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Everything posted by jj3jordan

  1. How did this slip by you TT? Maybe you could take preventive measures. https://www.advocate.com/health/2020/3/12/masturbation-boosts-immune-system-can-it-fight-covid-19
  2. Doesn’t this testimony of all the bad things said to capitol police officers sound a lot like what BLM and Antifa rioters said and did to cops all over the country hundreds of times? Seems like I remember constant shouting of slurs including the N word and others plus throwing various items at them sometimes accompanied by fire. NYPD cops get doused with water regularly on the beat. Seems like the 50 or so aggressive screamers at the capitol pale in comparison to the treatment cops from numerous cities and states in the big picture.
  3. If you say you are looking for a black woman then everybody else is in effect not qualified. They don’t get on the list. If a black woman is at least tied with other candidates then fine appoint her using whatever tiebreaker system you choose. Joe has eliminated 90% of the population with his declaration.
  4. Nothing you write is plain. Yes Tommie Smith did disgrace our country in Mexico City. You got a problem protest it somewhere else just not the olympics. Being an Olympian is a privilege not a right. If you accept an invitation to be on the team you forfeit your rights to blab your personal issues out to everybody. Look at our olympics teams. Full of all races ethnicities religions and sexual orientations equally treated by the committee staff and coaches. Nobody holds any grudges until you start forcing everybody to treat you special. Look at olympic teams from almost any other country. Mostly homogenous races and ethnicities. Very few if any members are mixed country or races. We have by far the most diverse team of any team ever. Has this obvious fact escaped you? Do you even pay attention or do you just blab your horse hockey complaints at any and all conservatives republicans Christians or people who just live our country and are happy to be a part of it? Your hatred could be unhealthy. As usual your ramblings are full of Lies. Nobody making it harder to vote. Call Me when Delaware has the same voting rules as Georgia. So much bs. What are you talking about spinning truths and puking venom. I got it our country is racist blah blah blah. What did our country do for slaves? Oh yeah only FREED THEM. No other country ever did that. Blacks were enslaved by blacks and sold to all the people of the world. One country outlawed slavery. America. Are we perfect? No. Are we terrible? Not even close. We ARE the freedom loving Americans fiddy. Leftist democrats don’t even like our country. If so why you want to slide into socialism as a government. Yes I would vote for Trump again.
  5. It's no fun seeing some of the comments that are posted on this forum. No one in history has had more outright hatred thrown at them than Trump. From before he election to after. The truth is he tweets a lot. Agreed? In order to hurt Trump personally, Jack Dorsey suspended his twitter account. Agreed? Did his supporters receive any of his tweets after the rally participants walked to the capitol building in the daylight unarmed and enter the peoples house to make their voices known? No. Agreed? Did they shed any blood? No. The only one to shed blood was the capitol policeman who shot an unarmed woman in the face from close range. Let me guess. He has ptsd now. Trump was not my choice during the primaries but once he was the nominee he was the only choice. Hillary Clinton was a criminal, useless drunk with an entitlement ego twice a large as Trumps. She belongs in prison, for real. Her server and classified violations are not even debatable. You or I would get hard prison time for one tenth of what she did. And desertion or treason for hanging Bengazi out to dry. So I voted for Trump and you know what, no matter how much irrational hate you guys threw at him he still improved this country by leaps and bounds. You don't have to admit that because I know you can't. Inside you know that he actually did okay as president. If you don't want him again fine, but don't pretend that Joe Biden is anything more than milk toast, wait, not even that, as a person, leader, or president. He has lied plagiarized fondled and sniffed his way thru 47 years of public service on the dole without ever contributing anything to society. He actually did extort Ukraine, has now sold the white house out to China and Russia, broke up a perfectly good marriage so he could marry his crackhead son's babysitter, and daily blasphemes God Christians and the church by proudly proclaiming his support for abortion while demanding to be given the holy sacrament of communion. Oh yeah.. and he actually has said "you have my word as a Biden". What a joke.
  6. I would have loved for Trump to walk down there with them. Wish he had.
  7. You are correct sir. Could have all been avoided if Jack hadn’t suspended Trumps Twitter account. So simple and yet Jack’s partisan views that it is too dangerous for Trump to talk to his people prevented him from doing so.
  8. The women’s soccer team disgraced this nation and the olympics with their dishonoring the flag and anthem of their country. Personally I hope they get their sorry rear ends handed to them on a platter. If they win they have clearly stated that they are NOT playing and winning for their country. Did they stand and honor the flag and anthem of their opponent also?
  9. Homer thinks everybody that is not a liberal or at least a Trump hater has a Confederate Battle Flag in their back pocket.
  10. Thanks fiddy. Trump did attempt to calm the crowd by tweet but alas his account was suspended. Should Jack Dorsey be accused of a crime? It is his fault Trump was unable to contact the hordes to quell their anger. So really he didn’t wait at all.
