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Everything posted by KansasTiger

  1. So you agree that Colorado did this backwards and shouldn't have made this ruling? Or is this just a way to change the argument to a different focus?
  2. It's not an established fact Trump incited an insurrection. So you don't apply it.
  3. You approach this like its an established fact and we just have to decide to apply some obscure amendment or not. He didn't incite insurrection. Let the people vote.
  4. Nope, especially in a state like Colorado, that's proven over and over they are partisan and have been overruled by higher courts in high profile partisan cases.
  5. Colorado, single handedly saving democracy by not letting people vote for someone.
  6. ...and if we finish top 2-3 in the sec, I promise we will be ranked.
  7. I know computer rankings aren't the end all be all, but we're 8 in Kenpom and 6 in the Bartorvik. Getting ranked right now doesn't matter. Improving so we can finish top 2-3 in the sec with our non con will get us where we need to be.
  8. I dont disagree that there are few to no 'good' politicians left.
  9. So the 'adults' got back in charge and we get cocaine in the WH, topless transgenders on the WH lawn, and gay sex on the Senate floor?
  10. I've noticed CBM makes some questionable decisions at times. Odd fouls that don't seem very sportman-like. He always seems to find himself in these situations...
  11. Why did CBM hook him? That was not needed...
  12. Hope auburn twitter descended upon them
  13. Oh they def will. But I'm ok with it. I think it was goaltending, but they didn't show me enough replays.
  14. Jay has done nothing but talk about USC this entire game.
  15. What I'd love for him to learn is that if he isn't having a good day, he learn how to take a step back instead of trying to force it. Unfortunately that isn't in his DNA. So BP needs to do it for him.
  16. I love the grit and heart Berman plays with
  17. I'm not mad about it lol. More mad at myself for getting caught in the moment. I just don't trust the forum enough for it. I'd even upgrade this convo to a bourbon conversation...mostly cause I have a collection.
  18. Yeah, there's way too many fallacies in your response for me to respond to all of them. Youve half tricked me into having a portion of a conversation i said i didnt want to have on this forum. This a beer conversation. Difference is, you've approached this respectfully where I'd actually enjoy this conversation over a beer with you. But not here. I didn't know I was arguing about what success looks like. Success happens in stages, over years. One administration isn't going to magically fix this. But it can't even start while that wheel keeps spinning. And one perspective thinks I'm dumb and have been duped by a con into supporting a traitor. The other thinks you all are dumb and have been duped by a con into supporting traitors. And life goes on.
  19. Ok, I can see the difference. But there isn't an Eisenhower type in this race. There's two and a half Pattons and a bunch of duplicitous corrupt bought and paid for politicians. I'm not saying they have to be a Trump. But that's my choice. I also think that the system will turn any true anti establishment guy's image into a 'Patton' to continue the analogy, because that benefits them in the battle against them. Take RFK for example. Many of his statements have been taken wildly out of context, misquoted, and sometimes just flat out lied about, in an attempt by the msm to make him look like a Patton because they're easier to combat. Because the system isn't going to fairly cover someone that wants to upset their existence. I think this also applies to Vivek and Trump, though Trump says plenty on his own that doesn't help, too.
  20. You're partially right. I want a change agent. Trump actually wasn't enough of one the first time around IMO. I don't want the country to run the way it used to. So none of what you said was appealing to me. You still believe alot of the lies Washington feeds us. I've started seeing it as one party vs. the rest. Everyone over there is on the same side. The money and corruption side. At least ICantHearYou gets parts of this right (when I choose to unblock his posts). I want anyone I can to throw into that equation and break it. And if you can't be that person, I won't vote for you.
  21. It's early. But anyone saying he doesn't have a chance is delusional. People have to keep in mind, through 2 elections, he's outperformed polls both times. Likely because libs like to shame Trump supporters (as seen in this forum) and Trump supporters just turn into silent supporters. If polls say he is up, by 1 poll as much as 10%, he's likely up by quite a bit.
  22. Then people better get to supporting Vivek real soon. Because there isn't a single other GOP candidate outside of him I'd support. Desantis is the face the establishment wear when they want to pretend theyre anti establishment. If you're aren't really pissing people off in your own party, you're not the right candidate for me because the positions I and many like me hold, will piss off the establishment. If RFK was the dem nominee I'd strongly consider him. But as a third party candidate, he's unfortunately a throw away vote.
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