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Everything posted by CoffeeTiger

  1. The Civil rights struggle really wasn't that long ago. There are still a lot of people alive today that marched against giving rights and fair treatment to minorities, and who taught those values and beliefs to their kids who are basically running the world today. No, nobody alive today owned slaves, but they DID set up and maintain a society that was designed to give white, self identified Christians a very big advantage in just about everything. I don't necessarily advocate handing out monetary reparations, but I also don't buy the "just invest in jobs/healthcare things for everyone, not specifically targeted to minorities, and they'll catch up economically eventually." You can't hold someone back for 3/4 of a race and then expect them to catch up to the pack just because you stopped holding onto them for the last 1/4.
  2. We have one of the toughest schedules in the nation (again) and even if coaching and offense is better, Gus still left this roster with a lot of holes. I think 8 wins would be a good season. 9 wins would be great. 7 would be acceptable as long as we can see signs of progression and positives, and anything 6 or less would be a disappointment. Too many unknowns for me to be confident in a personal prediction, so I'll just see what happens and hope for the best.
  3. That's what I hate in general about the neutral site games. They are usually some of the best non-conference matchups of the entire season and are always in NFL stadiums.
  4. There is a clear and distinguishable difference between opposing the actions and policies of Israel as a a country and government, and actual discrimination or hatred against Jews. Omar and Tlaib have said some potentially offensive things in the past about Jews, in particular a veiled shot at 'duel loyalty' of Jews, and those comments were condemned and reprimanded by their fellow Democrats and it didn't happen again. Them believing that Israel practices apartheid or discriminates against Arabs isn't anti-Semitism. Ben Shapiro saying he's offended doesn't mean anything to me personally because that's his job. He's your standard Conservative entertainment shock jock, and his entire career is built around opposing and ranting against anything and everything 'Democrat'. He also has a history of some very inflammatory remarks against Palestinians and Arabs that go way above and beyond anything Omar or Tlaib have said about Israel or Jews so his criticism ring very hollow in my eyes. Who says that?
  5. Keep in mind that being anti-Israel isn't the same as being anti-Semitic. A large majority of American Jews vote Democrat and aren't too fond of Israel's current government.
  6. Greene is the gift that keeps on giving for Democrats. She's an attention seeking, mentally unstable nutcase that publicly showcases the worst stereotypes people have about Republicans, while still being so ineffective that she's not able to really do any damage or accomplish anything that Dems would have to fear. Who wants to take bets on how big Marjorie will win in the next election?
  7. Those 56% are voting adults, not children that need to be constantly reassured that the monster under their bed isn't real. We should investigate their claims, and if sufficient evidence or facts don't back up what they say or believe then that's their problem and America needs to move on without them. If they don't like it then those 56% of Republicans can leave and find another country they like better, as they themselves like to say to others.
  8. “If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon's but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other.” - Ulysses S. Grant
  9. Neat! Penn State has an amazing atmosphere for big night time games even on tv. Can't wait and good to see it's in a primetime time slot
  10. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/yes-covid-19-can-cause-erectile-dysfunction/ This needs to be spread around to the Conservative men in your life. If nothing else "COVID MAY GIVE U SMALL PP" might get them to take it more seriously.
  11. To me, them being in the same family/social circle actually makes it more believable that they'd all say the same thing. If he said he'd been to 3 separate, independent doctors who told him that then I'd question the validity.
  12. https://www.al.com/news/2021/05/medical-marijuana-debate-returns-to-alabama-house.html I applaud state lawmakers for this finally getting through both chambers. It's by no means perfect. I think it is too limiting on the conditions it can be prescribed for and it doesn't require medical insurance to cover any costs for it, so it'll be yet another service that Alabama will make outside the reach of the poor, but it is certainly better than nothing and is a good start.
  13. https://www.al.com/news/2021/05/alabama-house-could-pass-medical-marijuana-bill-today.html Bill didn't come for a vote yesterday because a few a**hole Republicans filibustered it all day and night talking about how medical mary J would be letting the Devil win and citing fake, disproven studies and statistics they read on Facebook about marijuana A few were just like GoAU and refused to support medical marijuana because they were afraid it would increase public support for full legalization in the future and they swore they'd never support that ever, no matter what. Screw whatever the people they represent think and want apparently. I like how at least one legislator pointed out how hypocritical it was for Alabama to vote for easier access and home delivery of Alcohol, but then hee and haw about medical MJ. A few pointed out how they used to be against it, but then changed their minds after seeing family members go through horrible pain and suffering, which i think is a big problem with Conservatives and Republicans in general is that they don't know how to consider compassion or empathy for other people and other situations unless they or their immediate family actually suffer through something.
