too? What an absurd statement. What cop out? Yes, Biden is committed to Ukraine and will almost certainly stick with them. That does not mean we are law-bound to do so. Even Biden can end aid if he changes his mind. Iran attacked in retaliation for their military leadership being taken out. And they did it in a way that they knew would fail. Russia didn't just attack, they invaded. It wasn't in retaliation for anything, Putin just wanted it, and he used a ridiculous, made-up excuse.
  9. Eh....somewhat. I consider myself I dependent, though right now I clearly lean left. Everyone is well aware that prices are up right now. They're up everywhere. There are a few things going on in the world that are pushing that, if you haven't noticed, and we're actually doing much better than pretty much any other countries out there. I would also point out that this dovetails nicely with the article Texas posted in another thread, concerning retail spending staying high, as well as the fact that most Americans are increasing their debt loads instead of cutting back on purchases. But by all means continue to blame Biden and ignore all the factors that go into the price increases.
  10. You might have a better argument going if auburnatl1 was a Democrat.
  11. What are you even talking about? America controls the war in Ukraine? Where are you getting that? As I'm sure you're aware, just because we've said as long as it takes doesn't mean the next President can't come along and change that, so yes, we can stop funding any time we want. No doubt that's exactly what will happen if Trump is re-elected. You're making a false statement to prop up your unequal treatment of Ukraine. Everything in your last paragraph should be interchangeable with both countries.
  12. But we can exit any time we want. Same situation, as was pointed out, as Israel. We don't have a way to end their conflict, yet you're OK with continuing to fund them. In fact, the goal for victory in Israel is far more nebulous than for Ukraine.
  13. How do you have an exit strategy for troops that aren't there?
  14. Feel free to explain the differences.
  15. Well, if he wants to ignore years of love, support, and hard work to set a good example for his son and chalk up his succes as a parent to dishing out a good ass-whuppin', that's certainly his prerogative.
  16. You think auburnatl1 is a leftie?
  17. Sorry, didn't mean to imply you didn't see it. Figured you did. That was really a callout on others.
  18. Ever see a Bible verse call for a homeland for Ukrainians?
  19. Once again, you fail to see any nuance. You're pretending the situation would be similar. You know full well the history of Israel is far more complicated than that.
  20. They knew well in advance the scale of the attack. Exactly. We're not used to it. They are. As I said, go read some of the interviews - people saying it was part of life there. As do I, and I take that into account, but you're coming from a position that Iran won't escalate if Israel does. Maybe not, but maybe they will. I'm not going to trust a fanatically religious government to not launch a Holy War (Bruce Pearl seems to have no problem doing so).
  21. Psychological trauma? How was that attack any different that any other time Israelis have had to shelter? Israrl is used to it, and if you read interviews about how people were feeling during the attack they say as much. Bruce is really, really reaching here. And Israel can afford the military expense much more easily than Iran can, especially since we're backing them. If Israel escalates, that will mean more spending, but Republicans seem to be all for that. I'm more concerned about lives. This would be a foolish thing to retaliate against when it could lead to full war. You don't run a pissing contest when people's lives are at stake. Take the win and move on. If Iran tries to step out again, then you bury them.
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