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Everything posted by Bottomfeeder

  1. We're not far from having our own Lego problems.
  2. Marilyn Bulloch is an associate clinical professor in Auburn University’s Harrison School of Pharmacy and an infectious disease expert. As if coronavirus wasn't enough, we have this.
  3. It goes back and forth on Twitter. The consensus is between an accidental leak and that of vaccine for SARS-CoV-1 gone awry. Regardless, we funded it (if was a leak). Papers are now coming out from China supporting a natural origin. Propaganda? I don't know, and no one else knows except the Chinese and they aren't telling anyone. I don't think we have time for the CRT before China releases, accidentally, another pandemic. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.05.451089v1
  4. According to some people's perspective. I believe, strategically, it's a big mistake. I was against the troops on the ground, winning the hearts campaign from the onset. All of that money and nothing but poppy fields for the CIA to show for it.
  5. While stationed in South Korea, propaganda leaflets dropped on US military camps/bases were commonplace. I believe we were fighting the Red China in both the Korean and Vietnam wars. Communism is a direct threat to our republic, and has surfaced in many areas of national security interests. While finishing my military hitch in the US army (1984), I competed for and won medic of the quarter at the 3rd Brigade HQ (WAR EAGLE BRIGADE). One of the questions was about real threats to our country, and they expected me to say Muslim world, but I answered with Red China. Of course I had to explain my position, but that was easy. My cousin is self-proclaimed communist/socialist/liberal who has written at least five books and teaches (chair) political theory at a private college in New York state. Comrades! She has some skewed views IMHO. I believe they have infiltrated and installed all of the planks of the communist manifesto. What's their next move? Weaken the west's financial and military capabilities by releasing a virus? The virus made me mad enough, but to threaten us militarily is something quite extraordinary. I just don't see the CRT being more than just a distraction from the real threats. https://www.foxnews.com/us/ted-cruz-blasts-cori-bushs-stolen-land-tweet-as-divisive-lies
  6. More communism. Well, here you go: https://rumble.com/vjgknn-what-are-chinas-plans-for-afghanistan.html Rumble — Host Carl Higbie joins us live to give us his take of not only our troops leaving Afghanistan but of China making a deal with the Afghan government, Which will lead to the construction of Highways and roads between the two countries.
  7. How much longer before that goes bankrupt? I mean this virus thing has been a great cover for the repo market crash. Robert Kiyosaki and Patrick Bet-David describe it best. https://www.facebook.com/100002080348271/videos/2924819330930716/ Then they scare the hell out of everyone with the variants (historically viruses attenuate as they mutate and eventually go away). It's fear. They are selling fear, all of them. They don't have any gold or Bitcoin to sell, rather they have worthless paper and everyone knows it. They cram it down everyone's throat at point of a gun. Take this dollar or else. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/great-big-delta-scariant
  8. All of this stuff is just communism plain and simple. https://www.ntd.com/china-in-focus-july-3-the-ccp-has-infiltrated-every-level-of-american-education-trevor-loudon_636960.html
  9. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166354220300528 DRASTIC Members: Ducky, Alina Chan and BillyBostic did all of the work. I just copy and pasted it. Kristian Anderson "some features (potentially) look engineered." Well, No $#@!. The furin cleavage site between S1 and S2 of the spike protein. Looks engineered Tony. PRRAR is from bacteria? SARS-CoV-2 is a bacteriophage? Here are the BLAST results of this part of the genetic make up of SARS-CoV-2 (Credit: Ducky). With 100% identity. And here I thought a motif was referring to some kind of literature or movie, lol. No, it's furin dummy. Maybe a "receptor binding motif?"
  10. Thank you for your candor. Life is about choices, and I can't afford a $40,000 truck, so I choose what's within my budget. I believe he may have some skewed opinions, but I got something out of it. Knowing the system is bankrupt did not surprise me at all. The fact that Life Insurance Companies were behind much of the unconstitutional acts of the government in the formation of the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking system, kind of took me by surprise. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, at least that's part of what I defended when I served.
