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Everything posted by EastAl_Tiger

  1. So I'm here at the game. How is Bo injured? Can't see anything here.
  2. a lot of this is spot on, but I don't think Orgeron's and Mullen's epitaphs will read "He Had Too Many 5 Stars"
  3. "Better play calls" please expound, coach.
  4. I just started re watching the game and either the offensive staff STILL doesn't understand the capabilities of the players (O line for example) OR the A&M players were way more prepared for the offense than the coaches assumed. Case in point: Auburn's first FG drive. 1st and 10 at around the 17. A reverse(?) to Shivers. #47 is pulling to block. The RT ignores the linebacker and helps with double team. only when the LB is making a bee line to where Shivers in heading does the RT peel back to chase down the LB. There is NO WAY #59 can delay at all and still have chance at getting a hat on the LB. Maybe they thought the LB would stay still or lean the other way (thinking Nix kept it) long enough for #59 to get to him (he couldn't) Of course if Nix keeps it, he's still running...but all 11 defenders were keyed on Shivers it seemed.
  5. the key word is athletic. I don't see any athletes on the Oline. just big guys. make them have to move in space and.....
  6. Like him of not, Gary Danielson pointing out the absurdity of that 4th down play call is spot on.
  7. You saw the LT throw his hands up when Bo took off right. I mean If he makes a good block and Bo takes off then the decent pass block is for naught
  8. I think I've seen more today than all year combined. I thought those were a thing of the past
  9. didn't even look like a checkdown it happened so fast. just a preplanned throw.
  10. runs outside not going well. always maroon jerseys while white watching
  11. Now, going back to Auburn's first series, I know there is a reason for plays like this in the grand scheme of things but the 2 yd attempted pass to Shenker is always a head scratcher to me. even if he catches it probably not going anywhere so it's why even throw it. may as well run for 2 yds. I dunno,just frustrating
  12. Just watching Hamm move in open space is painful. Are his legs o.k.? Is it the braces? He just can not move. Not a lot of athleticism on display.
  13. I can't even see their receivers in the frame and I'm screaming "they're open"
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