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Everything posted by jj3jordan

  1. What are you talking about? None of your comments make any sense. Try again and explain what you are yammering on about.
  2. Here is a truth bomb for you. Jesus is not our "mascot".
  3. That is what my engrish comp professor told us.
  4. Absolutely! But it is Rapture not raputure. Wish it would get here soon.
  5. I know you didn’t go to Auburn and publish a comma splice.
  6. You think you can affect it? LOL
  7. I guess part of that is true. God has been around cultures for as long as the earth. All the other gods not so much. There have always been people who felt the urge to seek a higher power (innate in humans) and found God. Others found substitutes which lacked the characteristics of God. The only reason to seek non religious elements for creation is that you have rejected God and His account of creation. People like that will believe pretty much any explanation that excludes God. Age of universe, 4.6 billion years, 16, 32+ who knows. Evolution with zero transitional life forms, and thousands of missing links on the trunk of the evolutionary tree. Random increased complicated organization from chaos and disorder. Millions of genetic mutations that resulted in beneficial changes to the host (very rare), including magical appearances of whole systems in animals that did not exist in that species (endocrine, exo/endo skeletons, lymphatic, reproductive, CNS). All unexplainable. At some point, don't you think we should just stop ignoring the signals that don't make any sense, and accept that the God that the vast majority of the worlds population believes in or acknowledges the existence of is the real One? And that creation theory as written doesn't lead back to an organized religion. It leads back to God. Why would you say maybe there is an intelligent designer (God), who hasn't shown Himself to humanity? There is already. It is God. Why acquiesce to intelligent design but refuse to believe that intelligent designer is God?
  8. Got it. You don't know.
  9. I didn’t dismiss the possibility of the universe being infinite. God is infinite. God created the universe. It could be finite if He ended it. Or it could be infinite as He is. What caused us? God. Why? Fellowship with Him. We have the answers. We are there.
  10. Two big bangs. Wow that’s amazing. What was before the first one?
  11. Nope. It is very easy for me to believe because I believe God is omnipotent, all knowing, all powerful. You don’t. Your heart is hardened against God. You are willing to go to the mat to discredit God, Jesus, and the Bible, God’s Holy Word. What really takes determination is believing that all of this came from nothing. Which existed as nothing before it blew up. Whenever it existed, something was before it. It takes determination to believe that the beginning had no beginning.
  12. She also thinks we went to Mars.
  13. Trump. No question. Not even close.
  14. Great line though. Climate change is the effect..of climate change.
  15. Nice try, but acid rain had a cause and effect easy to observe. Very small scale compared to global climate change. Ozone layer is nebulous at best around 3mm thick. Big problem over the poles. Cancer for everybody, at least the 42 people working there. Then..poof..all better. No more hole. Climate change has no direct provable cause and effect. Only fear, predictions, and modeling. I remember the predictions from the seventies also. Ice age imminent. Oops, no it’s a heat wave.
  16. I believe God. You are the one who will believe anything.
  17. We should hear from Winken and Nod before we make a decision.
  18. I’m not. Yes I believe the Creation story as written.
  19. So DON’T believe what the bill says? Fine. None of it is true. Got it. All good. Just so we will know: What exactly is this “fair share” that liberals are always complaining about rich people not paying? I’ve never seen that actually defined. Please do. Also do you, or anybody, believe that republicans are the only rich ones? Or are richer than liberal democrats? Are liberal democrat rich people willing to pay their fair share? Whatever that is?
  20. Clinton was heavily favored in polls which have in previous elections been wrong. Probably because many polls are biased to produce the desired predicted outcome. But she never led, ran a poor campaign, ignored closely contested states while Trump fought for every vote, and could barely walk at the end of the campaign. She knew she was in trouble, evidenced by cancelling her victory venue. Comparing 2016 to 2020 regarding the anomalies I identified is laughably invalid.
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