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Everything posted by EastAl_Tiger

  1. Why a team ever run the ball against Auburn between the 10's is beyond me. Corral might have 400 yds
  2. see that's what's so frustrating and amazing, frankly. He's been taught what to do since 6th grade. Now midway through 3rd year, we still wonder if "high school" Bo Nix shows up or some other (better) version. Is that a function of his previous QB "coach" (Gus)? maybe. I wouldn't call myself a "hater" but a lot of programs would have moved on by now, if their 5 star QB wasn't progressing beyond 10th grade tendencies and I'm about to that point myself.
  3. based on the previous games, I would think a 4th and 7 from around midfield would be an automatic easy peasy pitch and catch. it's only once they have bent and the field gets shorter that the cushion disappears just by necessity.
  4. as usual, if I'm OM, I'd throw until Corrall's arm falls off, then I'd let the backup do same. Unless and until AU can blitz effectively, (when was the last time?) they'll have all day.
  5. If you're bama going against Tenn. or even Auburn for that matter, why even try to run the ball. get 6 yds min every pass attempt. ZERO pressure on the QB. receivers running free....
  6. I see the Oline make initial contact but lose it and the defenders run to the ball as the Oline is left behind to stand around and watch.
  7. I would be curious to see what the difference in yds gained on straight run plays is versus yds gained on RPO's that are runs.
  8. he was bailed out on those deep balls by some circus catches by the WR
  9. that's seems like an odd pattern by #47. usually the receiver is turned to the outside so the throw is opposite the defender. Bo leaning backwards caused the ball to float. cut the route short at the GL and turn to the sideline would have been an easier throw for Bo. i.e. receiver moving side to side as opposed to vertical
  10. weren't interceptions an issue? can't recall. too long ago.
  11. was #5 supposed to "screen" the LB that was going to cover? if so, he did a poor job.
  12. "playing too fast". ok. I've been using the term "panic".
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