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Everything posted by EastAl_Tiger

  1. same goes for the last play of the game. a grade schooler knows what to do there. (hint: it's not send 3 receivers short of the goal line & try to thread the needle to one of them with clock at 00:00)
  2. He doesn't even have to throw it to the EZ. DRob has his man beat from about the 20 yd line. just lead him a little and he catches it at the goal line. instead, he threw it to neither receiver.
  3. if it was a pick play the receivers were lost. I'm still not buying it. played for the PI. looking at the player alignment, there's no easy way for either to set a pick for the other.
  4. interesting quote I heard a day ago from Jay Gruden regarding accuracy. To sum it up, It's his feeling that either a QB has 'it' early on or really never gets that much better. I guess there are exceptions, but do ever hear about a 12 year veteran NFL QB still playing that was inaccurate when he broke into the league? they either never make it or wash out soon afterwards.
  5. whatever Hudson was doing on that "route" he needs to stop doing it. started. half turned around to look(?). then took off again. then fell. I don't even think it was a rub route. there's really no way for that to work given the alignment.
  6. Lot of ifs and buts in play here. IF Shenker catches the pass in the flats and cuts off DR's left hip instead of plowing ahead into 2 defenders....?
  7. that's what it seemed to me. which leads credence to the suspicion that they he was only looking for a PI call. either that or he has no business ever throwing that pass again.
  8. 1st drive, D Rob had his man beat almost from the get go. Ball needs to hit him in the hands down the sideline at the goal line. easy 6 pts. Nix panics because 17 is bearing down on him and just heaves it. ball is way left and way way long. The second D Rob miss on the left side, I ve watched it over and over and still don'e know if it was catchable or not, although I'm leaning "not". Again he's got his man beat. If Nix just makes the throw, 6 pts. There was no need to intentionally throw to the outside there.(which I doubt was the case.)
  9. go back and look at Shenker. he's got 2 men in front. the guy to his left doesn't move. is he waiting on Tank in the flats? if so, the other guy is shading 47 to the middle. all he has to do is take one step to middle and head to the "N's". I understand the route he's running and it works but got to have the QB in synch. moot point however, it was going to be try for the PI and heave it out of bounds.
  10. plus, the OVERALL talent level on the team didn't magically take leaps forward when Harsin was hired. they are what they are. hopefully he can coach them up, maybe he can't.
  11. upon further review, that play was much worser than I first thought. not only did Bo attempt a pass that he is ill-suited for, there was a receiver running wide open in the middle of the field. AT THE 15 YD. LINE. now, i suppose it's possible that he was a decoy to draw a defender away from the intended WR, but for pete's sake, Bo had time to wait until his receivers made it to the endzone, . catch and run for TD highly unlikely.
  12. Last play of the game. did not understand. not as bad as fade on 4th down but still. send 3 WR's to a spot in the EZ and chunk in there. it actually works sometimes. Bo trying to laser a ball into coverage short of the goal line. what was that? he has neither the arm strength nor the accuracy to pull that off.
  13. is it just me or is he slow? either that or the PSU backs are really fast.
  14. I know coaches are always like "we gotta establish the run" blah blah blah, but if I'm PSU, i'd throw every down. Let's face it, since when has an offense had to game plan around an Auburn pass rush? been awhile.
  15. decent pocket. big down and that's the best we got? big guy down the middle
  16. i don't know if the Oline getting pushed around early was technically a "mistake" Saturday that can be corrected. I think it's just who they are. Maybe it is was all mental. Sure looked like they got out physicaled to some degree. will be a real test of Nix's mental progress if things aren't perfect
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