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Everything posted by CoffeeTiger

  1. A Florida police officer was reporting to a call of a disturbance/ loud noises coming from an apartment around the caller. The officer was directed to the apartment of 23 year old Air force Arman Roger Fortson who was in his apartment at the time on the phone with his girlfriend. The Ariman's girlfriend says he heard the knocks on the door, asked who it was, didn't get a response, looked out the peephole and didn't see anyone (the video shows the officer stepping away from the door after knocking), and went to retrieve his gun fearing someone who means him harm. The police cam shows Him answering his door with his gun in his hand and relaxed arm facing down on the ground. As seems to happen all to often the police officer sees the gun, grabs his own service weapon and then empty's his clip into the civilian while at the same time yelling at him to drop the weapon. This event seems to happen regularly where being seen by police having a gun in your hand is deemed enough of a credible threat to justify killing you. The Question is do police have a responsibility to determine that the person with the gun actually means them harm in some way before they retaliate with force or is the act of having a gun in the presence of police enough justification for lethal force to be used against you? Some people say that it should be common sense not to have a gun in your hands around police, and that anyone who is killed for it deserves what they got because police officers have to put their own safety and security as their #1 priority at all times. OR is it a possible violation of a persons constitutional rights to be executed by law enforcement for merely possessing a legal weapon in your own home and not being given any chance or orders to drop it or put it away before being shot? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/05/10/roger-fortson-shooting-police-video-released/73636102007/
  2. Next person who posts to this thread gets a picture of me naked sent to their PM inbox.
  3. So why dont Evangelical Christians get behind a leader that both stands up for their beliefs AND lives according to their beliefs? Evangelicals have had numerous opportunities to pick someone else other than Trump to lead them, but they keep going to the same man. Is it because there are no Republican politicians who stand up for Christian values AND follows them in their persona lives, or what?
  4. When you believe that the justice system is a big liberal conspiracy then yeah, I could see indictments and legal trouble being considered a positive to many in the GOP.
  5. If only more Republican who are still in office and have actual power in the party had the convictions that so many former Republican politicians seem to have.
  6. What made you an expert on Clowns? Have you spent time in a circus?
  7. Every prosecutor in the country. Red or Blue, Liberal or Conservative, pressures the people they're going against into taking plea deals.
  8. Another story of an idiotic man getting himself into a mess by following his 'little head' instead of the one on his shoulders. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/08/soldier-arrested-russia-pursue-girlfriend/ https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-gordon-black-arrested-tiktok-girlfriend-south-korea/32936746.html He's a 34 year old Army Staff SGT from Texas going through a Divorce from his American wife. Apparently met a Russian woman in South Korea where he was stationed several years ago. She apparently ran away from him in S.Korea to her Russian home town, and he followed her without authorization/permission from the military and was then arrested by Russian authorities. He's accused of stealing from his Russian girlfriend. Radio Free Europe apparently found this Russian woman's social media accounts and tik tok where she had a lot of videos posted with the American soldier. Apparently they posted videos making fun of America, saying Joe Biden was a bad president, saying things were better under Trump, and saying that Putin is justified in his invasion and what he does. Unfortunately for him, even echoing Russian propaganda wasn't able to save him from being taken prisoner.
  9. He said she has that 'look' that Trump/MAGA go for. Not that she actually IS a sex worker.
  10. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/20/style/kristi-noem-teeth-trump-vice-president.html She's made all these changes in her appearance to appeal to Trump. Look at who he hires for his campaigns and past white house administration for those around him. Trump hires women who have certain 'looks' and physical features he finds attractive. If you have a vagina and want to be in Trumps orbit, qualifications and smarts are always going to be secondary to physical appearances. Kristi knew that and made an effort to make herself look as much like Melania as she could. From what I've read, it was working and she's on Trumps short list for VP. Who knows what the recent controversies have done to that though.
  11. Naw. Only reason liberals even bring up Trump banging porn stars and cheating on all his wives is because his main base of supporters is supposed to be the ones heavily against all that stuff. It's just funny to rub it in Republicans faces how they act6holier than thou with Religion and morals, yet pick leaders who are as morally corrupt as a person can get.
  12. When people talk about having money getting you better legal outcomes, part of what they mean by that is having the ability to pay lawyers to flood the court system with endless appeals, motions, delays, etc. Whereas people without money are highly encouraged to take plea deals/plead guilty unless they want to bankrupt themselves on legal fees, the ones with money can pay for a whole team of lawyers to go over every single detail of the case with a fine tooth comb multiple times and delay, delay, delay to try and gain an advantage over the prosecution.
