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Facebook recruiting


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Since it seems there is so much conversation going on about facebook recruiting/stalking, maybe this needs its own thread. Like ST has said, I've heard from a number of players that the facebook guys became very annoying. My question is, What are we going to do when one of these guys steer a recruit away from AU? When is it enough? I for one would be highly ticked. These kids just want to be kids and do things everyone else their age is doing. Why do people feel the need to intrude in a kids personal life for their own self gratification, especially when it might hurt the school you're a fan of to begin with?

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This is what ST said in another thread...

Look guys and gals, the Mods are only doing what I have asked them to do. There is a rhythm and reason behind it. I do not back any member facebook stalking recruits. It is absolutely over the line. They get enough with members of the media and they don't need any fans stalking or messaging them on facebook. If you know a lot of them like I do, they will tell you it bothers them. Just sayin'. I do not recommend asking recruits or players about things going on with the program. If you want to talk to players or recruits about things other than recruiting I am all for it.

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While some of the kids say it is annoying I also see some who appear to love it.  These kids have options when they open accounts to either make the pages private or open.  The kids also are the ones hitting the accept button so to a certain degree some are bringing it onto themselves.  I see some really buying into it by asking people to follow them on twitter or facebook.  While I dont agree to the stalking there is nothing wrong with reading open wall discussions.  I am friends with one of the top 2012 QB recruits in the country and you guys wouldnt believe how many times he has had to change his cell number over the past two years.  I know he gets messages daily in FB about go here or go there and some even tell him what he is doing wrong on the field.  Todays technology and social networking is just a little on the scary side.  I have a 11yr old daughter and it scares me to death to see everything that is out there.  I work for one of the largest wireless providers in the country and I can see every single text and picturemail that comes across the network so nothing really shocks me anymore. 

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While some of the kids say it is annoying I also see some who appear to love it.  These kids have options when they open accounts to either make the pages private or open.  The kids also are the ones hitting the accept button so to a certain degree some are bringing it onto themselves.  I see some really buying into it by asking people to follow them on twitter or facebook.  While I dont agree to the stalking there is nothing wrong with reading open wall discussions.  I am friends with one of the top 2012 QB recruits in the country and you guys wouldnt believe how many times he has had to change his cell number over the past two years.  I know he gets messages daily in FB about go here or go there and some even tell him what he is doing wrong on the field.  Todays technology and social networking is just a little on the scary side.  I have a 11yr old daughter and it scares me to death to see everything that is out there.  I work for one of the largest wireless providers in the country and I can see every single text and picturemail that comes across the network so nothing really shocks me anymore. 

They are kids and normal ones at that. I just have the fear that they might accept someone with a certain intent and it is taken advantage of after the fact. I have a facebook account but I'm not a member of aunoel and jth's site. It is one thing to read comments on their wall but it is entirely different to bombard them with questions about where they will go to college or sending them a friend request without having some kind of personal affiliation. I understand they could make it private and I don't have a problem with someone like yourself that is friends with a certain recruit. There is just a certain line that doesn't need to be crossed and guys that represent our school are doing it which bothers me.

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I agree we as adults need to be mindful of the recruits and refrain from commenting and stalking them. However, I also agree with the point of view that the recruits have the power to block anyone they wish and make their page private. I understand they are teenagers, but they still are old enough to take responsibility of a social page they create and accept friend invitations. My point it is a combination of fans letting the young men do their thing and not messaging, and the players/student taking responsibility for policing their page. I know I do for my page and can block, decline all day long. I am just looking forward to the next signing class of Gene Chizik and company. WDE!!!!!

Go Tigers Blast the Ducks!!!!!

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most of the people who "facebook recruit" aren't people who report info. They are fans who think that will help. Just bc someone is friends with a recruit on facebook doesnt mean that they "facebook recruit". Sure, some people add recruits as friends to try to persuade them, or bc they think it is cool, however others do it bc they hasve an actual relationship with the recruits.

AuNoel's site, that i post on rarely, is a very good site. All he does is report what he knows to people on facebook, who aren't a member of any message board or recruiting website. He just wants to inform people who don't know about these kind of sites.

I agree that these kids need their space and shouldn't be pestered by your average fan, but there are people who post info and also have a real relationship with the player.

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most of the people who "facebook recruit" aren't people who report info. They are fans who think that will help. Just bc someone is friends with a recruit on facebook doesnt mean that they "facebook recruit". Sure, some people add recruits as friends to try to persuade them, or bc they think it is cool, however others do it bc they hasve an actual relationship with the recruits.

AuNoel's site, that i post on rarely, is a very good site. All he does is report what he knows to people on facebook, who aren't a member of any message board or recruiting website. He just wants to inform people who don't know about these kind of sites. I agree that these kids need their space and shouldn't be pestered by your average fan, but there are people who post info and also have a real relationship with the player.

Here's a thought ... why not refer them to this FREE site?

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most of the people who "facebook recruit" aren't people who report info. They are fans who think that will help. Just bc someone is friends with a recruit on facebook doesnt mean that they "facebook recruit". Sure, some people add recruits as friends to try to persuade them, or bc they think it is cool, however others do it bc they hasve an actual relationship with the recruits.

AuNoel's site, that i post on rarely, is a very good site. All he does is report what he knows to people on facebook, who aren't a member of any message board or recruiting website. He just wants to inform people who don't know about these kind of sites.

I agree that these kids need their space and shouldn't be pestered by your average fan, but there are people who post info and also have a real relationship with the player.

Well I can shoot this down because I KNOW several recruits that have TOLD me that he sends them messages on Facebook about recruiting. I also KNOW that he has sent several messages to current players and recruits to post "WAR EAGLE" or such on his recruiting page. End of story. I didn't want to post this but you taking up for what he does isn't helping his or your cause.