  11. The government might not directly force a narrative, but the media will do it for them. The truth is, for 100 years this country has been betting on the side of death rather than life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You can thank the banks and the life insurance companies. "The price of life being less than the price of economic progress." In 1904, standing next to the president are executives from the life insurance companies, at the inauguration. Everything about our country is predicated around death. We have 30 year mortgages, 30 year bonds, and life insurance to cover our debt from overspending. This is a very interesting video about our country's founding and economic system. The one that's failing miserably.
  12. We will be losing our strategic position to the Taliban. I wonder what will be the blowback this time? Will China and Russia form alliances with the Taliban and other ethic/religious sects.
  13. Media propaganda. I know where it originates, but I don't know how to stop it. https://www.facebook.com/IvoryHecker/videos/327266095543237 https://www.businessinsider.com/risk-of-delta-variant-cdc-stopped-tracking-cases-vaccinated-2021-7 icanthearyou Propaganda is real, it's been renamed the narrative.
  14. I agree. But there are some people who cannot take the vaccine due to organ transplants among other reasons. Shedding the virus is still a concern in that vaccination does not prevent viral shedding. That's where masks can help those people. It's not always about me or you, it's about us all. https://degraw.substack.com/p/joe-rogan-and-dr-joseph-varon-ignite?fbclid=IwAR3vnIw6PlBE6dBtDr56w0Io2pN1y8yWRl2iVvjMQX45cLrwlqWffoN-tYk
  15. https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/Abstract/9000/Ivermectin_for_Prevention_and_Treatment_of.98040.aspx They would be prescribed off-label which doctors do all of the time. Dr. Tess Lawrie just released a study with meta-analysis that favors the use of Ivermectin (anti-parasitic normally prescribe for scabies and lice). I personally know people who were prescribed Azithromycin for coronavirus infection and they said it was a game-changer for them. Under a microscope, Ivermectin obliterates SARS-CoV-2 virions (according to videos I have watched with Dr. Pierre Kory speaking). The duration of dosages depends on the severity of the infection. Early treatment usually means less time having to take it. It has also been used to treat Long Covid. More ICU doctors are treating some stages of the disease with a combination of drugs, from anti-coagulants to corticosteroids. DO NOT buy Ivermectin that is meant for horses from the Farm or Tractor Supply Stores. If you want to take medication talk to a doctor, that's what they do.
  16. I hope and pray folks get vaccinated against Covid-19 (mitigation of severe disease as the endpoint) because the Delta Variant is more contagious. Some of the new symptoms remind me of hay fever, common cold or allergies. However, this is not a disease to be taken lightly. I'm just mad that ivermectin, azithromycin, doxycycline, and other treatments aren't approved for use in the United States in eradicating this virus from our midst (I believe corticosteroids and monoclonal antibodies are approved for use in treatment, but I think effective treatment should start early with ivermectin to obliterate viral replication I-MASK+ and MATH+). Remdesivir has shown to have little effect with the endpoint of severe disease, hospitalization, and death. I have links embedded here to help everyone understand what we are up against. It's not pretty. Just look at India. The medication that brought that under control was the use of Ivermectin as a standard of care for outpatient treatment, reduction in transmission, inpatient treatment, and prophylaxis. All, except one Indian state, used Ivermectin. That state's case rates skyrocketed while the others went down dramatically. It seems to me that the USA's position is get gene therapy or die, and that is just unacceptable. We should have effective treatments for those who cannot get vaccinated because of health reasons. That's where we have failed! https://dothaneagle.com/news/state-and-regional/auburn-professor-discusses-delta-variants-of-covid-19-outlines-what-to-expect-in-coming-months/article_5c0ea658-d9bb-11eb-b423-afd3dd719d01.html https://covid19criticalcare.com/
  17. Conspiracies are real and the government hides the truth to keep the real criminals out of the picture. https://www.projectveritas.com/news/breaking-fox-26-reporter-releases-tape-of-corruption-censorship-fox-corp/ One of the newest conspiracies is to keep information hidden from the general public that may sway opinions and prevent inquiry into the "official narrative". https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2020/trusted-news-initiative https://t.me/ivoryhecker/89 Project origin is what they are calling it. This is the truth and no lie. I've been searching for these @$$hole$ for over a year. If people have died due to their interference, then they will be included in the new Nuremberg trials to which Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is involved. They tried to silence Ivory Hecker, but her integrity kept her from towing the company line. Project Veritas is where she is posting most of her stuff, and she has a lot of stuff to share. She's also on telegram. https://www.yahoo.com/news/second-tv-news-reporter-lost-023227762.html https://trialsitenews.com/covid-19-censorship-trusted-news-initiative-to-decide-the-facts/ https://www.al.com/news/2021/06/tv-reporter-ivory-hecker-fired-after-accusing-station-of-muzzling-her-releases-recordings.html https://www.bbc.com/mediacentre/2020/trusted-news-initiative-vaccine-disinformation April Moss too. LOL!
