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Everything posted by CoffeeTiger

  1. NewsMax host tries to attack Biden by saying the President "doesn't know Africa is a country"
  2. All of us are going to feel pretty silly if we wake up in the afterlife and just see the Egyptian cat God staring at us licking its paws and purring.
  3. hey, @PUB78 , check this out: https://wng.org/podcasts/washington-wednesday-a-less-pro-abortion-candidate-1712671187 A leading pro-life advocate says that she feels like the pro-life movement has been conned by Donald Trump, and that he lied about being fully pro-life just to get their votes and support. She also says that she believes the right thing for pro-lifers to do would be to refuse to vote for ANY candidate that wasn't fully pro-life and for fully supportive of federal abortion bans. She says that she'd rather see Republicans/Conservative lose elections for 25 straight years if it meant Christians would stop 'compromising' on abortion and not back down. That that would eventually lead to national abortion bans. Do you agree with her? Do you think it would be sinful for a Christian to vote for Donald Trump for President as Trump apparently seems to be more pro-choice than pro-life at this point? If not, why? Is it not sinful to support one sin just because you don't consider it as big of a sin as the other option?
  4. WNG is specifically an Evangelical website so, despite it claiming at the masthead to be "grounded in facts", it's in reality just a mouthpiece for American Protestant Christianity. Have to take that into account when you read anything on that site.
  5. Not sending a child to school (public or private), OR homeschooling them through a real, certified homeschool program is child abuse plain and simple. There is no good reason to not have your child officially educated in some way.
  6. Dumb comment by Sunny no doubt about it. You know you've messed up when Whoopi Goldberg is having to step in to be the voice of reason. Just another example of why you get important information from scientists and experts and not from politicians, talkshow hosts, or from your uncle Cleetus.
  7. From a protestant/Evangelical perspective It's kind of funny to me the idea that the early Catholic and Orthodox Churches were inspired enough by God to correctly and unerringly pick out which writings were inspired and canon, yet at the same time were apparently not inspired enough to be able to correctly interpret the teachings and commands of those same writings in many important areas.
  8. nothing to see here. Just a casual...totally normal group of people gathering in a circle around the Arizona State seal in the State Capital building, chanting unintelligible gibberish, while an Arizona politician leads the group, pleading out to God to bless the chambers.
  9. I'm disappointed in you 78. I thought you prided yourself on being a "freethinker"... Keep in mind, the same science books that tell you the moon isn't made of gas also tells you that the earth is billions of years old and that some communist concept called 'evolution' exists.
  10. Ironically, I think NPR itself does a pretty good, balanced, job of reporting on this story, highlighting Uri's critiques, pointing out some who agree with him, pointing out some who disagree with him, giving NPR management's public response. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/09/1243755769/npr-journalist-uri-berliner-trust-diversity ' separately, I do like how Cuomo says that the reason he's at NewsNation is because of it's commitment to a diversity of views....But I'm pretty sure him getting fired from his top job for unethical journalism is the actual reason he's now at NewsNation lol.
  11. Sounds like Sheila Jackson is starting to truly embrace Texan Conservativism. She’s not just blindly believing what those God hating, mainstream liberal scientists and astronomers say about what the moon is made of. She’s doing her own research and coming to her own conclusions. she actually might be on to something here. You never hear the liberal media talk about the moon possibly being made of gas…why is that?…maybe it’s because this is something the media doesn’t want you to hear or know about? Maybe the truth is being hidden from you? Ever think of that? Maybe the government just doesn’t want you to know the moon is made of gas? probably has something to do with George Soros wanting to hide the truth so he can secretly start mining the moon gases all for himself to fund Democratic campaign fraud and abortions. makes me want to throw up.
  12. Here's a pretty decent outline of it: https://apnews.com/article/student-loan-cancellation-debt-college-forgiveness-c3ec59d4c1d89e77bc1afc6c8ded1615
  13. https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/2024/04/08/jury-convicts-driver-who-alleged-police-planted-bottle-during-dui-stop/73241810007/ The jury found him guilty of DUI.
  14. Don't worry, 2029 will be here before you know it.
  15. Well, this is a new one for me. I know some Republicans have been advocating for raising the minimum voting age over concerns that young people primarily vote Democrat, but I've never heard of a Republican wanting to stop old people from voting. I thought nursing homes and retirement communities usually vote strongly Republican? The elderly are one of the GOP's strongest voting blocks.
  16. Republicans easily believing lies and conspiracies has been repeatedly proven for decades and isn't a big surprise at all that it's still true today. More interesting to me was the poll showing what traits a person views as most important in a leader/president. Democrats were way more likely than Republicans to say that Honesty, Ethics, and compassion were important traits in a leader. Only thing that Republicans seemed to value highly was "strength".
  17. If you'd read the actual plan, Biden is wanting to forgive mainly interest on some loans (which didn't come out of taxpayers pockets), and automatically forgiving loans of people who already qualify for forgiveness based on past programs but have never applied for it or initiated it.
  18. Sounds good, but she is someone who works for and with the Kennedy Campaign, runs Kennedy campaign events, and has a Kennedy Campaign email address. Kennedy might need to make sure his campaign workers are all on the same page. Private citizen or not, you don't exactly want your workers to be out there stating that getting you elected isn't their top priority or desire.
  19. I was thinking....dude, if you die and the first thing you have to do upon your soul waking up is clocking into a new job to work an eternity long shift......I don't think you're in Heaven.
  20. I think Homer is just indicating that he views all religions as being man made, and equally untrue to one another regardless of how popular any of them are or how new/old/or how many followers each religion has. I don't see him trying to equate Egyptian religions with the Abrahamic religions in terms of importance, or trying to say they are on equal footing in our current world. No doubt the Abrahamic religions, along with Hinduism and Buddhism are the most influential religions in our current world without equal.
  21. Here's the video referenced in the article: Doesn't look good for the officer here. The police department says the video was edited to look bad and the full video shows no wrongdoing, which they'll release after the trial. The woman officer in the video says she mistakenly opened and poured the alcohol out thinking it was department policy to empty all liquids before taking them in, and they claim the bottle itself wasn't taken in as evidence. I'm personally a little confused about what evidence they actually have against him here. Did they not do any kind of breathalyzer or blood test back at the station after the arrest, or did they arrest and prosecute him for DUI solely on the officers testimony that his eyes looked bloodshot and that they think they smelled alcohol?
  22. There is a religious movement called Kemetism that is seeking to revive recognition and worship of the old Egyptian Gods and religious practices. The US version is the American Society of Kemetic Orthodoxy. that was founded in 1988. They have various Egyptian shrines and temples throughout the US.
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