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Everything posted by jj3jordan

  1. Did you answer the question?
  2. You think Biden is relevant? Seems like his handlers and successors are the real relevant actors. Biden is just a figurehead that the left decided was their best shot at winning the general election (rich white guy). Biden doesn’t know where he is or what he is saying. So no, Biden is not relevant. Btw who are you quoting above?
  3. Nobody is more irrelevant than Joe.
  4. Almost like using pro Hillary/fake dossier Trump hating lawyers and fbi agents to create and investigate whether Trump told the Russians to buy $150k worth of Facebook ads to throw the 2016 election his way. Totally legit.
  5. So yes I know about the Steel dossier all made up fake paid for by Hillary and used to obtain FISA warrants perpetrated and advanced by the Democrat party and the media. So are you implying that the Republican Party of Arizona would perpetrate a fake finding and try to get the media to push it? Nobody is perfect but I don’t believe republicans would attempt to do that unless there was something substantive and prove able to report.
  6. Ah. Well done. Attack the audit as tainted in case they uncover subterfuge. But if there is nothing there, even a bunch of motivated miscreants won’t be able to find anything.
  7. Christians love Jesus. And people. Not compartmentalized by whatever definitions someone attempts to place them in. Although your question is slightly off topic.
  8. Ask Biden about China and Obama about Iran. I personally don’t agree that claiming Obama is a muslim is racist or even relates to racism. Obama has clearly stated his love for muslims, call to prayer most beautiful sound, stand with the muslims, and even though he claims to be a Christian he stated that there are different pathways to the same place (heaven). A Christian will not say this. The thread was about Russians and their assistance in the 2016 election but somehow you hijacked it and made it about a Trump hater who wanted to run against him. George apparently allowed him to apologize for his racist comments to allow him back into the fold since he is a Trump hater. Amazing how your sins can be forgiven by liberals if you take up the mantle against Trump.
  9. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/08/25/joe-walsh-apologizes-racist-comments-run-against-trump/2115011001/ If that is your conservative standard bearer you need to pick another one. Again, for real, how did the Kremlin help Trump win? By saying that Hillary is an arrogant mean unlikeable vengeful drunk leftist? Still no legit sane believable explanation. FB? Sorry that’s just pathetic.
  10. Did you miss the Russia Russia Russia collusion investigation? I'm pretty sure there were numerous dems who objected to the certification. Obama was no fan of Hillary. Hillary was forced to concede but it's doubtful she would have without urging. Then she spent the next four years claiming the russians (the ones she hired) helped DT win so it was not legit. Acceptance that is not. That whole thing was designed to get DT out BEFORE inauguration so Hillary could be declared the winner. Didn't happen so they went to impeachment and yada yada yada. If you think ANYTHING done by the dems was acceptance of DT victory you are delusional.
  11. Which election that DT won are you referencing? 2016? Did social media crazily proclaim that DT won? Because next to NOBODY on the left/dem establishment believed it true and accepted it as a win.
  12. It would shock me if anyone out there is dumb enough to make a voting decision from Facebook information.
  13. You think this information steered the Russians into what particular Facebook ads to purchase?
  14. Still couldn’t tell what he did with the info. Was this Trump internal polling that showed him ahead? Or other public polling that showed him losing badly?
  15. Oh ok thanks. I thought the shots were broken out by twos and threes. That makes sense now. Glad to see they are both doing so great. Bummed that they could both be on our team right now!!
  16. If Thor plans to return if he has a poor scouting report, would he have time to take some classes and improve a GPA that might not be stellar this semester? If he has a poor spring grade wise he may need summer and fall to regain NCAA eligibility on the academic side if he decides to stay another year. Something to think about.
  17. I check both "O"s box scores every game and they are doing great. But it seems the box score hardly ever adds up correctly. Am I crazy or is 9-15 (18 pts) and 4-6 from deep (12 pts) supposed to add up to 30 not 22? It happens all the time to numerous players on every ESPN box score. Sometimes it adds up sometimes not. Can someone explain this to me? Or does the NBA/ESPN have the worst interns ever.
  18. The rioting mob also had no business being there. Did you overlook that in your analysis?
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