  11. It wasn’t 100% mayhem. There was a lot of video of magas going in and out and following a rope lines very peacefully. Also plenty of video of what looks like capital police opening doors and letting people in without any resistance.
  12. That was definitely mostly peaceful if you use the Democrat media definition. And nobody came close to getting killed until a capitol policeman decided to kill an unarmed woman who probably gave the murderer ptsd when she sinisterly put her head thru a broken window. He must have been terrified. I can’t imagine these so called capitol police actually doing a shift a real policeman does on a daily basis.
  13. I can certainly see why democrats would be fearful if an election were conducted with 100% legitimate voters casting only one vote each.
  14. Do you really think conservatives make their decisions on important things like vaccinations based on what the president says?
  15. You speak as if Gaetz trafficking underage girls around the country is fact. Is it? Or because your side says it it has to be true? Like Russia was true? Ukraine? Biden was the only one who extorted Ukraine for money. Not Trump. You think nobody would be aggressively investigating Gaetz if all this was true? Is it possible it is more of the same lies from the left intended to discredit a small time rep who is being too effective? Call me back when Bob Menendez goes to jail and we can talk.
  16. Not true homer. Biden and his mentor Obama tolerated and supported the regime in Iran with $150B, against the advice of our intelligence apparatus. And Trump never did. Trump was right to ignore Clapper Brennen and Comey. Nobody would admit that $100K worth of FB ads made the difference in getting elected. I doubt you would either even for your election to the HOA board. Trump loved the country. Nobody gets to this level without an ego. Even Biden. Ever hear Biden say "you have my word as a Biden". Uh your name is meaningless in reference to truth. See numerous previous instances or plagiarism and lying to ingloriate his dismal academic record.
  17. There are dozens of pictures of Biden fondling girls. Not his granddaughter. Al Franken literally had a picture of himself fondling a female reporters breast on an air force jet. If you call that just flirting. Sorry to tell you this but you did not pose a question in your original post. As usual your responses are full of insults and very little substance, being generous. I'm sure you would love for me and my 75-80 million cohorts who voted for Trump to just go away. Smearing? That would mean it wasn't true but it is true. He does fondle girls and sniff strange women's hair. Look fiddy, Biden lied about his education, colleges, plagiarized his way through college and law school, and two primary election cycles where he got driven out of the race due to his plagiarism by the MSM. The only thing that makes him as hatable as Trump is his constant crowing that he is a devout catholic who just as devoutly supports abortion at any stage or after birth and same sex marriage despite the Catholic church's undeniable stance on those topics. Basically you throw spears at Trump supporters Christians conservatives republicans with all kinds of allegations that you have conjured up in your brain. It's childish and embarrassing.
  18. How about we get a team together to investigate Gaetz and Biden at the same time. We have mountains of video and pictoral evidence of the fondler and smeller in chief as well as actual accusations by believable women who thought me too was a thing. I'll support that if you will fiddy.
  19. I don't disagree with your analysis of modern medicine. Evaluating side effects in the long term takes more than a few weeks. That is why the normal production time to market is years not months. I am glad President Trump used his influence and office to push the development of the vaccine. But you can't rush some aspects of the final product. Let's hope the vaccine proves to be safe and effective with very little long term issues. Nobody wants this to be the thalidomide of this era.
  20. Because there was not time, people are skeptical that all the adverse side effects have been identified. With a mortality rate south of .001% or so, why take a chance on an experimental treatment that could potentially exacerbate the problem or cause other significant issues. I'm all for doing it by the book. Polio was done by the book. As were numerous other vaccines. Your comparison of the two examples is completely not legit. So no, we are not refusing the SAME technology our parents used to make us safe. If you want the vaccine go ahead and get it. If you get it then you don't have anything to worry about. You are completely safe. The vaccine is available to all. No one who wants the vaccine has an excuse to not get one. Have at it. Just don't tell me I have to get it. I don't. There are serious side effects to the vaccine, thousands of deaths, and almost everyone has some temporary side effects from each vaccine. Others have religious objections to the J and J vaccine which is not derived directly from but is tested using aborted stem cells. You may not consider this objection important, most pro choice people don't. But pro life people do have objections and some consider it serious enough to avoid taking it.
  21. The point is government door to door campaigns collecting personal data can be improperly used by bureaucrats to subvert the constitutional rights of american citizens. I'm thankful for the opportunity to explain this to you so you will now be aware and will adjust your answers accordingly. We have wiped out diseases with vaccines that successfully completed extensive years long trials and data analysis. This vaccine has done none of that. It is being released as an experimental vaccine having NOT completed the normal trials a vaccine must pass. Polio for example we all took as children but this vaccine was tested thoroughly before widespread release.
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