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Everything posted by KansasTiger

  1. This is hard to do. Last time the constitution was amended was what, 1992? And it was about when pay rate changes go into affect for Congress. So enhancing the constitution turns into unconstitutional laws followed by judicial activism to protect those laws to try and move the needle on whats acceptable.
  2. I dont see alot of liberals pointing out the positive aspects of conservatism around here. So...meh. Not all things liberal are bad, obviously. Just alot of it. Most of it, to be honest. Especially modern forms of the left. Classical liberalism can be fantastic.
  3. My view of the situation is framed a bit. Would I like some current, 'regulations' we'll call them, lifted? Perhaps, but I'm not naïve that will ever be viable in today's climate, so I think arguing for or about them is a waste of time. What I think can be done is holding the line on any further restrictions or regulations being added. If that makes any sense.
  4. Yeah, "shall not be infringed" can be tricky to interpret. Like, can we infringe a little? Can we require nationwide registration so we can take them away later if we label you 'dangerous', cause I can't imagine a scenario that could be misused by the govt? No. The answer is no.
  5. Saying you take frequent tokes from that copium pipe is a point, and not an attack. You just didn't like it. Oh well. I have no desire to discuss a thing with someone who unravels like you do at the first sign of provocation.
  6. I stopped trying to make a point with you a page ago. I'm just trolling for fun now. I am more than happy to discuss points with someone. You're just attacking my character. Im going to defend myself...And yet I still refuse to do the same character attacks. I wonder what that says?
  7. You should be easier on yourself. I'd let you untie your hand...
  8. @auburnatl1 I can't imagine why I'd have to pick and choose what I discuss on this forum...
  9. You're right, this clearly isn't a reaction to my positions and your inability to refute them adequately. How foolish of me! That might almost be excusable rather than you just attempting to be a jerk. Keep digging and make your hole deeper, though I doubt any liberals will call you out for poor behavior.
  10. Jees, I didn't think I'd have to do this... Attacking me, my character, and intelligence meets the definition, chief. I find your positions laughable, but I won't attack you as a person. But yes, you are a liberal high on copium...
  11. Says the man who resorts to ad hominem attacks when he can't make a good point.
  12. You get mad at the Biden is as bad argument, but then use the Trump is worse argument. I disagree. Theres obviously more to it than just "Biden is bad", but I'm not willing to get into the other half of the argument on a liberal swarming forum and have to deal with that headache. Especially for a candidate I'm not even sure I support.
  13. You could say this about alot of candidates. I think every conservative and many independents question how liberals blindly support Biden. Your line about "Bad guy. Mafia type, cares nothing for the country or anyone but himself" fits Biden pretty well. Most of the candidates are sociopath traitors that just hide it better through narrative, lies, and accepted policy thats been backed by propoganda through the MSM over the years. In fact, Im convinced anyone running at that level thats in a position to actually have a chance has sold thier soul so many times over to get there they couldnt govern properly if they even wanted to. But everyone else being bad is only a small portion of that equation. As for Trump, I have my theories and my own beliefs. I'd be happy to discuss them with some people on this forum, in a different setting.
  14. Nice deflection. I do have some liberal beliefs. And we all call balls and strikes how we see it. I'm not claiming to be neutral or down the middle. You're just butthurt.
  15. Oh I don't believe that she does. Or at least not in anyway that matters in the scheme of things. Read the thread next time before spouting liberal nonsense.
  16. I understand. So polling and approval ratings mean nothing 11 months out of an election, just how much money you have? Gotcha.
  17. I think its funny you don't think Gen Clark knows the difference between waging war and contingency plans. That or you didn't watch the clip.
  18. Is it that big? How are they defining independent? I'd be curious if I would be an independent by their calculation. Cause you hear independent and think 'in the middle somewhere'. But I'm guessing a large portion of those independents are more unaffiliated instead of moderate. Cause I bailed on the party too, but I've never been accused of being a moderate anything. If Haley ran third party, she'd be breaking the pledge she signed to support the GOP nominee. Not that it means a damn thing, but doesn't seem like a good look.
  19. I'm a mix of a few ideas that don't fit into an easily describable box. It's a mix of libertarian, conservative, even a few liberal idea believe it or not. Or what used to be liberal ideas. I'm actually ok with 80% of what you said. There should be 4+ parties in this country. But it's the dems and Republicans fault why that hasn't happened. They don't want that, cause they'd lose overall power. They created a system where if you want to have a real shot at president, you either have to join one of the two parties and conform to their ideology or hijack the party (wasnt realistic until Trump). So that's what's happening. I dont feel sorry for the power hungry bastards at all. So Haley not being an option is the GOP's fault. Not MAGA, for taking the only viable path to the presidency the parties created. Unless you and the GOP want MAGA to form its own party and take 55% of the base with it and watch how neither side win an election again.
  20. I've never made the argument that Trump or Vivek were classic conservatives. But Vivek is the closest to a real conservative on that list. He's the only one (including Trump) that would actually make the govt smaller. People use populist like some bad tagline. Like you accuse me of using 'neocon' (I simply use it to describe pro-war new age 'conservatives'). But by definition it's what the people want, instead of a party's unpopular ideology shoved down their constituent's throat. I'm ok with that. I'm a populist.
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