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most of the people who "facebook recruit" aren't people who report info. They are fans who think that will help. Just bc someone is friends with a recruit on facebook doesnt mean that they "facebook recruit". Sure, some people add recruits as friends to try to persuade them, or bc they think it is cool, however others do it bc they hasve an actual relationship with the recruits.

AuNoel's site, that i post on rarely, is a very good site. All he does is report what he knows to people on facebook, who aren't a member of any message board or recruiting website. He just wants to inform people who don't know about these kind of sites.

I agree that these kids need their space and shouldn't be pestered by your average fan, but there are people who post info and also have a real relationship with the player.

Well I can shoot this down because I KNOW several recruits that have TOLD me that he sends them messages on Facebook about recruiting. I also KNOW that he has sent several messages to current players and recruits to post "WAR EAGLE" or such on his recruiting page. End of story. I didn't want to post this but you taking up for what he does isn't helping his or your cause.

Furthermore, we've told you and him on MULTIPLE occasions that if you could tell us who your "sources" are or at LEAST prove to us that you really do have them, then you would have our complete support/backing! You haven't done that, so you DON'T! The difference is that I KNOW who ST's sources are (players/recruits/parents/coaches/etc...)! I've talked to them MYSELF and seen them at the AE tailgate on occasions! And he knows who mine are! And we both know who the other Mods/VIP's/members we trust's sources are, b/c they've told us! You haven't! And so far everything you've said has gone HAND IN HAND with the same things that are being posted on Rivals! Thus the assumption on our part that your "sources" are simply premium sites/message boards like Rivals! You've CLAIMED to have met with recruits and their parents! Well, where? When? Who? Sorry, but to have the backing of this site, we gotta have more than just your word!

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most of the people who "facebook recruit" aren't people who report info. They are fans who think that will help. Just bc someone is friends with a recruit on facebook doesnt mean that they "facebook recruit". Sure, some people add recruits as friends to try to persuade them, or bc they think it is cool, however others do it bc they hasve an actual relationship with the recruits.

AuNoel's site, that i post on rarely, is a very good site. All he does is report what he knows to people on facebook, who aren't a member of any message board or recruiting website. He just wants to inform people who don't know about these kind of sites.

I agree that these kids need their space and shouldn't be pestered by your average fan, but there are people who post info and also have a real relationship with the player.

I just want to make this very clear. This isn't a thread meant to question sources or the credibility of someone posting on a website. Don't take this as a personal attack on you or Noel because it's not. Lets forget about all that because it is of no importance really. What this thread is about, is what is in the best interest of the Auburn football program and the kids they're recruiting. You can't tell me that Noel runs that site to "inform the masses". It is for self gratification. If he was interested in informing other AU fans, then all he would have to do is direct them here. Where, btw, he gets A LOT of his info from on recruits. Those kids shouldn't be pestered by ANY AU fan, whether he be average or not. Answer this for me. How does someone that runs a site like that, have a REAL relationship with recruits that isn't already established personally with a kid or a part of the AU staff itself? I understand that there might be a few on that site that are ACTUAL friends with a recruit or two but for the others, just because you are accepted as a facebook friend doesn't mean you have a REAL friendship. Just the simple fact that you would believe what a recruit says on facebook and report it as fact is totally laughable to me. Do you really think they think of you as a real friend or worry about it being legit or not? How do you know that facebook recruiters/stalkers are not only not helping AU but hurting? How do we know whether or not Kris Frost was possibly turned away from AU, from all the constant questioning or pressure to post or say something he didn't feel like. Just a hypothetical scenario, but what about if Noel sends a message to Mason telling him we have Huggins in the bag, to join him and it makes Mason upset, when that isn't the case at all. There are so many things wrong about someone talking to these kids in general, especially about AU recruiting, other than our AU staff and diferent media personnel. Not only is it crossing lines you should never cross but could lead to hurting AU at the same time.  

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Excuse my naivete....but....

aren't we all on the same side? I mean....

don't we all want the same things?

War Damn Eagle, people....

We just got done with Xmas.....and like it...or not-

our next "xmas"...is NSD...and we'll all just have to enjoy speculating till then and understand...

we'll have a great day opening our presents, and welcoming new folks to the family.

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We are all on the same side. I said in the OP that we all are fans of AU. The question is, when the first recruit is turned away from AU because of some recruiters/stalkers, it will be one too many. Ask Dee Hart about it. Hell, ask Jeremy Hill what he thinks of certain message boards and facebook sites. Some of these kids pay a lot of attention to certain sites and are influenced by them and what people say.

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Excuse my naivete....but....

aren't we all on the same side? I mean....

don't we all want the same things?

War Damn Eagle, people....

We just got done with Xmas.....and like it...or not-

our next "xmas"...is NSD...and we'll all just have to enjoy speculating till then and understand...

we'll have a great day opening our presents, and welcoming new folks to the family.

First of all ... it's CHRISTmas

and second,  there is a HUGE difference in "speculating"  and injecting yourself into the process.

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I know for a FACT that a current Mod has talked to recruits thru facebook and reported on here the info they receieved

Me too because I have but I know them. I don't talk to ones I don't know. The only way I talk to them on Facebook is if I have spoken with them before hand.

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taking everything you read on here with a HUGE grain of salt unless you read it from ST, the Mayor, or Jonesy.  I realize a couple of the Mods like DJ and Jackson-Sullivan are fed info by ST and they can also be considered as credible as well.  Other than the poster IDs mentioned (including the other mods) you need to take any info with a huge grain of salt.  That is not to say some a poster like aunoel never has good info.  Sometimes posters like aunoel do; however, just take it with a huge grain of salt.


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im beginning to hate when people say grain of salt

OK, what phrase would you prefer and I will edit my post.


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