  13. This seems to be a growing theme with MAGA women. This is Kristi Noem. left picture is from 2018 right is from her recent interview just a few days ago.
  14. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/trumps-lewd-talk-about-daughter-ivanka-in-front-of-white-house-staff-recalled-in-new-book/ https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-creepiest-most-unsettling-comments-a-roundup-a7353876.html Talking about his daughter sexually seems to be a common theme with Trump.
  15. A big thing with that idea is, how do you start it? What motivation would all these major companies have to create a simpler, easier bypass of University degrees? I don't think America largest and most prestigious corporations are necessarily having problems finding employees with basic/bachelor level math, history, and English skills. Entry level positions for college graduates are usually some of the most competitive and sought after jobs there are. I don't see where the incentive would be for companies to take someone with a 'proficiency certificate' for taking online tests over someone who actually completed a full degree program at a University. Even if this proposed program got started, you would still have plenty of people who would pay out or take on debt for the full degree to put themselves ahead of all the others. Frums solution seems based on the assumption that Companies believe they would directly benefit from their employees not having student debt and not having to have gone through the rigors of a college education, but I don't really follow that logic. Unless the unspoken logic is that companies could then drastically lower the wages and benefits of their entry level employees due to them having less credentials, and should expect less compensation in return? I don't know. If anything companies are having problems finding skilled labor in very specific areas and specializations that some online proficiency tests could never really gage or be realistically possible without some sort of formal training and education. I could see colleges letting some students who display good proficiency in some of the basics to be able to skip those classes and make their overall degree program shorter and thus cost less overall.
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/03/kristi-noem-kim-jong-un https://www.thedakotascout.com/p/gov-kristi-noem-blames-ghostwriter More trouble for Noem. The Book apparently has stories in it about Noem having met North Koreas Kim Jong Un face to face and to have canceled a meeting she had scheduled with the French President because she claims the French leader said 'anti-Semitic' things. Both of those stories have been disputed. North Korea's leader didn't meet with any US politicians during the time period Kristi said it happened and Marcon's office says he's never had a personal meeting scheduled with Noem. The 2nd link to a south Dakota news website is paywalled so I can't read it, but it's headlines says that she's accusing a ghostwriter and her editor for "small errors" that are in the upcoming book.
  17. Maybe clearing the cookies on your browser would fix it?
  18. What happened here? Did pony boy delete all his posts because he was mad that people were debating with him?
  19. Well, if nothing else this story has gotten her book about 10x more publicity than it otherwise would have.
  20. The "fake news" media reported on what she wrote in her own book. Whether she was justified in killing the dog or not (it doesn't sound like she was), it was purely idiotic to write it in a book thinking it would make her look good...especially for a person who has ambitions of higher office.
  21. She did it to save the children guuuuuyyyyysss.
  22. https://www.axios.com/2023/08/31/tim-scott-not-married-single-republican-donors Top GOP donors and their allies privately are pushing Sen. Tim Scott's team for more detail about his bachelor status before deciding how much to support him in the presidential campaign, according to two people familiar with the conversations. Why it matters: Many of the donors are in the market for a viable alternative to former President Trump — but still aren't sure about Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who's running second to Trump in GOP polls. Scott, 57, is among those trying to woo such fundraisers. The U.S. hasn't elected an unmarried person as president in 139 years. It's typical for candidates to trot out their families to try to enhance their appeal to voters. Scott's reluctance to say much about his private life has raised concerns among some conservative Republican donors, according to the sources, who requested anonymity given the sensitivity of the issue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've spent a majority of my life as a Conservative Evangelical in rural Alabama. I was brought up in an evangelical Church that taught me that Gay people and lbgtq lifestyles are of the devil, leading to the destruction of our civilization, and are disgusting. I've was taught that homosexuality and general sexual depravity was one big reason why God allowed the ancient Greek and Roman empires to fall. I've been taught that homosexuals were the reason God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and that the United states could very well be next on Gods list if Christians didn't stand up and fight for 'what's right'. Not even a decade or so ago it was common for Conservatives to blame acceptance of gays as a reason for natural disasters like hurricanes and tornados. I'm glad that apparently you grew up in and live in a Christian community that is apparently super tolerant and actually seems to be socially liberal in many ways, but a lot of us have experienced differently.
  23. Not very believable. Nowhere in that pretend conversation did the Christian person say "Yeah, you can do it, but you'll burn in hell for eternity and your actions will lead to the eventual collapse of our entire Civilization" I'll give it a C+ for effort though.
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