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something off my chest


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I would like to thank everyone on here for the great season we've been having. 

Earlier in the year, our team struggled a bit and there was a ton of negativity coming from this site.  I actually stopped coming to and posting on Auburn Eagle in the middle of September because of it.  I vouched to come back only if that bashing discontinued.

Well, I've obviously been back for a while so I guess we all know how that turned out.  Y'all are great brothers and sisters - let us continue to support this team whether we win, lose, or draw in these next three games.

Most importantly, it truly touches me to see the support our AU family has shown for Sir Cam Newton.  I 100% believe that CN is an Auburn man and that Auburn has already changed his life. 

It gave me chills to see that man play yesterday in my last home game as an AU student.

In conclusion, thank you all for making not only this website great, but for making Auburn great.

I believe in Auburn and love it.

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In fairness, most of the complaints turned out to be valid.  

Our D is (I think) 9th in SEC and teams have been putting up big numbers on us.  At times, teams have marched down the field almost at will on us.  In particular, I am still unhappy that we have not gotten more turnovers on the defensive side of the ball but I digress. Fortunately, the coaches have made adjustments throughout the games to counter but a few games (KY, Clemson) have come down the to wire and could have easily been an "L" in the win/loss column.  Nevertheless, our boys pulled it out.  

As a fan, I reserve the right to call it like I see it.  Having said that, I have never waivered in my support nor have I called for anyone's head but I have been unhappy at times.  We have continued to improve, which is the important point I think, but nobody knew how the season would turn out so getting upset is a natural reaction when you are as passionate about the team as most on here are.

War Eagle !!!

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The defense obviously has holes.  I mean, I don't see how Georgia managed to fail to push AJ Green to 200 yards.  No one is going to argue about that.  However, the problem with the beginning of the season was the immediate calls for Roof's firing or comments that went beyond saying the defense was bad.  People jumped across the line of criticism to bashing a bit too freely.

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many of the posters your referring to have been mia for about a month now and the others have just came to realize we are what were are...been but dont break (most the time) and limit the big play...thats just what we are this year

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The defense obviously has holes.  I mean, I don't see how Georgia managed to fail to push AJ Green to 200 yards.  No one is going to argue about that.  However, the problem with the beginning of the season was the immediate calls for Roof's firing or comments that went beyond saying the defense was bad.  People jumped across the line of criticism to bashing a bit too freely.

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