  14. Sucks that you have to deal with that + stupid customers. I worked retail/customer facing jobs just a few years ago, and I know it'd be horrible having to do it all throughout this pandemic.
  15. From what I understand, she grew up in a very strict, fundamentalist religious household herself. I saw one source claim her own family might be even more extreme in their beliefs than the Duggar family is. She apparently has multiple siblings that are estranged from her family for religious/lifestyle reasons. I don't know if that's 100% accurate, but it looks like this poor woman might not have a safe place to go if she did leave with the children. I'd be surprised if she had any friends or acquaintances that are outside her family's influence.
  16. Ugh, on facebook a guy who i went to High school with just posted a rant about how 'suspicious' it is that the government is giving out the vaccines for free, when he claims the government never gives anything out for free. ( I guess the guy's never heard of Medicaid before) He's like "So Why do i normally have to pay for medicine i need to live, but now suddenly this vaccine is free, huh?..things aren't adding up" This followed by several others saying "You are catching on, man!" And "It's cause the pandemic was created for the vaccine, not the other way around!" omg...people are so stupid....
  17. oh wow. That doesn't look good AT ALL. Hope he wasn't directly abusing anyone again. True, and it's easy for me to say what she should have done. She might not really have the financial resources to be able to leave and take care of half a dozen kids by herself either. Might be best for her to remain tied to the family if they help her financially and with the kids. All speculation of course.
  18. The Duggar's are all a bit weird, but Josh is just a bad dude all around it seems. His wife should have gotten out when his cheating was exposed in 2015. She already knew about his sexual assault problems before they got married.
  19. You Tell em' Johnny. Nothing more elitist and disgusting than people thinking about their personal health during a pandemic. If I were you I'd go into walmart and intentionally cough in the face of anyone still wearing a mask just to show them what dumb dumbs they actually are. Give me a mailing address and ill send you one of those "I trust Dr.Suess more than Dr. Fauci" Shirts for you to wear. 😜
  20. Like, titan, I don't have much to say to the rest of your post and respect your views on that, but I DO take an issue with this. Gun control doesn't involve only these so called 'assault rifles' (and I believe politicians and the media focus too heavily on AR's when a vast majority of gun deaths are by hand guns). marijuana is absolutely not more dangerous than Guns in America by any statistic or measurement. In the example you gave, it says there were 138 traffic deaths in Colorado in 2017 where a person tested positive for marijuana. How many people died via gun's in Colorado in 2017? 779 (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm). Much higher # there. (Also take note that the source you provided says that the 138 number cited does NOT exclude people who also had other drugs or alcohol in their system, A pie chart later on in the document says that 35% of those tested had ONLY marijuana in their system without any other combination of drugs or alcohol present, so that's really about 47 traffic deaths where only marijuana was in the system. ) ---------------------------------- I do 100% agree that driving while under the influence of any substances should be illegal and carry stiff penalties. Hopefully an accurate way of testing for marijuana influence will be developed soon.
  21. I hope so too. But Considering he apparently comes from a rather well off, connected family I'm not so sure how 'ruined' his life would be afterwards. Even if he had to spend some of his young adult life in jail, his family would have more than likely set him up with something nice when he got out. Kind of like Any Reid's son, Britt, who spent a couple years in jail for drug distribution and has had other incidents, but when he got out of jail he'd just follow his Father around and get good NFL assistant jobs. Now, when he gets out of jail (hopefully he gets jail time) for permanently injuring a 5 year old kid while driving drunk, he may not be able to be hired back into the NFL, but I'm sure his dad will take care of him again.
  22. The conservative "pro-freedoms" guy doesn't believe in in any form of legal marijuana? Yeah...not surprised at all. His concerns aren't completely off base though. Recreational marijuana WILL be legal in Alabama eventually. It wont be this year or the next..may not even be 10 years from now...and may not be till all 49 other states maker it legal first, but it will happen in Alabama. 17 states already have it legalized in some form and polling #'s suggest that almost a majority of the country supports legalization in some form, including almost half of Republicans with younger republicans supporting legalization and 65+ Republicans being one of the very few demographics really against it. (makes sense considering they were around for all the decades of misinformed,government propaganda that tried to make Marijuana out to be public enemy #1, when in fact it ends up being almost one of the safest drugs one can partake in. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/marijuana-legalization-is-super-popular-why-hasnt-it-happened-nationally/
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