  18. I trimmed my stash since then, lol. Found this little jewel today. https://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6261246767001
  19. If you check out @johnheretohelp twitter page, he has always been right. He implicates Pelosi and Major General William J. Walker as conspirators behind the January 6 insurrection. https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/06/exclusive-johnheretohelp-pelosi-high-ranking-general-exposed-in-jan-6-set-up-babbitt-murder/
  20. I really wonder what the actual efficacy is with Pfizer since I'm vaxxed with it. They call them breakthrough cases with respect to the positive tests whether asymptomatic or not. I just hope I don't catch it or experience ADE or pathogenic priming. The disease causes enough harm without having to worry about a vaxx that may or may not work. I just hope it works because they are saying it's 96% effective against the Delta variant. The video above is not Tucker, though I support Tucker's opinion over most of the other media outlets. I definitely trust Dr. Kory because we need more than a vaccine. I believe HHS (Biden admin) is spending $3.2 BILLION for the development and manufacturing of antivirals to combat Covid-19 (MERCK, I need to see the chemical formula for molnupiravir). The "there's no money" in Ivermectin has it's place in history books and has saved lives while Fauci is "sweating" the emails between he and ("looks engineered") Kristian. I'm just enjoying the show to be honest. Then there is Ralph "Trailblazer" Baric and his involvement. Oh, and let's not forget Peter Daszak's involvement either. Dr. Fuellmich is filing the lawsuits and criminal charges (Nuremberg 2.0). https://pdfs.journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/9000/Ivermectin_for_Prevention_and_Treatment_of.98040.pdf https://journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.1128/mBio.01013-15 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/bies.202000091
  21. This really tells it all. How many Americans lost their lives because of censorship and the demonization of effective treatments that didn't require your "lips turn blue" before admission to the hospital? I think Google, Zuckerberg, Twitter, Fauci and a whole host of others need to be held Libel for censoring scientific discussion and medicine. I'll get the bracelets. https://video.foxnews.com/v/video-embed.html?video_id=6259740044001
  22. I call your WHO scientist and raise you some sleuths from Twitter. I call: https://drasticresearch.org/
  23. The murders don't care about taxes. They care about control. And they do want a reduction in the population because they believe our current path is unsustainable. At least that's what they want us to believe. The Great Reset is concerning but I knew about this back in 2001, it was referred to as the UN Agenda 21. Alabama even passed a law shielding the people of Alabama against the agenda. The UN just renamed it Agenda 2030. The virus isn't acting like just another virus. Normally viruses weaken (attenuate) and go away, but not this one. It's engineered to do just the opposite. I'm not in Zoonotic group if you can't tell. I follow science unlike Fauci. Fauci is owned. The Delta variant is targeting diabetics. With over 40 million diabetics in this country it could get ugly real quick. It also seems to be affecting people who don't have diabetes to acquire it after Covid 19 infection. I have my other theories, but I'll keep them to myself. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/gangrene-hearing-loss-point-to-delta-variant-of-covid-19-being-more-severe-101623126133600.html Mucormycosis is a problem too. The virus is making things worse as it mutates. It is not weakening as would be the case if it was of natural origin. I'm also in the bioweapon group too. I thought that within a few months after the release of the virus.
  24. India tried that and it hasn't ended too well for them. Thankfully some of the health officials are going back to Ivermectin in combination with other meds to try and save lives. However, they have been met with resistance from higher ups. The whole thing is rigged against humanity. As far as Fauci goes, he's owned by Big Pharma. "Regulatory Capture" - Regulatory capture is an economic theory that says regulatory agencies may come to be dominated by the industries or interests they are charged with regulating. The result is that an agency, charged with acting in the public interest, instead acts in ways that benefit incumbent firms in the industry it is supposed to be regulating.
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