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Everything posted by KansasTiger

  1. Chris Brown has more respect for women than Hugh Freeze has respect for Holden.
  2. Twins boys, indeed. So I know what you're going through, haha. My first memory is Ole Miss when I was about 5. My boys have been to multiple KState games (their mom is an alum) and I'd say this year they retained/paid attention to about 35%, but they enjoyed the atmosphere.
  3. One shot because of cost and distance, yes. So when we go, it'll be UGA or Bama, and we'll have to be decent cause I'm not spending a couple grand on travel, tickets, lodging, etc to watch us lose by 20+. Thinking 2025 when they're 7.
  4. You're braver than I am. I have two five year olds and i get one shot at taking them. So I def need them old enough to behave and remember the experience.
  5. I dont disagree. And he seemingly has gotten away with paying less attention to the team and more to recruiting and somehow our predicted win totals stayed about where we thought they would be. Though, I would be majorly dissapointed if we regressed against Arky or Bama to close this season. Getting to 7-5 isn't just about this year, I think it helps the team recruiting, mentality, attitude, and outlook for next year, too. To me, there's a big difference in 6-6 and 7-5.
  6. I tried this approach. The response was a vague statement about context and guards missing shots or something. And then a bunch of whining from Swamp Eagle that dissidents aren't treated fairly. Which, he's not completely wrong, but this is just a piss poor example of it.
  7. As a person in that position last year, I can understand where that conception could come from. But your assumption skips over the need for the complaint to make sense and have merit of its own. I obviously am not some sunshine pumping homer, as regulars on this board can attest to. And I dont think anyone here is accusing Argo of not being an auburn man. But of simply having an argument that we didn't agree with.
  8. I disagree. You can't just take a general vague situation and claim there are similarities due to the end outcome. This team has things to improve on, perimeter defense, fouls, vision, turnovers, etc., but this team did things I never saw last year's team do, and not just in the last 6 min. They played as a cohesive unit for most of the first half and in spurts of the second half (something I can only remember last year's team doing for 1-2 games period). The shooting is night and day different, which forces the defense to defend you differently, which allows more driving and passing lanes to open, allowing more ball movement. Holloway wasn't going to maintain a 66% 3 point shot all game, and saying him missing toward the end is reminiscent of our guards last year is just a lazy comparison. If he can clean up some of his turnovers, he will surpass Wendell Green's ability before we even get to conference play.
  9. I dont want to misunderstand, but last night didn't feel at all like our losses or even wins last year. This team plays completely different. This team is already better than last year, and has a much higher ceiling. We can discuss the loss and why it happened, and what can be done to work on that, but this is not a fundamentally flawed team like we've had in the past.
  10. I'm as critical as anybody (see last year). I was frustrated by how the game ended, but you're blind if you didn't see things to be excited about. Give this team time.
  11. I'm amazed I haven't seen anyone take a stupid ISO ill advised shot yet. I forgot we could do that.
  12. We might not win. But this team is FUN.
  13. I mean, I miss Jabari for alot of reasons
  14. I dislike this new charge rule. Couldn't disagree with the announcers more.
  15. ADEN is going to be impactful this year
  16. KD still gets just a little too excited when he gets into the swing of the game...
  17. @bigbird alright...that was a good run. I'll shut up
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